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Game on October 7, 2016 at 20:11, 8 players
1. 585 pts musdrive
2. 374 pts shanice
3. 297 pts mordeckhi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adefrtv   H4    30    30   faver
 2. aensuwy   6F    31    61   waveys
 3. ??eiloz   8A   125   186   sozzlier
 4. aeinpru   A2    62   248   unpraise
 5. aefgruw   D4    34   282   warez
 6. eeimorv   K5    36   318   isomere
 7. egiiltu  10D    63   381   guiltier
 8. aenorty   8K    33   414   money
 9. abcdflo   N1    86   500   boldface
10. adlostu   9M    31   531   oda
11. acehitt   O1    37   568   ahi
12. ehnsstu  12K    34   602   snush
13. ilnortu  O11    24   626   thorn
14. eglnoqt  M11    28   654   quote
15. adejnsv   L1    44   698   jades
16. amprtux   7F    55   753   apex
17. bdeginu  H10    36   789   tubing
18. cegortt  14J    28   817   cotter
19. dgiirtv   I9    26   843   virid
20. giklmnt   J2    27   870   milky

Remaining tiles: gntt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7592 Filemusdrive    7 10:19  -285  585     1.8454 OrangeCup   1  0:27  -840   30 
  2.6872 Fileshanice     2 20:07  -496  374            Group: advanced
  3.4285 Filemordeckhi   1 20:01  -573  297     1.7592 musdrive    7 10:19  -285  585 
  4.7834 FileSQUAW1      0  1:55  -768  102     2.7834 SQUAW1      0  1:55  -768  102 
  5.7480 FilePIThompson  1  1:46  -773   97     3.7480 PIThompson  1  1:46  -773   97 
  6.8454 FileOrangeCup   1  0:27  -840   30     4.7387 sicilianc5  0  0:53  -841   29 
  7.7387 Filesicilianc5  0  0:53  -841   29     5.7402 queen66     0  1:12  -841   29 
  8.7402 Filequeen66     0  1:12  -841   29            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6872 shanice     2 20:07  -496  374 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4285 mordeckhi   1 20:01  -573  297 

On 1st draw, FAVER H4 30 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: F*RT*D H4 28, FADER H4 26, FARED H4 26, FATED H4 26, ADVERT H3 24
FAVER H4 30 musdrive, OrangeCup, shanice
FAVER H7 22 mordeckhi

On 2nd draw, WAVEYS 6F 31 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: WAVEY 6F 30, YAWNS G7 30, WAYS G7 29, WEYS G7 29, YAWN G7 29
WAVEYS 6F 31 musdrive
WAYS G7 29 shanice
ASWAY 5E 22 mordeckhi

On 3rd draw, (S)O(Z)ZLIER 8A 125 --- SOZZLY drunk [adj]
Other moves: I(D)OL(I)ZER 8A 98, RO(Y)(A)LIZE 8H 98, (I)(D)OLIZER 8A 98, LIO(N)(I)ZER 8A 95, L(I)O(N)IZER 8A 95
FOZIE(R) 4H 34 musdrive
ZO(N)ES K2 26 shanice
LOSE K4 8 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, UNPRAI(S)E A2 62 --- UNPRAISE to deprive of praise [v]
Other moves: AZURINE D7 32, ZUPAN D8 32, PEREIA 7G 30, ZANIER D8 30, PARAE 5G 29
ZAIRE D8 28 musdrive
ZAP D8 14 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, WAREZ D4 34 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: AWEE 7F 31, FAW 5J 30, FEW 5J 30, WERE 7G 30, FEWER I3 29
FAW 5J 30 musdrive
ZAG D8 13 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, ISOMERE K5 36 --- ISOMERE an organ corresponding with another [n]
Other moves: MIEVE 5J 31, MOVER 5J 31, MOVIE 5J 31, MEVE 5J 29, MIRV 5J 29
MOVER E1 29 musdrive, PIThompson, sicilianc5, queen66
REM E3 23 shanice
MOVERS K1 22 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, GUILTIER 10D 63 --- GUILTY worthy of blame for an offence [adj]
Other moves: GILET E1 21, GELATE G3 20, GUE B2 20, TUILYIE J2 20, GLEI E2 19
GUE B2 20 musdrive
LEG E3 19 shanice
MILE 8K 7 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, MONEY 8K 33 --- MONEY an official medium of exchange and measure of value [n]
Other tops: MANTY 8K 33, MATEY 8K 33, MAYOR 8K 33, MEANY 8K 33, MEATY 8K 33, MEYNT 8K 33, MONTY 8K 33, MORAY 8K 33, MOTEY 8K 33
Other moves: TONEY E1 31, TETANY H10 30, TRAYNE H10 30, TREATY H10 30, TYRANT H10 30
MAYOR 8K 33 musdrive
MEATY 8K 33 mordeckhi
TONEY E1 31 PIThompson
AY 6A 13 shanice

