Game on October 6, 2016 at 17:40, 6 players
1. 790 pts OrangeCup
2. 193 pts PIThompson
3. 150 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 50 50
2. 5G 70 120
3. O1 59 179
4. L1 80 259
5. 1H 36 295
6. 6L 29 324
7. 8J 27 351
8. 9J 34 385
9. 3I 46 431
10. M8 26 457
11. 15G 24 481
12. N12 35 516
13. 14A 79 595
14. 9A 64 659
15. A3 80 739
16. E3 70 809
17. 13C 47 856
18. A12 33 889
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8448 OrangeCup 8 13:35 -99 790 1.8448 OrangeCup 8 13:35 -99 790
2.7414 PIThompson 3 6:36 -696 193 Group: advanced
3.7196 sicilianc5 2 6:14 -739 150 1.7414 PIThompson 3 6:36 -696 193
4.7002 queen66 0 6:50 -742 147 2.7196 sicilianc5 2 6:14 -739 150
5.7405 Mycophot 0 1:53 -856 33 3.7002 queen66 0 6:50 -742 147
6.6881 shanice 0 1:26 -879 10 4.7405 Mycophot 0 1:53 -856 33
Group: intermediate
1.6881 shanice 0 1:26 -879 10
On 1st draw, QU(E)UED H4 50 --- QUEUE to line up for service [v]
Other tops: QUEU(E)D H4 50, QUO(T)ED H4 50
Other moves: QUOD(S) H4 48, QUO(A)D H4 48, QUEU(E) H4 46, QUO(T)E H4 46, QU(E)UE H4 46
QUEU(E)D H4 50 OrangeCup
QU(E)UED H4 50 PIThompson
On 2nd draw, OUTPREEN 5G 70 --- OUTPREEN to surpass in preening [v]
Other moves: OUTPREEN 7G 63, PEREON I5 24, PREEN I7 24, PRENT I7 24, PRONE I7 24
PREEN I7 24 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
PRONE I7 24 PIThompson
On 3rd draw, MERKS O1 59 --- MERK a former coin of Scotland [n]
Other moves: REEKS O1 53, TREKS O1 53, SMEEK O5 44, SMERK O5 44, MEEK 4L 42
MERKS O1 59 OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, H(A)TTERIA L1 80 --- HATTERIA a reptile [n]
Other moves: HATTERI(A) L1 78, THEATRI(C) M3 74, HATTERI(A) M1 72, H(A)TTERIA M1 72, THEATRI(C) L3 72
THREA(P)IT L2 72 OrangeCup
HAIR I7 27 queen66
HATTER L1 26 PIThompson
On 5th draw, PILCH 1H 36 --- PILCH a light saddle [n]
Other moves: CAVED 8K 33, CLAVIE 8J 33, DELPH 1H 33, PAVED 8K 33, PAVID 8K 33
CAVED 8K 33 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, queen66, Mycophot
On 6th draw, RAY 6L 29 --- RAY to emit rays (narrow beams of light) [v]
Other moves: DAISY 8K 27, DAYAN 8K 27, SANDY 8K 27, SAYID 8K 27, DYADS 9H 25
DAISY 8K 27 OrangeCup, queen66
On 7th draw, ATABEG 8J 27 --- ATABEG Turkish ruler [n]
Other moves: BITER I3 26, ABATER 8J 24, BAGIE 8K 24, BARGE 8K 24, BATTIER 3I 24
ABATER 8J 24 OrangeCup, queen66
On 8th draw, BASED 9J 34 --- BASE to found [v]
Other moves: BASE 9J 29, ADOBES 9G 28, SADO 9L 28, DOSE 9J 27, BEDAUBS M8 26
BASED 9J 34 OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, WALTZER 3I 46 --- WALTZER one that waltzes [n]
Other moves: WALTZ 3I 42, ZEA 2F 36, RAZE(E) 6D 35, ZE(E) 6F 33, VAWTE 3I 30
ZEA 2F 36 OrangeCup, queen66
On 10th draw, BEEFALOS M8 26 --- BEEFALO the offspring of an American buffalo and domestic cattle [n]
Other moves: BEEFALO M8 24, BEFLEAS M8 24, BEFLEA M8 22, BELACES M8 22, FALCES G8 22
FACES G8 20 OrangeCup
On 11th draw, ONEROUS 15G 24 --- ONEROUS burdensome or oppressive [adj]
Other tops: URINOSE 15H 24
Other moves: ERINUS 15H 21, INURES 15H 21, IRONES 15H 21, NOOSER 15J 21, ORISON 15J 21
NOOSER 15J 21 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, WAY N12 35 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other tops: YAW N12 35, YOW N12 35
Other moves: MAW N12 32, MAY N12 32, MOW N12 32, MOY N12 32, YO 10J 32
WAY N12 35 OrangeCup
On 13th draw, OVATING 14A 79 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: VATU L12 41, OVA L11 38, VOTING 14B 27, GIFT 11K 26, ITA L11 26
OVATING 14A 79 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, OUTHEARD 9A 64 --- OUTHEAR to surpass in hearing [v]
Other tops: AUTHORED 9A 64
Other moves: HATER O11 43, THROE A11 36, OATER O11 34, TREFAH 11J 34, EH L11 33
OUTHEARD 9A 64 OrangeCup
On 15th draw, DERISION A3 80 --- DERISION the act of deriding [n]
Other tops: RESINOID A4 80
Other moves: RINDIEST C2 70, DISINURE B4 63, INDITERS C5 61, DISINTER C4 60, RINSED O10 40
RINDIEST C2 70 OrangeCup
On 16th draw, LEGIONED E3 70 --- LEGIONED set out in legions [adj]
Other tops: ELOIGNED E3 70
Other moves: GILDEN O10 44, GOLDEN O10 44, LONGED O10 44, OLDEN O11 38, LINED B2 34
LEGIONED E3 70 OrangeCup
On 17th draw, FIX 13C 47 --- FIX to repair [v]
Other moves: MIX 13C 43, FOX A13 39, FIX B2 38, FOX B2 38, COOF A12 36
FOX A13 39 OrangeCup
On 18th draw, COOM A12 33 --- COOM to begrime [v]
Other moves: JIN F2 30, OMOV A12 30, OM L11 29, CION A12 27, COON A12 27
COOM A12 33 OrangeCup
CIT D12 10 shanice
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