Game on October 7, 2016 at 19:27, 9 players
1. 858 pts OrangeCup
2. 619 pts musdrive
3. 247 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 64 64
2. 11D 98 162
3. D6 74 236
4. 12J 21 257
5. 14G 82 339
6. O7 52 391
7. 15D 41 432
8. N10 32 464
9. M11 32 496
10. C2 83 579
11. 3C 63 642
12. H1 42 684
13. 2J 45 729
14. 1L 41 770
15. F2 71 841
16. 3L 45 886
17. 4K 38 924
18. 5K 47 971
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8449 OrangeCup 11 14:52 -113 858 1.8449 OrangeCup 11 14:52 -113 858
2.7589 musdrive 4 11:46 -352 619 Group: advanced
3.7845 SQUAW1 1 7:22 -724 247 1.7589 musdrive 4 11:46 -352 619
4.6882 shanice 0 6:39 -749 222 2.7845 SQUAW1 1 7:22 -724 247
5.7480 PIThompson 1 4:15 -838 133 3.7480 PIThompson 1 4:15 -838 133
6.4290 mordeckhi 0 10:40 -847 124 4.7402 queen66 0 2:19 -887 84
7.7402 queen66 0 2:19 -887 84 5.7345 Mycophot 0 1:01 -922 49
8.7345 Mycophot 0 1:01 -922 49 6.7387 sicilianc5 0 1:47 -931 40
9.7387 sicilianc5 0 1:47 -931 40 Group: intermediate
1.6882 shanice 0 6:39 -749 222
Group: not rated
1.4290 mordeckhi 0 10:40 -847 124
On 1st draw, NEUST(O)N H8 64 --- NEUSTON an aggregate of small aquatic organisms [n]
Other tops: NEUST(O)N H2 64, NEUST(O)N H3 64, NEUST(O)N H4 64, NEUST(O)N H6 64, STUNNE(D) H2 64, STUNNE(D) H3 64, STUNNE(D) H4 64, STUNNE(D) H7 64, STUNNE(D) H8 64, STUNNE(R) H2 64, STUNNE(R) H3 64, STUNNE(R) H4 64, STUNNE(R) H7 64, STUNNE(R) H8 64, TUNNE(L)S H2 64, TUNNE(L)S H3 64, TUNNE(L)S H4 64, TUNNE(L)S H6 64, TUNNE(L)S H8 64, TUNN(I)ES H2 64, TUNN(I)ES H3 64, TUNN(I)ES H4 64, TUNN(I)ES H6 64, TUNN(I)ES H7 64, UNNEST(S) H2 64, UNNEST(S) H3 64, UNNEST(S) H4 64, UNNEST(S) H7 64, UNNEST(S) H8 64, UNNE(S)TS H2 64, UNNE(S)TS H3 64, UNNE(S)TS H4 64, UNNE(S)TS H6 64, UNNE(S)TS H7 64, UNS(H)ENT H2 64, UNS(H)ENT H3 64, UNS(H)ENT H4 64, UNS(H)ENT H6 64, UNS(H)ENT H7 64, UNS(H)ENT H8 64, UNS(P)ENT H2 64, UNS(P)ENT H3 64, UNS(P)ENT H4 64, UNS(P)ENT H6 64, UNS(P)ENT H7 64, UNS(P)ENT H8 64, UNTEN(T)S H2 64, UNTEN(T)S H3 64, UNTEN(T)S H4 64, UNTEN(T)S H6 64, UNTEN(T)S H8 64, UNT(U)NES H2 64, UNT(U)NES H3 64, UNT(U)NES H4 64, UNT(U)NES H6 64, UNT(U)NES H7 64, UNT(U)NES H8 64, UN(T)ENTS H3 64, UN(T)ENTS H4 64, UN(T)ENTS H6 64, UN(T)ENTS H7 64, UN(T)ENTS H8 64, (B)UNNETS H2 64, (B)UNNETS H3 64, (B)UNNETS H6 64, (B)UNNETS H7 64, (B)UNNETS H8 64, (D)UNNEST H2 64, (D)UNNEST H3 64, (D)UNNEST H6 64, (D)UNNEST H7 64, (D)UNNEST H8 64, (F)UNNEST H2 64, (F)UNNEST H3 64, (F)UNNEST H6 64, (F)UNNEST H7 64, (F)UNNEST H8 64, (P)UNNETS H2 64, (P)UNNETS H3 64, (P)UNNETS H6 64, (P)UNNETS H7 64, (P)UNNETS H8 64, (R)UNNETS H2 64, (R)UNNETS H3 64, (R)UNNETS H6 64, (R)UNNETS H7 64, (R)UNNETS H8 64, (U)NTUNES H2 64, (U)NTUNES H3 64, (U)NTUNES H6 64, (U)NTUNES H7 64, (U)NTUNES H8 64
Other moves: NEUST(O)N H5 62, NEUST(O)N H7 62, STUNNE(D) H5 62, STUNNE(D) H6 62, STUNNE(R) H5 62
(P)UNNETS H3 64 OrangeCup
TUNNE(L)S H4 14 musdrive
UNSENT H4 14 shanice
On 2nd draw, IMB(A)SING 11D 98 --- IMBASE to lower [v]
Other moves: B(E)TIMING 12F 74, B(R)IMINGS 11A 74, MISB(E)GIN 11F 74, B(R)IMING G4 73, (L)IMBING G4 73
B(R)IMINGS 11A 74 OrangeCup
MING(S) 15D 48 musdrive, shanice
On 3rd draw, STOVAINE D6 74 --- STOVAINE a local anaesthetic [n]
Other moves: OVATES 15C 60, VANES 15D 57, VANTS 15D 57, VENTS 15D 57, VOTES 15D 57
STOVAINE D6 74 OrangeCup
VANES 15D 57 PIThompson
VESTA 12A 32 musdrive
