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Game on October 6, 2016 at 06:55, 1 player
1. 98 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiklmou   H8    32    32   melik
 2. ?cceesv  11D   106   138   crevices
 3. eefllot  10J    34   172   felloe
 4. ?adeirt   O8   140   312   steadier
 5. beefort  14J    34   346   before
 6. deiinop  15H    45   391   opined
 7. ilnoort   M5    60   451   tornillo
 8. dghortu  14B    84   535   drought
 9. aaaemns  15A    29   564   maes
10. aabetwz   L4    41   605   bez
11. aiiostu   K3    32   637   iotas
12. adegouv   2F    28   665   vagued
13. einnprs   N2    37   702   ripen
14. ahjorwy   1G    62   764   jay
15. aaginwy   3G    43   807   wag
16. ahiotwx   M1    46   853   wax
17. ahiinot  12A    30   883   tanh
18. inoqstu   A7    45   928   squint
19. ainorty   6A    32   960   ayont

Remaining tiles: iiru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6860 Fileshanice     0  4:35  -862   98     1.6860 shanice     0  4:35  -862   98 

On 1st draw, MELIK H8 32 --- MELIK the head of a village [n]
Other tops: KELIM H4 32
Other moves: KELIM H8 28, MELIK H4 28, MILKO H4 28, MILKO H8 24, KELIM H5 22

On 2nd draw, C(R)EVICES 11D 106 --- CREVICE a cleft [n]
Other tops: CEVIC(H)ES 11E 106, CE(R)VICES 11D 106
Other moves: C(R)ESCIVE 11C 78, CEVIC(H)E 11E 52, SC(R)IEVE 11E 44, SEVIC(H)E 11E 44, VESIC(A)E 11E 44

On 3rd draw, FELLOE 10J 34 --- FELLOE the rim of a wheel [n]
Other moves: FEEL 10J 30, FEET 10J 30, FELL 10J 30, FELT 10J 30, FETE 10J 30

On 4th draw, (S)TEADIER O8 140 --- STEADIER one that steadies [n]
Other moves: ITERA(T)ED O8 131, I(T)ERATED O8 131, MARDIE(S)T 8H 83, MEDIAT(O)R 8H 83, MI(G)RATED 8H 83

On 5th draw, BEFORE 14J 34 --- BEFORE in front of [prep] --- BEFORE previously [adv]
Other moves: FORCE D8 28, BEEF G6 27, BEEF I6 27, EF 10E 27, OF 10E 27

On 6th draw, OPINED 15H 45 --- OPINE to hold or state as an opinion [v]
Other tops: PIONED 15H 45
Other moves: IODINE 15G 36, OPINE 15H 36, OPINED 15F 34, PIONED 15F 34, PONIED 15F 34

On 7th draw, TORNILLO M5 60 --- TORNILLO a flowering shrub [n]
Other tops: TORNILLO M4 60
Other moves: ORCINOL D9 20, OCTROI D10 18, CLINT D11 16, CLOOT D11 16, COLIN D11 16

On 8th draw, DROUGHT 14B 84 --- DROUGHT a dry period [n]
Other moves: DROUGHT G3 77, TROUGHED F5 73, TROUGHED 9B 70, DOTH 12A 34, GOTH 12A 34

On 9th draw, MAES 15A 29 --- MAE more [n]
Other moves: NAME N4 26, SAMAAN N1 26, SAME N4 26, SEAMAN N1 26, MANAS N2 24

On 10th draw, BEZ L4 41 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: ZABETA L2 40, TEAZE F7 34, ZABETA 5I 34, TOZE 6L 33, ZABETA G3 32

On 11th draw, IOTAS K3 32 --- IOTA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: IOTAS N2 31, IOTA K3 30, TOSA K3 30, SATI K5 26, SAUT K5 26

On 12th draw, VAGUED 2F 28 --- VAGUE to be indefinite [v]
Other tops: VOGUED 2F 28
Other moves: GOAD 13A 26, DEVA 2K 23, DOVE 2K 23, VAG J2 23, VAGUED G4 23

On 13th draw, RIPEN N2 37 --- RIPEN to become ripe [v]
Other moves: RISEN N2 33, SIREN N2 33, PEN N4 26, PIN 13C 25, SIEN N3 25

On 14th draw, JAY 1G 62 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other moves: HAY 1G 46, JA 1G 45, JAW G7 38, JAY G7 38, JOW G7 38

On 15th draw, WAG 3G 43 --- WAG to move briskly up and down or to and fro [v]
Other tops: YAG 3G 43
Other moves: GAWCY D8 32, GAY J6 32, AWAY G6 31, WAY G7 30, WIFE L12 30

On 16th draw, WAX M1 46 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: HOX I7 46, HOX M1 46, WAX I7 46, WOX I7 46, WOX M1 46
Other moves: HOAX I6 44, WITH 12A 42, TAX I7 40, TAX M1 40, TIX I7 40

On 17th draw, TANH 12A 30 --- TANH a hyperbolic tangent [n]
Other tops: NOAH 12A 30, NOAH 13A 30, OATH 12A 30
Other moves: AH 10E 27, OH 10E 27, NAH 12B 26, NOH 12B 26, NTH 12B 26
AH 10E 27 shanice

On 18th draw, SQUINT A7 45 --- SQUINT cross-eyed [adj] --- SQUINT to look with the eyes partly closed [v]
Other tops: QUINTS A8 45, QUOIST A7 45, QUOITS A8 45
Other moves: QUINOS 4B 44, QUINTS 4B 44, QUOINS 4B 44, QUOITS 4B 44, QUINS 4C 42
QUOINS 4B 44 shanice

On 19th draw, AYONT 6A 32 --- AYONT beyond [adv]
Other moves: AYIN 6A 31, AROINT B5 29, AROYNT 6A 29, AY 6A 29, AY 10E 27
AY 10E 27 shanice

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