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Game on October 5, 2016 at 18:53, 7 players
1. 788 pts OrangeCup
2. 193 pts SQUAW1
3. 88 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abdnoo   H4    74    74   bradoon
 2. eemprss  11C    82   156   empress
 3. ?cdgoru   C5    65   221   grouched
 4. aaeltuv   J5    76   297   valuate
 5. cioostu  K11    40   337   scoot
 6. ahrtuyy  15H    48   385   truthy
 7. aeegiln  14B    72   457   lineage
 8. ailpqtw  12A    56   513   qadi
 9. aehinsw   8J    48   561   unwish
10. aefloot   8A    33   594   lauf
11. abefnrr  15A    31   625   fane
12. aenorrt  13H    71   696   ratooner
13. eioruvy  O11    36   732   eyrir
14. egioopw   D1    35   767   woopie
15. deijlmn  N10    41   808   mened
16. adejttv   G9    39   847   jeed
17. abeittv   E3    33   880   bitte
18. aiiiklu   1D    36   916   waulk
19. giiivxz   7M    36   952   xi

Remaining tiles: giivz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8467 FileOrangeCup   8 12:22  -164  788     1.8467 OrangeCup   8 12:22  -164  788 
  2.7830 FileSQUAW1      4  4:07  -759  193            Group: advanced
  3.6880 Fileshanice     1  4:18  -864   88     1.7830 SQUAW1      4  4:07  -759  193 
  4.7403 FilePIThompson  0  3:35  -873   79     2.7403 PIThompson  0  3:35  -873   79 
  5.7059 Filequeen66     0  3:13  -892   60     3.7059 queen66     0  3:13  -892   60 
  6.7330 Filesicilianc5  0  1:07  -920   32     4.7330 sicilianc5  0  1:07  -920   32 
  7.7452 FileMycophot    0  1:55  -920   32     5.7452 Mycophot    0  1:55  -920   32 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6880 shanice     1  4:18  -864   88 

On 1st draw, B(R)ADOON H4 74 --- BRADOON a device used to control a horse [n]
Other tops: BANDOO(K) H4 74, ONBOA(R)D H2 74
Other moves: ONBOA(R)D H6 72, BANDOO(K) H2 70, BANDOO(K) H3 70, BANDOO(K) H7 70, BANDOO(K) H8 70
ONBOA(R)D H2 74 OrangeCup
ONBOA(R)D H2 24 PIThompson
BAND(S) H4 20 shanice

On 2nd draw, EMPRESS 11C 82 --- EMPRESS a female ruler of an empire [n]
Other tops: EMPRESS 11B 82
Other moves: PRESSMEN 10A 70, EMP(R)ESS 5E 40, SEMPER I6 33, REP(R)ESS 5E 32, SPE(R)RES 5E 32
EMPRESS 11C 82 OrangeCup
EMPRESS 11B 32 shanice, sicilianc5, Mycophot
EMPRESS 11C 32 queen66

On 3rd draw, GROUC(H)ED C5 65 --- GROUCH to complain [v]
Other moves: (S)COURGED C5 63, (S)CROUGED C5 63, CO(N)GRUED C5 62, CODGER(S) C7 30, CUR(I)O 12A 30
GROUC(H)ED C5 65 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, VALUATE J5 76 --- VALUATE to appraise [v]
Other moves: VELATURA F5 65, VADE 12A 32, UVULAE 8A 30, MALVA D11 28, MAUVE D11 28
VAULT 8A 27 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 5th draw, SCOOT K11 40 --- SCOOT to go quickly [v]
Other tops: SCOUT K11 40, SOUCT K11 40, STOIC K11 40
Other moves: SCOT K11 38, SCUT K11 38, IOS K9 36, SIC K11 36, SOC K11 36
SCOOT K11 40 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, TRUTHY 15H 48 --- TRUTHY truthful [adj]
Other moves: YOUTHY 14J 46, THUYA 15K 45, THUYA 8A 45, HOARY 14J 38, YOUTH 14J 38
YOUTHY 14J 46 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, LINEAGE 14B 72 --- LINEAGE direct descent from an ancestor [n]
Other moves: ALGERINE F7 63, ENG(R)AVE 5E 40, LIEGE I3 26, GADE 12A 24, GADI 12A 24
GOA 14J 20 OrangeCup

On 8th draw, QADI 12A 56 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAT 15A 40, QI 15A 35, TAWPIE G6 35, WADI 12A 32, PADI 12A 28
QAT 15A 40 OrangeCup

On 9th draw, UNWISH 8J 48 --- UNWISH to cease to wish for [v]
Other moves: UNWISE 8J 39, HISH L12 38, SCHWA 12J 37, WANES 15A 36, WINES 15A 36
WANES 15A 36 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, LAUF 8A 33 --- LAUF a run in a bobsleigh contest [n]
Other moves: FATE 15A 31, FLUATE 8A 30, FAULT 8A 27, FLUTE 8A 27, FOETAL G3 27
FOE 9M 26 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, FANE 15A 31 --- FANE a temple [n]
Other moves: BANE 15A 28, FROREN 13I 26, FRORNE 13I 26, BARF 13F 25, FAB 14M 24
FANE 15A 31 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, RATOONER 13H 71 --- RATOONER a plant that ratoons [n]
Other moves: ANTERIOR M3 70, ANTRORSE N2 70, BRETON 4H 27, BRENT 4H 25, ERRANT 4J 25
ANTRORSE N2 70 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, EYRIR O11 36 --- EYRIR a monetary unit of Iceland [n]
Other tops: VERRY O11 36
Other moves: VROU O12 33, VIREO N10 32, VOYEURS N2 30, OVERBY 4D 28, COURE 12K 27
VERRY O11 36 shanice
VIREO N10 32 OrangeCup

On 14th draw, WOOPIE D1 35 --- WOOPIE a well-off older person [n]
Other moves: COOEY 12K 28, WOOPIES N2 28, WEEP G9 24, LOOP 7J 23, POGO G6 23
COOEY 12K 28 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66

On 15th draw, MENED N10 41 --- MENE to lament [v]
Other moves: JEED G9 39, JEEL G9 38, JEE G9 37, LEMED N10 35, MINED E3 35
JEED G9 39 OrangeCup

On 16th draw, JEED G9 39 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEE G9 37, JIVED M7 36, WAVED 1D 36, JIVE M7 30, DATE E3 28
JEED G9 39 OrangeCup, SQUAW1

On 17th draw, BITTE E3 33 --- BITTE please [interj]
Other tops: BETTA E3 33, WAIVE 1D 33
Other moves: ABET E4 31, BATE E3 31, BATT E3 31, BITE E3 31, BITT E3 31
WAIVE 1D 33 OrangeCup

On 18th draw, WAULK 1D 36 --- WAULK to full cloth [v]
Other moves: KA 7M 24, KI 7M 24, VAKIL 5J 24, AIL C1 23, AKA B6 21
KA 7M 24 SQUAW1, OrangeCup

On 19th draw, XI 7M 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XIS N6 26, ZIG M7 25, ZA B7 22, ZO 7B 22, XI I3 21
XI 7M 36 SQUAW1, OrangeCup

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