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Game on October 4, 2016 at 20:36, 10 players
1. 753 pts OrangeCup
2. 572 pts musdrive
3. 192 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eeikos   H2    80    80   eikones
 2. aeeilrw   4E    80   160   weaklier
 3. ?aaacgn   2A    74   234   agacante
 4. bdemorv   5B    35   269   moved
 5. filorst   8A    86   355   florists
 6. aeeilor   A1    30   385   raile
 7. dginpru   C7    28   413   pouring
 8. aeftuyy  D12    35   448   yuft
 9. abcdeio  15A    27   475   baited
10. bdenoqv  E11    27   502   dev
11. agistuw   3J    25   527   swag
12. aaeenot   5J    26   553   teen
13. adhnstu   6F    39   592   hands
14. beiopty   N1    37   629   piety
15. aaeimno   1L    33   662   mope
16. ahlnnoo  14A    24   686   oh
17. abijnrt  F10    28   714   ja
18. lnoortz   C1    28   742   razoo
19. bnooqtu  G10    20   762   obo
20. ailqrtx  12G    42   804   oxtail
21. cinqrtu  J10    37   841   quaint

Remaining tiles: cnnru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8476 FileOrangeCup  10 14:46   -88  753     1.8476 OrangeCup  10 14:46   -88  753 
  2.7545 Filemusdrive    8 15:51  -269  572            Group: advanced
  3.6864 Fileshanice     0 11:01  -649  192     1.7545 musdrive    8 15:51  -269  572 
  4.7428 FilePIThompson  0  2:15  -786   55     2.7428 PIThompson  0  2:15  -786   55 
  5.6913 Fileiwhist      1  0:24  -797   44     3.7300 GLOBEMAN    0  0:54  -805   36 
  6.7300 FileGLOBEMAN    0  0:54  -805   36     4.7446 sicilianc5  0  1:30  -811   30 
  7.4340 Filemordeckhi   0  1:27  -805   36     5.7447 queen66     0  1:36  -819   22 
  8.7446 Filesicilianc5  0  1:30  -811   30     6.7518 Mycophot    0  1:59  -819   22 
  9.7447 Filequeen66     0  1:36  -819   22            Group: intermediate
 10.7518 FileMycophot    0  1:59  -819   22     1.6864 shanice     0 11:01  -649  192 
                                             2.6913 iwhist      1  0:24  -797   44 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4340 mordeckhi   0  1:27  -805   36 

On 1st draw, EIKO(N)ES H2 80 --- EIKON an icon [n]
Other moves: EIKO(N)ES H3 72, EIKO(N)ES H4 72, EIKO(N)ES H6 72, EIKO(N)ES H7 72, EIKO(N)ES H5 70
EIKO(N)ES H2 80 OrangeCup
EIKO(N)ES H2 30 PIThompson, sicilianc5
KE(T)OSE H4 28 musdrive
KEE(P)S H4 26 shanice

On 2nd draw, WEAKLIER 4E 80 --- WEAKLY weak and sickly [adj]
Other moves: WARLIKE 4C 28, LAWER G5 27, KEWLER 4H 26, REWAKE 4D 26, AWEEL G6 25
WEAKLIER 4E 80 OrangeCup
WEAKLIER 4E 30 musdrive
WAILER G7 25 shanice

On 3rd draw, AGACAN(T)E 2A 74 --- AGACANTE provoking (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: AGACAN(T) G8 64, C(H)ARANGA L1 64, AGACAN(T)E 7A 61, AR(M)AGNAC L3 61, CARAGAN(A) L2 61
AGACAN(T) G8 64 OrangeCup
CAW(I)NG E2 22 musdrive, queen66, Mycophot
CAG(E) 5B 20 shanice

On 4th draw, MOVED 5B 35 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other tops: BORMED 5A 35, OVERDO 5C 35
Other moves: BARM A1 33, BEVOR 5B 32, MOVER 5B 32, VOMER 5B 32, ROVED 5B 31
MOVED 5B 35 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 5th draw, FLORISTS 8A 86 --- FLORIST a grower or seller of flowers [n]
Other moves: FIRLOTS G7 77, FIRLOTS I7 77, TREFOILS K2 72, FLORIEST 7C 67, TREFOILS 7F 67
TREFOILS 7F 67 OrangeCup
FLORISTS 8A 36 shanice
F*RT A1 24 musdrive

