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Game on October 1, 2016 at 18:08, 6 players
1. 619 pts musdrive
2. 534 pts shanice
3. 461 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ortuwy   H7    30    30   towery
 2. aeeggln  12C    22    52   gangly
 3. abeehos  11H    76   128   rheobase
 4. ?emnoor   L7    74   202   trombone
 5. aaeintu   O9    24   226   taeniae
 6. acfitty   N8    33   259   fays
 7. aaadetu  10G    20   279   tead
 8. dehilor   8B    63   342   heliodor
 9. bcdiilo   C2    28   370   biocide
10. adenrtw   D1    36   406   wend
11. aiklttx  M11    37   443   axal
12. aeinstt   M1    68   511   instate
13. ejnpssu  15H    58   569   jupes
14. loprtuv   1L    33   602   virl
15. egimnru   1D    30   632   winger
16. aceeips   4G    80   712   speciate
17. kmooquv   6B    31   743   qi
18. eimoouz   B1    50   793   moz
19. efikoru  11B    34   827   kufi
20. eiortuv   5E    24   851   voter

Remaining tiles: iuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7558 Filemusdrive    6 14:48  -232  619     1.7558 musdrive    6 14:48  -232  619 
  2.6793 Fileshanice     3 25:21  -317  534     2.7681 SQUAW1      8 13:02  -390  461 
  3.7681 FileSQUAW1      8 13:02  -390  461     3.7520 PIThompson  0  3:42  -692  159 
  4.7520 FilePIThompson  0  3:42  -692  159     4.7101 sicilianc5  0  2:30  -784   67 
  5.7101 Filesicilianc5  0  2:30  -784   67     5.7705 queen66     0  0:55  -811   40 
  6.7705 Filequeen66     0  0:55  -811   40            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6793 shanice     3 25:21  -317  534 

On 1st draw, TOW(E)RY H7 30 --- TOWERY very tall [adj]
Other tops: WORT(H)Y H4 30, WORT(H)Y H7 30
Other moves: ROW(D)Y H8 28, TOW(N)Y H8 28, TOW(S)Y H8 28, TOW(Z)Y H8 28, WOR(D)Y H4 28
WORT(H)Y H4 30 shanice
WORT(H)Y H7 30 musdrive

On 2nd draw, GANGLY 12C 22 --- GANGLY awkwardly tall and lanky [adj]
Other moves: ANELE I7 21, LEGGY 12D 20, LYNAGE 12G 20, NAGGY 12D 20, AGENE I5 19
NAGGY 12D 20 musdrive
GANE G8 18 shanice

On 3rd draw, RHEOBASE 11H 76 --- RHEOBASE the smallest amount of electricity required to stimulate a nerve [n]
Other moves: BEEGAHS C9 32, BHAGEES C9 32, BEEGAH C9 30, BHAGEE C9 30, BOH 13B 27
BOH 13B 27 musdrive, PIThompson, shanice, sicilianc5

On 4th draw, (T)ROMBONE L7 74 --- TROMBONE a brass wind instrument [n]
Other tops: MON(T)ERO I3 74
Other moves: MEROGON(Y) C8 72, MONOGER(M) C8 72, (D)OORSMEN N7 72, (M)ONOGERM C8 72, (H)ORMONE I3 71
MOONER 10J 40 PIThompson, musdrive, sicilianc5, shanice, queen66

On 5th draw, TAENIAE O9 24 --- TAENIA a headband worn in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: TAENIAE O5 21, TENIAE O10 21, UNAI 13C 21, ATUA 11C 20, TUINA 13A 20
AUNTIE O6 18 musdrive
UNTIE O7 15 shanice

On 6th draw, FAYS N8 33 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: CAYS N8 32, CITY 13B 31, FY N14 31, TAYS N8 30, ACETIFY J9 29
CITY 13B 31 musdrive

On 7th draw, T(E)AD 10G 20 --- TEAD a torch [n]
Other tops: ATUA 11C 20, T(E)ED 10G 20
Other moves: DATA 11B 19, DATE 11B 19, DATA G6 18, DAUT 13A 18, DAE N13 17
DATE 11B 19 musdrive, shanice, SQUAW1

