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Game on October 8, 2016 at 20:46, 8 players
1. 925 pts OrangeCup
2. 671 pts musdrive
3. 480 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeegir   H2    68    68   reginae
 2. deenqsw   3C    34   102   ensewed
 3. deilrsy   G8    68   170   ridleys
 4. aeimotv  H12    41   211   mote
 5. aaeinpt   5E    36   247   patinae
 6. ?abjruu   4A    44   291   jura
 7. abfilmt   4H    34   325   gimbal
 8. abeiiot   A4    42   367   jabot
 9. finorst   B7    69   436   forints
10. elstuuz   N4    44   480   sez
11. aeilnou   E5    70   550   poulaine
12. cdenopv   O5    41   591   doven
13. ?ainotv   N9    86   677   ovation
14. acehuwy  D12    48   725   wych
15. cegikor  15J    54   779   coking
16. eilprtu   6G    37   816   inept
17. dghioru  15A    33   849   high
18. aeloqrx  M11    42   891   lax
19. defoqrr   2F    32   923   for
20. deqrruu  12K    30   953   quate

Remaining tiles: drru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8508 FileOrangeCup  13 13:48   -28  925     1.8508 OrangeCup  13 13:48   -28  925 
  2.7603 Filemusdrive    6 15:43  -282  671            Group: advanced
  3.7852 FileSQUAW1      8  8:37  -473  480     1.7603 musdrive    6 15:43  -282  671 
  4.4310 Filemordeckhi   1 17:44  -588  365     2.7852 SQUAW1      8  8:37  -473  480 
  5.7437 FilePIThompson  2  7:08  -803  150     3.7437 PIThompson  2  7:08  -803  150 
  6.7387 Filesicilianc5  1  0:59  -909   44     4.7387 sicilianc5  1  0:59  -909   44 
  7.7237 FileMycophot    1  1:19  -909   44     5.7237 Mycophot    1  1:19  -909   44 
  8.6870 Fileshanice     0  1:10  -928   25            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6870 shanice     0  1:10  -928   25 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4310 mordeckhi   1 17:44  -588  365 

On 1st draw, REGI(N)AE H2 68 --- REGINA a queen [n]
Other tops: E(U)GARIE H2 68, REI(M)AGE H7 68, (H)IREAGE H7 68, (P)IERAGE H7 68
Other moves: E(U)GARIE H4 66, E(U)GARIE H6 66, E(U)GARIE H7 66, E(U)GARIE H8 66, REGI(N)AE H3 66
(P)IERAGE H7 68 OrangeCup
(P)IERAGE H7 18 PIThompson
GREA(S)E H4 16 musdrive

On 2nd draw, ENSEWED 3C 34 --- ENSEW to follow [v]
Other moves: NEWED I5 29, NEWSED I5 29, SEWED I5 29, DEWS I5 27, SEWEN I5 27
SEWED I5 29 musdrive
DEWS I5 27 OrangeCup
WEDS I7 25 shanice

On 3rd draw, RIDLEYS G8 68 --- RIDLEY a sea turtle [n]
Other tops: RIDLEYS I8 68
YIELDERS F1 66 OrangeCup
DREY 4A 32 musdrive
DENY D1 20 mordeckhi
YE G7 20 PIThompson

On 4th draw, MOTE H12 41 --- MOTE a small particle [n] --- MOTE must [v]
Other tops: MATE H12 41, META H12 41, MOIT H12 41, MOTI H12 41
Other moves: AMORET 2E 36, IMARET 2E 36, MORAE 2F 33, MORAT 2F 33, MORIA 2F 33
MOTE H12 41 OrangeCup, musdrive
EMOTE 12G 10 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, PATINAE 5E 36 --- PATINA a green film that forms on bronze [n]
Other moves: PARENT 2F 34, PARIAN 2F 34, PARAE 2F 33, REPAINT 2H 33, PINATA 4A 32
PARENT 2F 34 musdrive, OrangeCup
PA(N)T 6F 11 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, JURA 4A 44 --- JUS a legal right [n]
Other moves: J(U)RA 4A 42, JAB(I)RU 4J 41, JU(R)A 4A 41, JUR(A) 4A 40, JUR(E) 4A 40
JURA 4A 44 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, musdrive, Mycophot
AJAR J5 27 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, GIMBAL 4H 34 --- GIMBAL a support allowing much free movement [n] --- GIMBAL to support on a set of rings [v]
Other tops: GAMBIT 4H 34
Other moves: BI(N)AL 6F 32, FAR 2F 32, MIB 2D 30, FLAB 6C 29, FLAM 6C 29
FAR 2F 32 OrangeCup, musdrive
JAIL A4 11 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, JABOT A4 42 --- JABOT a decoration on a shirt [n]
Other moves: BA(N)E 6F 28, BA(N)T 6F 28, BE(N)T 6F 28, BI(N)E 6F 28, BI(N)T 6F 28
JABOT A4 42 OrangeCup, mordeckhi, PIThompson, SQUAW1
BOR 2F 26 musdrive