On 6th draw, RAILE A1 30 --- RAILE to flow [v]
Other tops: LAREE A1 30
Other moves: ALEF A5 19, ALIF A5 19, AREAE A2 18, AREAL A2 18, AREOLE 3J 18
AREA A2 17 musdrive
LA 1A 15 shanice
LOR 3A 15 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, POURING C7 28 --- POUR to cause to flow [v] --- POURING the act of pouring [n]
Other moves: DIP 6A 25, DUP 6A 25, ROUPING C7 24, RIP 6A 23, PINGUID E7 22
POURING C7 28 musdrive, OrangeCup
DRUG 3J 19 shanice

On 8th draw, YUFT D12 35 --- YUFT a Russian leather [n]
Other moves: FLUYT I3 34, FY D11 31, FEY 5K 30, FLEY I3 29, FLY I3 27
FY D11 31 musdrive
FEY 5K 30 shanice
YAY 3K 25 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 9th draw, BAITED 15A 27 --- BAIT to set a trap [v]
Other tops: BOATED 15A 27, COATED 15A 27
Other moves: DIEB E10 26, ABODE 3J 24, BOATIE 15A 24, DEB E11 24, DICTA 15A 24
BOATED 15A 27 musdrive
BAITED 15A 27 OrangeCup
DICT 15A 21 shanice

On 10th draw, DEV E11 27 --- DEV a Hindu god [n]
Other moves: DEVON 5K 26, DEB E11 24, OVEN E10 24, DEVON 3K 23, DOVEN 3K 23
DEB E11 24 OrangeCup
BONED 3K 22 musdrive

On 11th draw, SWAG 3J 25 --- SWAG to sway [v]
Other moves: IWI 3F 24, WAS F10 24, WIS F10 24, SWAT 3J 23, TWAS 3J 23
WIS F10 24 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 12th draw, TEEN 5J 26 --- TEEN a teenager [n]
Other tops: NETE 5J 26
Other moves: OONT 5H 25, NEE 5J 24, NET 5J 24, TEE 5J 24, ETEN 5K 23
TEEN 5J 26 musdrive, OrangeCup

On 13th draw, HA(N)DS 6F 39 --- HAND to present with the extremity of the arm below the wrist [v]
Other moves: HA(N)TS 6F 38, HU(N)TS 6F 38, THA(N)S 6E 36, HADS F10 35, SHAND 2K 35
SHAND 2K 35 OrangeCup
THUDS 2K 35 musdrive

On 14th draw, PIETY N1 37 --- PIETY the quality or state of being pious [n]
Other moves: OBEY N1 27, PYET N1 27, YBET N1 27, BEY N2 25, BOEP N1 25
OY 14A 24 OrangeCup
TYPE 6L 24 musdrive

On 15th draw, MOPE 1L 33 --- MOPE to act in a dejected or gloomy manner [v]
Other moves: AMAIN 2K 23, NAPA 1L 21, NAPE 1L 21, NIPA 1L 21, NOPE 1L 21
MOPE 1L 33 OrangeCup, musdrive
IN O1 20 iwhist

On 16th draw, OH 14A 24 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: AH 14A 24
Other moves: AH 3C 21, SOHO F8 18, OHO 9E 17, AH B10 16, HA F10 16
AH 14A 24 iwhist, OrangeCup
OH 14A 24 musdrive

On 17th draw, JA F10 28 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: BANJO C1 28
Other moves: JAB C1 24, JAI 1E 22, RAJ 1A 22, JA 1E 20, JAI C1 20
JA F10 28 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 18th draw, RAZOO C1 28 --- RAZOO a coin of little value [n]
Other moves: ZO 1E 24, NOO 9E 20, ORZO 14F 20, TOO 9E 20, ONTO G10 18
ZO 1E 24 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 19th draw, OBO G10 20 --- OBO an oil bulk ore vessel [n]
Other tops: NOO 9E 20, TOO 9E 20
Other moves: OB G10 19, ONTO G10 18, TOON G8 18, OO 9F 17, ONO G10 16
OBO G10 20 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 20th draw, OXTAIL 12G 42 --- OXTAIL the tail of an ox [n]
Other moves: XI H12 34, LAX 13G 26, AX B10 24, PAX 7C 23, AXIL 14F 18
XI H12 34 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 21th draw, QUAINT J10 37 --- QUAINT pleasingly old-fashioned or unfamiliar [adj]
Other moves: QUAIR J10 36, QUANT J10 36, QUART J10 36, QUINTIC K7 36, TRANQ J10 36
QUART J10 36 musdrive, OrangeCup, mordeckhi

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