Game on October 5, 2016 at 19:39, 10 players
1. 857 pts OrangeCup
2. 580 pts musdrive
3. 411 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 72 72 


11E 64 136 


13G 52 188 


E5 72 260 


14B 87 347 


15A 34 381 


N10 46 427 


O7 33 460 


15L 42 502 


N1 105 607 


O1 43 650 


3G 70 720 


H1 42 762 


G7 51 813 


L3 72 885 


F6 26 911 


J1 72 983 


12A 26 1009 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 9 12:39 -152 857 1.8469 OrangeCup 9 12:39 -152 857
musdrive 5 10:19 -429 580 Group: advanced
SQUAW1 4 10:21 -598 411 1.7580 musdrive 5 10:19 -429 580
Sirocco 1 9:55 -664 345 2.7828 SQUAW1 4 10:21 -598 411
shanice 2 6:58 -842 167 3.7107 Sirocco 1 9:55 -664 345
PIThompson 1 5:19 -859 150 4.7396 PIThompson 1 5:19 -859 150
Mycophot 1 1:46 -945 64 5.7452 Mycophot 1 1:46 -945 64
sicilianc5 0 1:21 -961 48 6.7330 sicilianc5 0 1:21 -961 48
queen66 0 1:19 -987 22 7.7059 queen66 0 1:19 -987 22
mordeckhi 0 1:21 -993 16 Group: intermediate
1.6880 shanice 2 6:58 -842 167
Group: not rated
1.4329 mordeckhi 0 1:21 -993 16
On 1st draw, DOSAGES H8 72 --- DOSAGE the amount of medicine to be given [n]
Other tops: DOSAGES H4 72, SEADOGS H7 72
Other moves: DOSAGES H2 70, DOSAGES H3 70, DOSAGES H6 70, DOSAGES H7 70, SEADOGS H2 70
SEADOGS H7 72 OrangeCup
DOSAGES H4 22 PIThompson, queen66
GASSED H4 20 musdrive
GADES H4 18 shanice
On 2nd draw, EQUANTS 11E 64 --- EQUANT a geometric adjustment to explain planetary motion [n]
Other moves: SEQUENT 13G 54, QUAKES 11F 38, SQUEAK 11D 38, SUQS 10H 33, SUQS 14H 33
EQUANTS 11E 64 OrangeCup, PIThompson, Mycophot
SQUEAK 11D 38 musdrive
On 3rd draw, JERKIE(S) 13G 52 --- JERKY dried meat [n]
Other tops: JERKIE(R) 13G 52
Other moves: JE(R)KIER 13G 50, J(O)KER 12A 48, REJ(O)ICE 13G 48, JERK(S) 12A 47, CR(O)JIK G4 45
J(O)KER 12A 48 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
JERK(S) 12A 47 musdrive
On 4th draw, RADIOMEN E5 72 --- RADIOMAN a radio operator or technician [n]
Other moves: MAINDOOR 9C 67, MAINDOOR 9B 64, ADMIN 14J 36, INROAD 14J 31, AMIDO 12K 30
RADIOMEN E5 72 OrangeCup
RAMI 12C 27 musdrive
MAID 12L 27 PIThompson
On 5th draw, FARINOSE 14B 87 --- FARINOSE resembling farina [adj]
Other moves: FARINO(S)E M7 65, AFIRE 12K 32, AFORE 12K 32, ARF 12J 32, FIORIN 8A 30
FARINOSE 14B 87 OrangeCup
FARINOSE 14B 37 PIThompson
FINE 12L 27 shanice
FAINE D1 26 musdrive
On 6th draw, CAW 15A 34 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other tops: UNCL(E)W F1 34
Other moves: WAN(D) F6 33, WAN(E) F6 33, WAN(S) F6 33, WAN(Y) F6 33, WA(A)C 12L 33
CAW 15A 34 musdrive, OrangeCup, SQUAW1
WAN 12L 23 shanice
On 7th draw, PENTEL N10 46 --- PENTEL a type of disposable writing pen [n]