On 9th draw, BOLDFACE N1 86 --- BOLDFACE to print in thick type [v]
Other moves: CODABLE N2 36, ACED 7F 31, ALEF 7F 31, BACALAO 5C 31, FOB E3 29
CLOD E2 25 musdrive
FACED N5 13 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, ODA 9M 31 --- ODA a room in a harem [n]
Other tops: ADO 9M 31, UDO 9M 31
Other moves: ADO O1 29, ODA O1 29, DABS 1L 27, DAUBS 1K 27, DOABS 1K 27
ODA O1 29 shanice
ADO O1 29 musdrive
DABS 1L 27 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, AHI O1 37 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other moves: THETIC H10 36, CHAI B1 34, AH O1 32, EH O1 32, AITCH L11 30
AHI O1 37 PIThompson, shanice
AH O1 32 musdrive
ITCH I10 13 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, SNUSH 12K 34 --- SNUSH to snuff [v]
Other moves: TENTHS H10 30, THUSES 12H 30, THUSES H10 30, TUSHES H10 30, TUSSEH 12H 30
HUE B2 28 musdrive
EH B5 28 shanice

On 13th draw, THORN O11 24 --- THORN to prick with a thorn (a sharp, rigid projection on a plant) [v]
Other tops: RHINO O11 24, THIOL O11 24, THIRL O11 24, THOLI O11 24, THURL O11 24
Other moves: RETOOL 7G 22, HILT O12 21, HINT O12 21, HOLT O12 21, HORI O12 21
THORN O11 24 musdrive
HURT O12 21 mordeckhi
HUNT O12 21 shanice

On 14th draw, QUOTE M11 28 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: QAT 5C 24, QI I9 21, TONLET H10 21, GELATE G3 20, GEO B2 20
QUOTE M11 28 musdrive

On 15th draw, JADES L1 44 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JANES L1 42, JEANS L1 42, JADES E1 35, JADE C3 34, VASTER 14J 34
JADES L1 44 musdrive
JADE C3 34 shanice
JEAN 15L 19 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, APEX 7F 55 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: AXE 7F 42, REX 7G 40, TEX 7G 40, REX I5 37, TEX I5 37
TEX 7G 40 shanice
REX I5 37 musdrive
OX B8 18 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, TUBING H10 36 --- TUBING material in the form of a slim pipe [n]
Other moves: BEGUINE 15G 33, BUDGIE 15H 33, BEIGNE 15H 30, BUNGEE 15H 30, BUNGIE 15H 30
TUBING H10 36 musdrive
BIND 11C 24 shanice
GUNTER 14J 22 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, COTTER 14J 28 --- COTTER a pin or wedge used for fastening parts together [n]
Other tops: ERGOTIC 13C 28
Other moves: CROG E2 25, CAR 5G 23, CAT 5G 23, COG E3 23, CROG 11B 23
CROG 11B 23 musdrive
COTE C3 21 shanice

On 19th draw, VIRID I9 26 --- VIRID verdant [adj]
Other moves: TAV 5G 25, GAD 5G 23, VIG 11C 23, GIRD 11C 22, RIGID I9 22
VIG 11C 23 musdrive
GRID 13F 9 mordeckhi

On 20th draw, MILKY J2 27 --- MILKY resembling or suggestive of milk [adj]
Other tops: TAK 5G 27
Other moves: KI G13 26, GLIM 11B 25, KILTY J2 25, LIMN 11C 25, KNIT 11B 23
MINT 11C 21 musdrive
GLIM D10 14 mordeckhi

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