On 8th draw, HELIODOR 8B 63 --- HELIODOR an African beryl [n]
Other moves: OARED M10 30, RHODIE M3 30, WHO 9H 30, AHOLD M11 29, AHED M11 28
WHO 9H 30 musdrive, SQUAW1
DOH 13B 25 shanice

On 9th draw, BIOCIDE C2 28 --- BIOCIDE a substance destructive to living organisms [n]
Other tops: BODICE C3 28
Other moves: DOCIBLE C2 26, COB 13B 24, CLOD 13A 23, BLIND 13I 22, BLOND 13I 22
CLOD 13A 23 musdrive
COB 7A 22 shanice

On 10th draw, WEND D1 36 --- WEND to proceed along [v]
Other tops: WAND D1 36
Other moves: WADE D1 35, WANE D1 32, WATE D1 32, AWARD M11 29, WADT B1 29
WAND D1 36 SQUAW1, musdrive, shanice

On 11th draw, AXAL M11 37 --- AXAL pertaining to an axis [adj]
Other moves: TIX 13B 35, AX M13 31, ALEXIA 14J 30, AXIL 13A 30, TAKI 11B 29
TIX 13B 35 musdrive, PIThompson
KA N14 26 shanice

On 12th draw, INSTATE M1 68 --- INSTATE to install in office [v]
Other moves: INSTATE K1 65, INSTATED G1 64, ETTINS 15G 34, TAINTS 15G 34, TATIES 15G 34
TAINTS 15G 34 musdrive
TENTS 15H 31 shanice

On 13th draw, JUPES 15H 58 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: JINS 1L 57, JESUS 15H 52, JUS J6 39, JUPE 11B 37, PUSES 15H 37
JUPES 15H 58 SQUAW1, musdrive
JINS 1L 57 PIThompson, shanice

On 14th draw, VIRL 1L 33 --- VIRL a metal ring or cap put around a shaft to prevent splitting [n]
Other tops: VIOL 1L 33
Other moves: VOLT B1 31, OPT B2 29, POLT B1 29, PORT B1 29, PIRL 1L 27
VIRL 1L 33 shanice
PORT B1 29 musdrive

On 15th draw, WINGER 1D 30 --- WINGER a certain player in soccer [n]
Other tops: UMBERING 2A 30
Other moves: GRIME 13A 28, GRUME 13A 28, GRUME 11A 27, WINGE 1D 27, WRING 1D 27
WINGER 1D 30 SQUAW1, musdrive
MIG 13B 21 shanice

On 16th draw, SPECIATE 4G 80 --- SPECIATE to undergo a type of evolutionary process [v]
Other moves: APICES J3 29, PEACES J3 29, PIECES J3 29, SCAPE 11A 29, SCAPI 11A 29
PIECES J3 29 musdrive
CAPES J4 28 shanice

On 17th draw, QI 6B 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIM K2 30, OVUM 13A 28, VUM 13B 26, QUOD 4A 24, KOTO 7F 23
QI 6B 31 SQUAW1, musdrive
QUIM K2 30 shanice

On 18th draw, MOZ B1 50 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other moves: OUZO 11B 44, ZOOM 13A 40, ZO 11D 37, COZE J4 35, ZOOM F6 35
MOZ B1 50 musdrive
ZOOM 13A 40 shanice, SQUAW1

On 19th draw, KUFI 11B 34 --- KUFI a cap worn by Muslim men [n]
Other moves: FEAR 5K 28, FIAR 5K 28, FRAE 5K 28, KIORE 13A 28, FEOD 4A 27
UKE 11C 27 musdrive, SQUAW1
OF 3H 22 shanice

On 20th draw, VOTER 5E 24 --- VOTER one that votes [n]
Other tops: ER A1 24, OR A1 24, UR A1 24
Other moves: VIRTUE K3 22, ROOD 4A 21, VECTOR J2 21, VICTOR J2 21, OUTER 2F 20
VIRTUE K3 22 musdrive
VIRE K3 14 shanice

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