Game on October 3, 2016 at 17:39, 7 players
1. 668 pts OrangeCup
2. 641 pts musdrive
3. 193 pts PIThompson
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 9F 25 49
3. K3 72 121
4. 8K 36 157
5. 8A 38 195
6. B7 82 277
7. M7 34 311
8. C3 26 337
9. 14J 40 377
10. 15D 96 473
11. D1 36 509
12. O10 81 590
13. E3 65 655
14. 14E 52 707
15. 1D 30 737
16. L1 44 781
17. 1L 33 814
18. D11 25 839
19. M3 25 864
20. 12H 26 890
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8522 OrangeCup 9 18:00 -222 668 1.8522 OrangeCup 9 18:00 -222 668
2.7536 musdrive 5 13:32 -249 641 Group: advanced
3.7489 PIThompson 2 5:37 -697 193 1.7536 musdrive 5 13:32 -249 641
4.6786 shanice 3 2:47 -780 110 2.7489 PIThompson 2 5:37 -697 193
5.7446 sicilianc5 1 1:10 -857 33 3.7446 sicilianc5 1 1:10 -857 33
6.7358 queen66 1 1:26 -857 33 4.7358 queen66 1 1:26 -857 33
7.7559 Mycophot 1 1:42 -857 33 5.7559 Mycophot 1 1:42 -857 33
Group: intermediate
1.6786 shanice 3 2:47 -780 110
On 1st draw, WAITE H4 24 --- WAITE to be on guard [v]
Other tops: WITAN H4 24
Other moves: INWIT H4 18, INWIT H8 18, TAWIE H4 18, TAWIE H8 18, TWAIN H4 18
WAITE H4 24 OrangeCup, PIThompson
WAITE H5 16 musdrive
On 2nd draw, ABDUCE 9F 25 --- ABDUCE to abduct [v]
Other moves: ABDUCE 5H 22, DAUBE G5 22, ABDUCE G7 21, CUBED 9D 21, CUBED I1 21
CUBED 9D 21 OrangeCup
ABED G5 20 musdrive
On 3rd draw, SO(L)VATED K3 72 --- SOLVATE to convert into a type of ion [v]
Other moves: STAV(E)D 8A 42, STOV(E)D 8A 42, AV(I)DEST K5 40, DOV(I)EST K5 40, AVO(I)D 8K 38
STAV(E)D L4 31 musdrive
DOV(E)S 8K 30 OrangeCup
On 4th draw, THERE 8K 36 --- THERE that place [n]
Other tops: THETE 8K 36, THREE 8K 36, THROE 8K 36
Other moves: ETHE 10D 32, RHO 10E 31, THE 10E 31, THO 10E 31, HE 10F 30
THERE 8K 36 musdrive, OrangeCup
THREE 8K 36 PIThompson
On 5th draw, THORPE 8A 38 --- THORPE a small village [n]
Other moves: POTHERB G3 35, TOPHE 10C 35, PHO 10E 33, RHO 10E 31, THE 10E 31
TROTH 10B 31 musdrive, OrangeCup
On 6th draw, THEODI(C)Y B7 82 --- THEODICY a defense of God's goodness in respect to the existence of evil [n]
Other moves: HO(L)YTIDE B8 78, THY(R)EOID B7 78, E(L)YTROID D4 72, IODYR(I)TE D4 72, T(H)YREOID D5 72
OYE 7B 26 musdrive
DOY L2 26 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, KEITLOA M7 34 --- KEITLOA the rhinoceros [n]
Other moves: KATI L1 32, OATLIKE M2 32, TALAK A8 32, KIAAT 12A 28, OAK A10 28
KATI L1 32 OrangeCup
TAK A10 28 musdrive
On 8th draw, LARDOON C3 26 --- LARDOON a strip of bacon [n]
Other moves: ANDRO L11 23, ALOD L1 20, DARN L12 20, DARNS 3G 20, LAND L12 20
DARN L12 20 OrangeCup, musdrive
On 9th draw, BONSAI 14J 40 --- BONSAI the art of growing dwarf trees in pots [n]
Other moves: ABORNE N5 28, BIRSE N6 27, BORNA N6 27, BORNE N6 27, ANISE 14J 26
NABE D2 24 OrangeCup
SNOB D1 24 musdrive
On 10th draw, SNIFFLE 15D 96 --- SNIFFLE to sniff repeatedly [v]
Other moves: SIFFLE 15E 40, FIEF 15H 39, FIFES 15G 39, FIFE 15G 34, FEIS O12 33
FEIS O12 33 OrangeCup
IF 15N 32 musdrive
On 11th draw, CRAME D1 36 --- CRAME a booth for selling goods [n]
Other tops: CRIME D1 36, CROME D1 36
Other moves: AMIE 14E 34, CAMEO D2 33, CRIM O12 33, CRAM D1 32, CRIM D1 32
CRIME D1 36 OrangeCup
AMIE 14E 34 musdrive
On 12th draw, MAQUIS O10 81 --- MAQUIS a thick underbrush [n]
Other moves: QUIM O12 75, MARQUEES O2 70, MARQUEES O3 70, CASQUE 1D 51, QUAIR O11 45
MAQUIS O10 81 OrangeCup
QUIM O12 75 musdrive, PIThompson
On 13th draw, WIZ E3 65 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: EXO 14E 58, ZEX A10 58, XI 14F 55, EX 14E 52, OX 14E 52
ZEX A10 58 OrangeCup, PIThompson
EXO 14E 58 musdrive
On 14th draw, OX 14E 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: POX A10 44, POX L2 44, NOX A10 40, NOX L2 40, CROUPY 1D 39
OX 14E 52 OrangeCup, musdrive, shanice
On 15th draw, CANTY 1D 30 --- CANTY cheerful [adj]
Other tops: VASTY 3I 30
Other moves: EYEN L11 28, EYNE F1 28, TYNE F1 28, VINY 12A 28, YATE L1 28
CANTY 1D 30 OrangeCup
YEN L12 24 musdrive
On 16th draw, JEON L1 44 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other tops: JIVE 12A 44, JOIN L1 44
Other moves: JOINS D11 34, JINS D12 32, JOR N6 32, JIN J2 30, REJOIN D8 29
JOIN L1 44 OrangeCup
JIVE 12A 44 musdrive
On 17th draw, JEER 1L 33 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other moves: REGREENS D8 31, RENIGS D10 25, GREENS D10 24, GREINS D10 24, REIGNS D10 24
JEER 1L 33 musdrive, OrangeCup, shanice, sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot
On 18th draw, GLUGS D11 25 --- GLUG to make a gurgling sound [v]
Other tops: GINGS D11 25, GRIGS D11 25, RIGGS D11 25, RUINGS D10 25, UNRIGS D10 25
Other moves: GIGS D12 23, IGGS D12 23, LINGS D11 23, LUNGS D11 23, RINGS D11 23
GIG A10 18 OrangeCup
ERG M1 18 musdrive
On 19th draw, PEG M3 25 --- PEG to fasten with a peg (a wooden pin) [v]
Other moves: PENI L12 24, PEN M3 23, GIP A10 22, PE M3 21, GENU L12 20
PEG M3 25 musdrive, shanice, OrangeCup
On 20th draw, VIRINO 12H 26 --- VIRINO a hypothetical organism [n]
Other moves: VOR K13 20, NOR K13 17, OR K14 16, SNIFFLER 15D 16, GUV 11D 14
VINO 12J 14 OrangeCup, musdrive
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