On 4th draw, AIVER 12J 21 --- AIVER a draft horse [n]
Other tops: ARVO 8A 21, RIVO 8A 21
Other moves: ERUV C12 20, URVA C12 20, VIAE E5 20, VIER E5 20, AVENIR 14E 19
RIVO 8A 21 OrangeCup
VINIER 14F 19 musdrive
AVER 13B 14 shanice
On 5th draw, INFORMED 14G 82 --- INFORM to supply with information [v]
Other moves: INFORMED 8G 67, FIRMED N10 40, FORMED N10 40, FIRMER N10 38, FORMER N10 38
INFORMED 14G 82 OrangeCup
FORMED N10 40 musdrive, sicilianc5
INFORMED 14G 32 shanice
On 6th draw, JURIES O7 52 --- JURY to select material for exhibition [v]
Other moves: SEW 15H 49, J*WSJEWS 14A 40, SEI 15H 37, SER 15H 37, WEIRS O8 37
JURIES O7 52 OrangeCup
SEW 15H 49 queen66, Mycophot
J*W G7JEW G7 36 musdrive
NEUST(O)NS H8 21 shanice
On 7th draw, OLIOS 15D 41 --- OLIO a miscellaneous collection [n]
Other moves: LOOS 15E 35, ROOS 15E 35, IOS 15F 32, LOS 15F 32, OOS 15F 32
LOOS 15E 35 OrangeCup, musdrive, shanice
ROOS 15E 35 PIThompson, queen66
On 8th draw, HARED N10 32 --- HARE to run [v]
Other moves: HER N10 29, AH N9 28, EH N9 28, OH N9 28, HAE 15M 26
HARED N10 32 OrangeCup, musdrive
On 9th draw, GEYER M11 32 --- GEY great [adj]
Other moves: YEDE M11 28, EYED M12 26, DAY G7 24, DOY G7 24, DRAY G6 24
DAY G7 24 musdrive, OrangeCup
GORY 8C 8 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, PREHEAT C2 83 --- PREHEAT to heat beforehand [v]
Other moves: SPREATHE 6D 73, PREHEAT G3 72, PREHEAT I3 72, HAP C13 34, HEP C13 34
PREHEAT C2 83 OrangeCup
PETHER E3 31 musdrive
HOPE 8C 9 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, RIDEABLE 3C 63 --- RIDEABLE capable of being ridden [adj]
Other moves: DENIABLE 8F 62, DEBE B4 35, DAB B4 31, DEB B4 31, ABELE B3 28
DEBE B4 35 OrangeCup
DEB B4 31 musdrive
DEAL 4B 10 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, DOBY H1 42 --- DOBY an unburnt sun-dried brick [n]
Other moves: TOBY H1 39, DOY B4 37, PLOY 2C 35, TOY B4 35, DOILY 2J 33
DOBY H1 42 OrangeCup
DOY B4 37 musdrive
LOB H1 15 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, WRITE 2J 45 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: WEIR D1 30, WEIR 2J 28, WERT 2J 28, WIG 2J 28, WIRE 2J 28
WRITE 2J 45 musdrive, OrangeCup
REGIE J2 10 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, PUNG 1L 41 --- PUNG a box-shaped sleigh [n]
Other tops: PANG 1L 41
Other moves: PANT 1L 38, PATU 1L 38, PUNA 1L 38, PUNT 1L 38, AFT B5 36
PANG 1L 41 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, musdrive
PUNG 1L 41 PIThompson
UNTO 8A 12 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, DELICATE F2 71 --- DELICATE a delicacy [n]
Other moves: APTED 2B 36, CAPLET 2A 33, CADE 3L 31, CADI 3L 31, CEDI 3L 31
CADE 3L 31 OrangeCup, musdrive
DICE 13A 14 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, CAWK 3L 45 --- CAWK chalk [n]
Other moves: WAX I7 44, WOX I7 44, WOK G7 43, COX I7 42, PICKAX L1 42
CAWK 3L 45 musdrive, OrangeCup
AXE 13B 20 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, ZA 4K 38 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: AQUA 10A 33, QUA 10B 32, ZOA 10B 32, ZUPA 2A 32, ZO B1 30
AQUA 10A 33 OrangeCup, musdrive
LAZE 13A 26 shanice
On 18th draw, ALOFT 5K 47 --- ALOFT in or into the air [adv]
Other moves: FOAL 5I 45, ALF 5K 43, TALON 5J 41, TOLAN 5J 41, ALTO 5K 39
FOAL 5I 45 OrangeCup, musdrive, SQUAW1
FA 5J 32 shanice
TA 5J 26 mordeckhi
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