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Game on October 4, 2016 at 19:50, 8 players
1. 840 pts OrangeCup
2. 664 pts musdrive
3. 528 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addeilt   H4    72    72   dilated
 2. ?einrwy   G8    80   152   swinery
 3. eeglors   7H    61   213   aerogels
 4. aeopsux  12C    46   259   auspex
 5. defgino   F9    34   293   of
 6. ?cnooqz   O7    78   371   schnoz
 7. abdioqs  13B    30   401   qis
 8. adgilnt   M6    72   473   delating
 9. aaeglnt   5E    86   559   alginate
10. aefkmno   4L    42   601   fank
11. abeiirv  14A    42   643   vire
12. bceehit  12J    40   683   chintz
13. aiiostw   O1    27   710   sitka
14. abdenry   4A    33   743   beady
15. eejoort   3C    47   790   jor
16. ehimptu   1H   107   897   tumphies
17. eimooru   A4    33   930   boomier
18. aenoruw   B6    36   966   wane
19. beeoouv  F12    29   995   pube

Remaining tiles: eooruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8472 FileOrangeCup  11 11:35  -155  840     1.8472 OrangeCup  11 11:35  -155  840 
  2.7542 Filemusdrive    5 13:11  -331  664            Group: advanced
  3.6842 Fileshanice     5 18:52  -467  528     1.7542 musdrive    5 13:11  -331  664 
  4.7823 FileSQUAW1      6 11:42  -522  473     2.7823 SQUAW1      6 11:42  -522  473 
  5.4343 Filemordeckhi   0 19:19  -655  340     3.7428 PIThompson  2  4:31  -901   94 
  6.7428 FilePIThompson  2  4:31  -901   94     4.7586 Mycophot    0  1:16  -953   42 
  7.7586 FileMycophot    0  1:16  -953   42     5.7447 queen66     0  1:36  -953   42 
  8.7447 Filequeen66     0  1:36  -953   42            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6842 shanice     5 18:52  -467  528 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4343 mordeckhi   0 19:19  -655  340 

On 1st draw, DILATED H4 72 --- DILATE to make wider or larger [v]
Other tops: DILATED H6 72
Other moves: DILATED H2 70, DILATED H3 70, DILATED H7 70, DILATED H8 70, DILATED H5 68
DILATED H4 72 OrangeCup
DILATED H4 22 musdrive, PIThompson
DETAIL H4 18 shanice
ADDLE H7 14 mordeckhi

On 2nd draw, (S)WINERY G8 80 --- SWINERY a place where pigs are kept [n]
Other moves: WIN(T)ERY G9 79, Y(A)WNIER G9 78, WIN(T)ERLY 6B 73, WINTER(L)Y 8E 67, WEARYIN(G) 7F 65
(S)WINERY G8 80 OrangeCup
YEW G7 37 musdrive
Y(A)W G7 35 shanice
DRY 4H 7 mordeckhi

On 3rd draw, AEROGELS 7H 61 --- AEROGEL a highly porous solid [n]
Other moves: GLOIRES 5E 32, EGER F9 28, OGEE F9 28, EGO F9 25, LEER H12 25
REEL H12 25 OrangeCup
LEES H12 25 musdrive
GEO F10 21 shanice
SLIDER 10E 11 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, AUSPEX 12C 46 --- AUSPEX a soothsayer of ancient Rome [n]
Other tops: EXPOSE 12G 46
Other moves: AUSPEX O5 45, EXPOSAL N1 36, SAXES O7 36, EPOXY 14C 33, OXIDASE 10E 33
SAXES O7 36 OrangeCup, musdrive
SEX O7 30 mordeckhi
SOX O7 30 shanice

On 5th draw, OF F9 34 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: EF F9 34, GIPON F10 34
Other moves: DINGOES O1 33, FOP F10 33, FIDGE 11A 30, SIGNED O7 30, SINGED O7 30
FOP F10 33 musdrive, OrangeCup, SQUAW1, shanice
SONDE O7 18 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, SC(H)NOZ O7 78 --- SCHNOZ the nose [n]
Other moves: (S)NOOZY 14B 74, ZOCA(L)O C9 52, SC(A)ZON O7 51, ZONA(E) C9 46, ZONA(L) C9 46
(S)NOOZY 14B 74 SQUAW1, musdrive
SNOOZ(E) O7 42 OrangeCup, queen66
SNOOZ(Y) O7 42 Mycophot
ZOO K5 24 mordeckhi
ZOOS O4 23 shanice

