Game on October 4, 2016 at 21:27, 8 players
1. 790 pts OrangeCup
2. 655 pts musdrive
3. 388 pts Sirocco
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


4G 70 92 


5K 47 139 


3I 77 216 


O5 48 264 


7F 63 327 


6C 24 351 


3C 31 382 


4A 34 416 


A4 39 455 


8D 22 477 


B9 72 549 


15A 36 585 


14F 35 620 


H12 75 695 


D8 34 729 


15K 38 767 


2F 32 799 


1G 32 831 


11B 20 851 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 11 18:05 -61 790 1.8478 OrangeCup 11 18:05 -61 790
musdrive 7 14:19 -196 655 Group: advanced
Sirocco 2 13:05 -463 388 1.7554 musdrive 7 14:19 -196 655
mordeckhi 1 16:59 -550 301 2.7084 Sirocco 2 13:05 -463 388
PIThompson 3 7:08 -594 257 3.7428 PIThompson 3 7:08 -594 257
queen66 1 0:40 -803 48 4.7447 queen66 1 0:40 -803 48
Mycophot 1 0:58 -803 48 5.7518 Mycophot 1 0:58 -803 48
theBEST 0 2:54 -830 21 6.7842 theBEST 0 2:54 -830 21
Group: not rated
1.4333 mordeckhi 1 16:59 -550 301
On 1st draw, PONTAL H4 22 --- PONTAL relating to the pons of the brain [adj]
Other moves: BATON H4 20, BLOAT H4 20, PANTO H4 20, PLANT H4 20, PLOAT H4 20
BLOAT H4 20 musdrive, OrangeCup
BATON H4 20 PIThompson
On 2nd draw, EPURATES 4G 70 --- EPURATE to purify [v]
Other tops: SUPERATE 4F 70
Other moves: AUSTERE G9 62, AUSTERE I9 62, SAUTERNE 6B 62, RESALUTE 9D 60, RESEAT I3 21
SUPERATE 4F 70 OrangeCup
SEATER G5 20 musdrive
ROST 5G 4 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, WA(L)TZ 5K 47 --- WALTZ to dance in three-four time [v]
Other moves: ZATI 3K 45, ZATI(S) 3K 45, ZITI 3K 45, ZITI(S) 3K 45, WAR(E)Z J2 44
WA(L)TZ 5K 47 OrangeCup, PIThompson
WAR(E)Z J2 44 musdrive
RAW J4 14 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, XER(I)C 3I 77 --- XERIC requiring only a small amount of moisture [adj]
Other moves: XERU(S) 3I 68, RE(D)UX F2 39, W(I)CE 3K 38, (D)E(L)UXE M3 38, CUR(F)EW 3B 37
WEX 6J 37 musdrive, OrangeCup
TAXER L4 13 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, ZHOS O5 48 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: FLESH 3C 39, FLOSH 3C 39, SHELF 3C 39, ZELS O5 39, ZOLS O5 39
ZHOS O5 48 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, musdrive, Mycophot
HALF 8G 10 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, ASTARTED 7F 63 --- ASTART to start up [v]
Other moves: ASTARTED 7C 62, STARED 3B 23, STEARD 3B 23, TRADES F1 23, STATERS N4 22
ASTARTED 7C 62 OrangeCup
STARED 3B 23 musdrive
REALS 9E 7 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, DUODENA 6C 24 --- DUODENUM the first portion of the small intestine [n]
Other moves: AIDED 3C 23, DADA F4 22, DADO F2 22, DIDO F2 22, DUDE F2 22
AIDED 3C 23 OrangeCup, musdrive
ADIEU G9 11 Sirocco
On 8th draw, MOVED 3C 31 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: EMOVED L7 30, ODEUM 3C 29, ODIUM 3C 29, DUOMI 5A 27, VID F2 27
MOVED 3C 31 OrangeCup, musdrive
MOVIE 3C 25 Sirocco