Other moves: GENTLE N10 40, PELT N10 30, PENT N10 30, ELEGIT 8A 27, GELT N10 27
PE 13C 26 SQUAW1, musdrive, OrangeCup
PENT 12L 23 Sirocco
On 8th draw, EIDOLA O7 33 --- EIDOLON a phantom [n]
Other tops: AEDILE O7 33, AEDINE 12J 33
Other moves: ELIDE O8 31, EDILE O8 30, IDOLA O8 30, AEDILE 15J 27, EIDOLA 15J 27
OILED O7 25 SQUAW1, Sirocco, OrangeCup
DE 13C 22 musdrive
On 9th draw, HALF 15L 42 --- HALF one of two equal parts [n] --- HALF a measure of whiskey [n]
Other moves: HELP 15L 39, HOLP 15L 39, FOREPAW C9 38, PELF 15L 36, HALE 15L 33
HALF 15L 42 musdrive, SQUAW1
HELP 15L 39 OrangeCup, Sirocco
On 10th draw, EX(O)GAMY N1 105 --- EXOGAMY marriage outside of a particular group [n]
Other moves: YEX F4 56, EX(O) F5 54, G(R)EX F3 54, Y(E)X F4 54, A(P)EX F3 53
YEX F4 56 OrangeCup, Sirocco, musdrive
On 11th draw, HIN O1 43 --- HIN a Hebrew unit of liquid measure [n]
Other moves: HI O1 39, HOVEL 1K 36, HOVEN 1K 36, LINO O1 35, HONGI 8A 33
HIN O1 43 SQUAW1, OrangeCup, musdrive, Sirocco, shanice
On 12th draw, INSERTI(O)N 3G 70 --- INSERTION [n]
Other tops: REISTING 4G 70, RESITING 4G 70
Other moves: INERTIAS 5H 66, RAINIEST 6D 62, SENITI D4 26, TIRINGS 4I 26, ERRS D12 24
RAINIEST 6D 62 OrangeCup
TERNS M5 20 musdrive
ERS D13 14 shanice
RAINIEST 6D 12 Sirocco
On 13th draw, AWNY H1 42 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [adj] --- AWNY bristly like an awn [adj]
Other tops: WANY H1 42
Other moves: BEWRAY D1 41, BONY H1 39, BOWER M5 36, WANEY H1 36, YOWE M5 36
WANY H1 42 musdrive, OrangeCup, shanice, SQUAW1
YEW F4 32 Sirocco
On 14th draw, BEZ G7 51 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other tops: BIZ G7 51
Other moves: ROZET D4 49, ROZIT D4 49, TREZ G6 48, REZ G7 47, RIZ G7 47
BEZ G7 51 OrangeCup, musdrive
TREZ G6 48 Sirocco
On 15th draw, TOEPLATE L3 72 --- TOEPLATE a metal tab attached to the tip of a shoe [n]
Other moves: PELOTA M5 30, PLEAT M7 30, PLOAT M7 30, POTAE M7 30, LEPTA D6 28
TOEPLATE L3 72 OrangeCup
TAPE M5 26 musdrive
PETAL D4 26 Sirocco
PA 13C 26 SQUAW1
On 16th draw, GUR F6 26 --- GUR sugar [n]
Other tops: GOR F6 26
Other moves: GUTROT D1 22, GO F6 20, GU F6 20, ROTGUT D1 20, TOR F6 20
GO F6 20 OrangeCup
VOW 2F 19 musdrive, SQUAW1
TUG 15E 19 Sirocco
On 17th draw, OVERLOUD J1 72 --- OVERLOUD too loud [adj]
Other moves: VODOU D1 28, VODUN 12A 26, DOLOUR D1 24, DO 13C 22, LUV D4 21
DO 13C 22 OrangeCup
OVERLOUD J1 22 Sirocco
VOW 2F 19 musdrive
On 18th draw, COVIN 12A 26 --- COVIN a conspiracy to injure or defraud [n]
Other moves: CONI 12C 23, BITOU D1 22, COB D4 22, CUB D4 22, BONA 12L 21
COB D4 22 musdrive, OrangeCup, SQUAW1
CAW C13 16 mordeckhi
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