On 9th draw, FORINTS B7 69 --- FORINT a monetary unit of Hungary [n]
Other moves: FORI(N)TS 6D 35, FOR 2F 32, FIRST N1 28, FOIST N1 28, FRIST N1 28
FORINTS B7 69 OrangeCup
FOR 2F 32 SQUAW1, musdrive
FINS N1 26 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, SEZ N4 44 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: ZELS 3L 41, ZEST 3L 41, ZEL 3L 39, LUTZ 6K 38, ZELS N1 38
ZELS 3L 41 OrangeCup, musdrive
ZA L3 11 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, POULAINE E5 70 --- POULAINE a long, pointed shoe-toe [n]
Other moves: EOLIAN O5 31, LOUIE O5 28, NOULE O5 28, ALIEN O6 26, ALINE O6 26
POULAINE E5 70 OrangeCup
NOULE O5 28 PIThompson
ALONE O6 26 SQUAW1, mordeckhi
ALINE O6 26 musdrive

On 12th draw, DOVEN O5 41 --- DOVEN to utter Jewish prayers [v]
Other moves: DOVE O5 38, PONCED D10 36, DOPE O5 35, (N)OPE 6H 34, PONCED I8 33
DOVEN O5 41 SQUAW1, OrangeCup, musdrive
MACED J4 16 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, OVATI(O)N N9 86 --- OVATION an expression or demonstration of popular acclaim [n]
Other tops: OVATIN(G) N9 86
Other moves: (O)VATION N9 85, DONATIV(E) 10G 63, OL(L)AV M3 37, STOVAIN(E) 14G 36, VOLTAI(C) M2 36
OVATI(O)N N9 86 OrangeCup
OVATI(O)N N9 36 musdrive
YON 13G 7 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, WYCH D12 48 --- WYCH a European elm [n]
Other moves: HYENA 15K 45, CHEWY I10 44, WHEY D12 44, WANY 15L 42, YECH D12 42
WHEY D12 44 OrangeCup
WANY 15L 42 musdrive
CANE 15L 27 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, COKING 15J 54 --- COKE to change into a carbon fuel [v]
Other moves: REKING 15J 48, ROKING 15J 48, EKING 15K 45, KEG 6J 42, KING 15L 42
COKING 15J 54 SQUAW1, OrangeCup
CONK 15L 39 musdrive
KRONE 15K 30 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, I(N)EPT 6G 37 --- INEPT not suitable [adj]
Other moves: PER 6J 29, PET 6J 29, PLU 6J 29, PE 6J 28, (N)EP 6H 28
PET 6J 29 OrangeCup
PITH 15A 27 musdrive
RELIC J11 9 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, HIGH 15A 33 --- HIGH a high level [n] --- HIGH reaching far upward [adj] --- HIGH to turn to the left [v]
Other tops: HOGH 15A 33
Other moves: DUH M11 29, DROUTH 12J 28, DRUG M6 28, OH 2E 28, UH 2E 28
HIGH 15A 33 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
DUH M11 29 musdrive
HOIK L12 22 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, LAX M11 42 --- LAX a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles [n] --- LAX not strict or stringent [adj]
Other tops: LEX M11 42
Other moves: AX M12 38, EX M12 38, AXLE M6 36, AXE M6 30, AX M6 29
LEX M11 42 musdrive, OrangeCup
LAX M11 42 SQUAW1, PIThompson
AXEL M1 22 mordeckhi

On 19th draw, FOR 2F 32 --- FOR directed or sent to [prep]
Other moves: FOE C7 30, EF 2E 28, OF 2E 28, FE C7 25, DERO M6 24
FOR 2F 32 musdrive, SQUAW1, OrangeCup
QAT 12L 24 mordeckhi

On 20th draw, QUATE 12K 30 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: QUAT 12K 26, QUAD L2 25, DURE M6 24, QAT 12L 24, RUED I10 21
QUATE 12K 30 SQUAW1, musdrive, OrangeCup
QAT 12L 24 mordeckhi

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