MOVED C2 22 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, KOIS 4A 34 --- KOI a large and colorful fish [n]
Other tops: KUES 4A 34
Other moves: SOOK 5B 33, KO 5E 28, KUES B1 28, OKES B1 28, SEIK B2 28
KOIS 4A 34 musdrive
KUES 4A 34 OrangeCup
SOUK 2A 26 Sirocco
DIKES M7 15 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, KWAITO A4 39 --- KWAITO a type of South African pop music [n]
Other moves: W*NKWANK A1 33, WARK A1 33, WINK A1 33, WONK A1 33, WORK A1 33
WINK A1 33 musdrive, Sirocco, OrangeCup
WORK A1 33 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, JEE 8D 22 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEELY 9E 20, EYRIE B9 18, JO E5 18, REO B2 18, DAIRY F6 17
JEELY 9E 20 musdrive, Sirocco
EYRIE B9 18 OrangeCup
JEER J1 13 mordeckhi
DIE M7 5 theBEST
On 12th draw, NIGELLA B9 72 --- NIGELLA a type of plant [n]
Other moves: JELLING D8 30, JINGALL D8 30, JANGLE D8 28, JINGAL D8 28, JINGLE D8 28
NIGELLA B9 72 OrangeCup
JELLING D8 30 musdrive
JINGLE D8 28 Sirocco
JELL D8 11 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, PANARY 15A 36 --- PANARY a bread store [n]
Other moves: DRAY C6 34, NARY 15A 33, OARY 15A 33, PAYOR 15A 33, YAPON 15A 33
NARY 15A 33 mordeckhi
AY A14 32 OrangeCup, musdrive
PAY 15A 24 Sirocco
On 14th draw, FEIRIE 14F 35 --- FEIRIE nimble [adj]
Other tops: FERLIE 14F 35
Other moves: FIERE 14F 34, FILER 14F 34, FIRIE 14F 34, FLEER 14F 34, FLIER 14F 34
FEIRIE 14F 35 OrangeCup
FLIER 14F 34 Sirocco
FILER 14F 34 musdrive
FIERY F11 13 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, QUIM H12 75 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: REQUIEM 12A 38, REQUIEM K9 36, QUEME K10 32, QUEER K11 28, QUIRE K10 28
QUIM H12 75 OrangeCup, Sirocco, musdrive, mordeckhi, PIThompson
On 16th draw, JOBBER D8 34 --- JOBBER a pieceworker [n]
Other moves: YOB 2F 33, YO 2F 30, TOYER 15K 29, BOY 2F 28, BOB 2F 27
JOBBER D8 34 Sirocco
YOB 2F 33 OrangeCup, musdrive, PIThompson
On 17th draw, NIFTY 15K 38 --- NIFTY something that is stylish [n] --- NIFTY stylish; pleasing [adj]
Other moves: FOY 2F 34, FIN 2F 31, FIT 2F 31, FON 2F 31, YIN 2F 31
NIFTY 15K 38 OrangeCup
FOY 2F 34 musdrive, PIThompson
FLINTY 9G 17 Sirocco
On 18th draw, HOG 2F 32 --- HOG to take more than one's share [v]
Other moves: HIN 2F 31, HOI 2F 31, HON 2F 31, HI 2F 30, HO 2F 30
HOG 2F 32 OrangeCup, musdrive
ION E10 20 Sirocco
HI I11 16 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, LUV 1G 32 --- LUV a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: UNCI 1H 27, NUN 1G 23, INCULT N10 20, NU 1G 20, CUIF M12 18
LUV 1G 32 musdrive, OrangeCup
NUN 1G 23 Sirocco
QI 12H 11 mordeckhi
On 20th draw, GIBING 11B 20 --- GIBE to jeer [v]
Other moves: TICING K7 18, IGNIFY F10 15, WIN 5A 15, BING 11D 14, GI I11 14
GIBING 11B 20 musdrive
TICING K7 18 OrangeCup, Sirocco
QI 12H 11 mordeckhi
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