Game on October 6, 2016 at 19:10, 8 players
1. 688 pts OrangeCup
2. 423 pts SQUAW1
3. 159 pts shanice
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 28 28
2. 4B 22 50
3. C3 88 138
4. 11C 33 171
5. 6G 65 236
6. N2 74 310
7. O8 88 398
8. 14J 28 426
9. 15K 69 495
10. 8A 60 555
11. B6 67 622
12. O1 47 669
13. M1 45 714
14. J3 63 777
15. 1H 48 825
16. D10 40 865
17. 13M 21 886
18. 15C 24 910
19. K8 27 937
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8452 OrangeCup 5 11:57 -249 688 1.8452 OrangeCup 5 11:57 -249 688
2.7817 SQUAW1 6 7:49 -514 423 Group: advanced
3.6877 shanice 1 3:18 -778 159 1.7817 SQUAW1 6 7:49 -514 423
4.4328 mordeckhi 0 7:58 -794 143 2.7403 PIThompson 1 3:42 -813 124
5.7403 PIThompson 1 3:42 -813 124 3.7054 queen66 1 5:07 -817 120
6.7054 queen66 1 5:07 -817 120 4.7196 sicilianc5 0 1:38 -904 33
7.7196 sicilianc5 0 1:38 -904 33 5.7405 Mycophot 0 1:24 -905 32
8.7405 Mycophot 0 1:24 -905 32 Group: intermediate
1.6877 shanice 1 3:18 -778 159
Group: not rated
1.4328 mordeckhi 0 7:58 -794 143
On 1st draw, YINCE H4 28 --- YINCE once [adv]
Other moves: YINCE H8 22, CUNEI H4 20, ENIAC H8 20, YINCE H5 20, YINCE H6 20
YINCE H4 28 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66
On 2nd draw, GASEITY 4B 22 --- GASEITY the state of being a gas [n]
Other moves: EGOITY 4C 20, GAIETY 4C 20, STAGEY 4C 20, STOGEY 4C 20, ASEITY 4C 18
YOGIS 4H 18 OrangeCup
On 3rd draw, PAR(A)FORM C3 88 --- PARAFORM a substance used as an antiseptic [n]
Other moves: P(A)RAFORM C1 80, PERFORM(S) E3 78, PREFORM(S) E2 78, PIR(I)FORM F3 70, PR(E)FORM G8 69
FOP(S) 3C 33 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, SPIV 11C 33 --- SPIV a petty criminal [n]
Other moves: GAPOS B4 32, PISO B6 30, GAPO B4 29, PSOAI 11B 29, PIS B6 27
PIS B6 27 OrangeCup
POI B6 27 PIThompson, queen66
On 5th draw, UNHEARTS 6G 65 --- UNHEART to dishearten [v]
Other tops: HAUNTERS 6E 65, UNEARTHS 6G 65
Other moves: HEAPS D8 43, HES B6 33, HET B6 33, RUGATE B2 32, AH B9 30
HET B6 33 OrangeCup
On 6th draw, WAI(N)SCOT N2 74 --- WAINSCOT to line the walls of with wooden paneling [v]
Other moves: C(H)OW 8A 36, C(L)OW 8A 36, C(R)OW 8A 36, (S)COW 8A 36, A(M)OWT 8A 33
C(R)OW 8A 36 PIThompson, OrangeCup
On 7th draw, REGRADE O8 88 --- GRADE to arrange in steps or degrees [v] --- REGRADE to grade again [v]
Other moves: REGARDER L6 74, REGARDER L2 72, REGEARED E1 70, REGEARED J3 64, REGRADE I8 64
DARRE O8 32 OrangeCup, queen66
DARER O8 32 Mycophot
EAGER K5 12 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, BINATE 14J 28 --- BINATE growing in pairs [adj]
Other tops: BARITE 14J 28
Other moves: BIN B6 27, BIT B6 27, INORNATE 8A 27, TABI N12 25, ABORT 8A 24
TABI N12 25 OrangeCup
VINT F11 9 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, DUMAS 15K 69 --- DUMA a Russian council [n]
Other moves: YAD 15M 61, MAD 15M 57, MAS 15M 51, SAD 15M 49, DAS 15M 47
YAD 15M 61 OrangeCup
REGRADES O8 30 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, JOOK 8A 60 --- JOOK to duck [v]
Other moves: GAJO B4 59, JOL B6 57, JO B6 54, JAK M1 45, LOX O1 44
JOL B6 57 OrangeCup
JO B6 54 shanice
LOX 8B 18 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, ZOO B6 67 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: ZEIN O1 52, ENTREZ L3 50, ZEI(N) 5K 50, NERTZ L4 48, ZO 5K 46
ZOO B6 67 SQUAW1, shanice, OrangeCup
On 12th draw, DEX O1 47 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: PODEX D11 46, LEX O1 44, LOX O1 44, TEX O1 44, DESEX D2 37
LOX O1 44 OrangeCup
TAX 3M 20 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, YALD M1 45 --- YALD nimble [adj]
Other tops: YARD M1 45
Other moves: LARD M1 39, YAR M1 38, ARD M2 37, DAL M1 34, ARID 5B 33
YARD M1 45 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
YAR M1 38 shanice
DRAY K4 16 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, VENETIAN J3 63 --- VENETIAN a flexible window screen [n]
Other tops: VENETIAN J5 63
Other moves: NAIVETY 1G 42, VANITY 1H 39, NINETY 1H 30, TRAVE 9B 27, TRAIN 9B 24
VANITY 1H 39 OrangeCup
PAVEN D11 22 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, WHINEY 1H 48 --- WHINEY tending to whine [adj]
Other moves: WINERY 1H 39, HID 13M 33, EPHORI D10 28, HEWN K9 27, HOWE K9 27
WHINEY 1H 48 SQUAW1, OrangeCup
PEW D11 16 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, OPAQUE D10 40 --- OPAQUE impervious to light [adj] --- OPAQUE to make opaque [v]
Other moves: EQUID K11 30, QUELEA E2 30, QUELL E2 28, AQUA 12L 26, EQUAL 13G 24
EQUID K11 30 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
On 17th draw, LED 13M 21 --- LEAD to cover with lead (a heavy metallic element) [v]
Other tops: LID 13M 21, NED 13M 21, NID 13M 21, TED 13M 21, TID 13M 21
Other moves: LEETLE 15C 18, LENITE 15C 18, LENTIL 15C 18, NELLIE 15C 18, TELLEN 15C 18
TED 13M 21 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
On 18th draw, GENTLER 15C 24 --- GENTLE mild [adj]
Other moves: ENGLUT 15D 21, GENTLE 15C 21, GERENT 15A 21, GERENT 15C 21, LENGER 15C 21
REGENT 15C 21 OrangeCup
On 19th draw, FLUB K8 27 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other moves: FLUB 12J 26, ROLF 5C 25, BUFO K9 24, FIB 12K 24, FOB 12K 24
LOOF 12J 23 OrangeCup
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