On 7th draw, QIS 13B 30 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QADIS 5E 30, QADIS C11 30, QAIDS C11 30
Other moves: QADI 5E 28, QADI C11 28, QAID C11 28, QIS 13A 28, QASIDA C7 27
QIS 13B 30 musdrive, SQUAW1, shanice
QADIS 5E 30 OrangeCup, PIThompson
QUADS D11 16 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, DELATING M6 72 --- DELATE to accuse [v]
Other moves: DILATING 5C 70, DILATING 5G 70, DARTLING J5 64, DIGITAL 5E 36, GID 14A 36
DELATING M6 72 OrangeCup
GID 14A 36 SQUAW1, shanice, musdrive
AID 14A 34 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, ALGINATE 5E 86 --- ALGINATE a salt of alginic acid [n]
Other moves: AGENTIAL 5C 68, ARGENTAL J6 63, GALAGE L7 32, GENITAL 5E 32, GALAGE L3 24
ALGINATE 5E 86 OrangeCup
QAT B13 24 musdrive, SQUAW1, mordeckhi

On 10th draw, FANK 4L 42 --- FANK a coil [n]
Other moves: POKE F12 41, FAKE L9 39, KENAF 4A 39, KAF 4J 38, KEF 4J 38
FANK 4L 42 OrangeCup, shanice, SQUAW1
POKE F12 41 musdrive
MANE L2 12 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, VIRE 14A 42 --- VIRE to transfer funds [v]
Other tops: VIAE 14A 42
Other moves: VIA 14A 37, IRE 14B 34, BRAKE O1 33, AIR 14A 31, RIA 14A 31
VIRE 14A 42 shanice, OrangeCup, SQUAW1, PIThompson
BARK O1 30 mordeckhi, musdrive

On 12th draw, CHINTZ 12J 40 --- CHINTZ a cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: BECKE O1 39, CHIK O1 39, HECK O1 39, HICK O1 39, BECK O1 36
HECK O1 39 OrangeCup, musdrive
HICK O1 39 shanice
RITE 13G 14 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, SITKA O1 27 --- SITKA as in sitka spruce, a tall North American spruce tree. No -S [adj]
Other tops: ATOKS O1 27
Other moves: WAIST 4A 26, OSTIA N10 25, ATOK O1 24, SOAK O1 24, TASK O1 24
WAIST 4A 26 musdrive, OrangeCup

On 14th draw, BEADY 4A 33 --- BEADY resembling beads [adj]
Other tops: BANDY 4A 33, BARDY 4A 33, BENDY 4A 33
Other moves: BARNY 4A 31, BAYED 4A 31, BEANY 4A 31, BERAY 4A 31, DERBY 4A 31
BANDY 4A 33 musdrive, OrangeCup
DENY N2 29 shanice
DRY 15D 16 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, JOR 3C 47 --- JOR a part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other moves: JET 3M 40, JOT 3M 40, JO 3C 39, EJECTOR J9 34, JEER 6B 33
JOR 3C 47 OrangeCup, musdrive
JET 3M 40 shanice
JAR C3 20 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, TUMPHIES 1H 107 --- TUMPHY a blockhead [n]
Other moves: HUMPTIES 1H 98, BETHUMP A4 48, BUMPH A4 42, PUMP F12 31, HENT N2 28
BUMPH A4 42 musdrive, OrangeCup
HET 3M 24 shanice
JAM C3 12 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, BOOMIER A4 33 --- BOOMY prospering [adj]
Other moves: MOE 2J 32, MOI 2J 32, MOO 2J 32, BOOMER A4 30, POME F12 29
BOOMIER A4 33 musdrive, OrangeCup, shanice, SQUAW1
BROOM A4 27 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, WANE B6 36 --- WANE to decrease in size or extent [v]
Other tops: WENA B6 36
Other moves: WAN B6 33, WEN B6 33, WON B6 33, WE B6 30, WO B6 30
WANE B6 36 OrangeCup, musdrive, SQUAW1, shanice
OWN 6A 14 mordeckhi

On 19th draw, PUBE F12 29 --- PUBE a pubic hair [n]
Other moves: BEHOVE K10 28, PUB F12 28, ERUV 13F 24, OBI 11K 24, BE F14 23
OBI 11K 24 OrangeCup
BET 3M 20 musdrive
COVE J12 17 shanice, mordeckhi

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