Game on October 7, 2016 at 18:43, 7 players
1. 677 pts OrangeCup
2. 554 pts musdrive
3. 236 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H2 80 80
2. 2H 68 148
3. 1L 49 197
4. 5E 48 245
5. 4A 28 273
6. B2 36 309
7. 9C 34 343
8. A4 37 380
9. 6F 42 422
10. D6 26 448
11. 10B 25 473
12. 4K 39 512
13. 12A 69 581
14. A12 30 611
15. 11G 30 641
16. L8 32 673
17. 14J 34 707
18. O11 74 781
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8446 OrangeCup 7 12:49 -104 677 1.8446 OrangeCup 7 12:49 -104 677
2.7585 musdrive 3 12:32 -227 554 Group: advanced
3.7825 SQUAW1 5 6:41 -545 236 1.7585 musdrive 3 12:32 -227 554
4.7480 PIThompson 1 5:24 -620 161 2.7825 SQUAW1 5 6:41 -545 236
5.6882 shanice 2 3:04 -647 134 3.7480 PIThompson 1 5:24 -620 161
6.7402 queen66 1 0:56 -751 30 4.7402 queen66 1 0:56 -751 30
7.7315 sicilianc5 1 1:16 -751 30 5.7315 sicilianc5 1 1:16 -751 30
Group: intermediate
1.6882 shanice 2 3:04 -647 134
On 1st draw, (I)NFLAME H2 80 --- INFLAME to set on fire [v]
Other tops: ENFLAM(E) H2 80, FEM(I)NAL H4 80, FLAMEN(S) H4 80, FLA(G)MEN H4 80, (E)NFLAME H2 80
Other moves: ENFLAM(E) H7 78, FEM(I)NAL H2 78, FLA(G)MEN H8 78, (E)NFLAME H7 78, (I)NFLAME H7 78
FLAMEN(S) H4 80 OrangeCup
ENFLAM(E) H2 30 musdrive
FLAMEN H4 30 PIThompson
On 2nd draw, (I)NQ(U)IET 2H 68 --- INQUIET to disturb [v]
Other moves: PIQ(U)ANT 6D 39, EQ(U)ANT 6E 36, INQ(U)(I)ET 2D 36, Q(U)AINT 6F 36, Q(U)ANT 6F 35
EQ(U)ANT 6E 36 OrangeCup, PIThompson
EQ(U)(I)P 2E 34 musdrive
On 3rd draw, HAUD 1L 49 --- HAUD to hold (Scots form) [v]
Other moves: BASH 1L 47, BOSH 1L 47, HOAS 1L 46, BAUD 1L 41, BUSLOAD 5E 40
BOSH 1L 47 OrangeCup
BASH 1L 47 PIThompson
HOAS 1L 46 musdrive
On 4th draw, RODLIKE 5E 48 --- RODLIKE resembling a rod [adj]
Other moves: OARLIKE 5E 44, OAKED G4 32, HIKOIED L1 30, OAKER G4 30, D*RK**DARKIE 9F 29
RODLIKE 5E 48 OrangeCup, PIThompson
FORKED 4H 28 musdrive
On 5th draw, COGIES 4A 28 --- COGIE a small bowl [n]
Other moves: NOIRS 3H 27, NOISE 3H 27, CORIES 4A 26, GRICES 4A 26, ORGIC 6J 26
CORGIS 9C 25 OrangeCup
CORSE 4A 22 musdrive
On 6th draw, BROSY B2 36 --- BROSY smeared with brose [adj]
Other tops: CARBY A4 36
Other moves: ARTSY 6B 35, STRAY 6B 35, BRAY 6C 34, BAY 6D 33, SCATTY A3 33
CARBY A4 36 OrangeCup
SCATTY A3 33 musdrive
On 7th draw, JUSTER 9C 34 --- JUSTER one who jousts [n]
Other moves: MUSTER A6 31, MEAT 6F 28, MURES A6 28, MUSER A6 28, MUSET A6 28
MUSTER A6 31 musdrive, OrangeCup
On 8th draw, COAPTS A4 37 --- COAPT to fit together and make fast [v]
Other moves: POSTAL 10B 35, COAPT A4 34, JALOPS C9 30, ALSO I7 28, COALS A4 28
POSTAL 10B 35 OrangeCup
COALS A4 28 musdrive
On 9th draw, BOATIE 6F 42 --- BOATIE a boating enthusiast [n]
Other moves: BEANO 6F 39, ONBEAT 6D 33, BONIE 10B 32, BEAN 6F 28, BEAT 6F 28
BEAN 6F 28 musdrive
JOINT C9 24 OrangeCup
On 10th draw, INCUDAL D6 26 --- INCUDAL pertaining to the incus [adj]
Other moves: CALID 4K 25, CANID 4K 25, CANT 10B 25, DULCIAN D8 24, ANTI 10C 23
CANT 10B 25 OrangeCup
DUCTAL D8 22 musdrive
On 11th draw, RADIO 10B 25 --- RADIO to transmit by radio (an apparatus for wireless communication) [v]
Other moves: IRE 3J 21, SENIOR E9 21, SENORA E9 21, SERINE E9 21, NAIN 3H 20
NAIN 3H 20 musdrive
JANE C9 18 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, MAZER 4K 39 --- MAZER a large drinking bowl [n]
Other tops: RAMEAL 11C 39
Other moves: ZEAL 4K 38, ZA A1 37, ZEA 4K 36, ZEL 4K 36, MAZE 4K 35
MAZER 4K 39 musdrive
ZEAL 4K 38 OrangeCup, shanice
On 13th draw, WALLOWER 12A 69 --- WALLOWER one that rolls about [n]
Other moves: WALLOWER 12B 65, WARE 11C 36, WAR 11C 31, RAWER O4 24, ROWEL O4 24
WARE 11C 36 OrangeCup, musdrive, shanice, SQUAW1
On 14th draw, WHAE A12 30 --- WHAE (Scots) who [pron]
Other tops: WHAT A12 30, WHET A12 30, WHIO A12 30, WHIT A12 30, WHOA A12 30, WHOT A12 30, WITH A12 30
Other moves: RATH 3B 28, AWETO A11 24, RATHE O4 24, EH 13F 23, HEAT 13G 23
WHAT A12 30 shanice, SQUAW1, queen66
WHET A12 30 OrangeCup
WHAE A12 30 musdrive
WITH A12 30 sicilianc5
On 15th draw, PAVING 11G 30 --- PAVING a pavement [n]
Other tops: PRATING O3 30, RAVING O4 30, TRAPING O3 30
Other moves: RAPING O4 27, APTING 14A 26, PAVIN 11G 26, GRAIP H11 24, GRIPT H11 24
RAVING O4 30 OrangeCup, shanice, musdrive
On 16th draw, VENGING L8 32 --- VENGE to take retribution for [v]
Other moves: FEIGN 12J 31, FRINGE O3 30, FEG 13E 27, FEIGN L8 26, NEIF 12J 24
FEIGN 12J 31 musdrive
FRINGE O3 30 OrangeCup
On 17th draw, FUGLE 14J 34 --- FUGLE to lead [v]
Other tops: FOGLE 14J 34
Other moves: FEET 13E 27, FETE 13E 27, REFELT O4 27, REFLET O4 27, REFUEL O4 27
FOGLE 14J 34 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
FOUNT 13I 24 musdrive
On 18th draw, OXIDE O11 74 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: DOXIE 15F 44, OXIDE 15F 44, VEXT 8L 42, OXO 15M 41, REDOX O4 39
OXIDE O11 74 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
VEXT 8L 42 musdrive
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