Game on October 9, 2016 at 21:05, 6 players
1. 798 pts OrangeCup
2. 179 pts PIThompson
3. 168 pts Sirocco
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


13G 76 106 


11E 48 154 


14A 76 230 


A11 45 275 


J4 62 337 


8J 30 367 


5C 76 443 


H1 39 482 


N10 74 556 


15L 54 610 


4C 24 634 


5C 34 668 


2H 74 742 


O1 107 849 


15G 45 894 


3C 28 922 


3K 29 951 


B10 33 984 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 6 12:06 -186 798 1.8500 OrangeCup 6 12:06 -186 798
PIThompson 1 5:53 -805 179 Group: advanced
Sirocco 2 7:03 -816 168 1.7448 PIThompson 1 5:53 -805 179
queen66 0 4:38 -819 165 2.7150 Sirocco 2 7:03 -816 168
Mycophot 0 3:33 -855 129 3.7453 queen66 0 4:38 -819 165
sicilianc5 0 3:02 -870 114 4.7249 Mycophot 0 3:33 -855 129
5.7387 sicilianc5 0 3:02 -870 114
On 1st draw, SUPAWN H8 30 --- SUPAWN a kind of porridge [n]
Other moves: PAWNS H4 26, SUPAWN H3 24, SUPAWN H4 24, SUPAWN H7 24, WANTS H4 24
PAWNS H4 26 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66
On 2nd draw, INDULGES 13G 76 --- INDULGE to yield to the desire of [v]
Other moves: PULSIDGE 10H 68, SILAGED 11E 36, GUISED 14E 26, DUELING 13C 24, ELUDING 13C 24
INDULGES 13G 76 OrangeCup
GUISED 14E 26 PIThompson
On 3rd draw, TROAKED 11E 48 --- TROAK to exchange [v]
Other moves: KEX G7 46, REDOX G5 42, DETOX G5 41, EXO G8 41, DEX G7 40
KEX G7 46 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, OLIVERS 14A 76 --- OLIVER a forge-hammer worked by the foot [n]
Other tops: VIOLERS 14A 76
OLIVERS 14A 76 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, THEOW A11 45 --- THEOW a slave [n]
Other moves: WHOT A12 42, WHILST N9 40, WELSH N10 38, WHIST N10 38, HIT 15A 37
WHOT A12 42 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, ARR(O)GATE J4 62 --- ARROGATE to claim or take without right [v]
Other moves: ARRAUG(H)T 9D 61, ARR(O)GATE M6 59, AGRAST(E) N9 22, A(U)RAR 12K 22, AR(E)G 12L 21
ARR(O)GATE M6 59 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, GLANCE 8J 30 --- GLANCE to look quickly [v]
Other moves: CONSOL N10 28, COOSEN N10 28, CANSO N10 26, CLOSE N10 26, OCEAN 15G 24
CLOSE N10 26 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 8th draw, EMPOLDER 5C 76 --- EMPOLDER to reclaim low-lying land [v]
Other moves: EMPOLDER F4 71, EMPOLDER 6C 65, DEPLORE 5E 40, MOPED 15G 35, LEMED 15E 33
EMPOLDER 5C 76 OrangeCup
On 9th draw, FAYED H1 39 --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: NAIF 6C 38, NEIF 6C 38, NIEF 6C 38, FAA 6F 32, FAE 6F 32
FAYED H1 39 OrangeCup, PIThompson
On 10th draw, ZOISMS N10 74 --- ZOISM a doctrine [n]
Other moves: ZOISM N10 72, ZIMBS K1 68, MOZ 4D 55, ZOISM D1 52, BOYS K2 51
BOYS K2 51 OrangeCup, queen66
MOYS K2 51 Mycophot
On 11th draw, X(Y)ST 15L 54 --- XYST a roofed area for athletic training ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: (A)X 6E 52, (E)X 6E 52, (O)X 6E 52, X(I) 6F 50, V(E)X G7 42
(A)X 6E 52 OrangeCup
(E)X 6E 52 Mycophot
On 12th draw, NAOI 4C 24 --- NAOS an ancient temple [n]
Other tops: AEON 4C 24
Other moves: ONEIRIC N2 22, AEON 6C 20, AERO 4A 20, AERO 6D 20, AIN O10 20
NARE 4A 20 OrangeCup
On 13th draw, EMPOLDERING 5C 34 --- EMPOLDER to reclaim low-lying land [v]
Other moves: GOEY 3A 30, YONT 3B 30, ENVY D12 28, GEY 3B 28, GIO 14J 28
GOEY 3A 30 OrangeCup
On 14th draw, ABOITEAU 2H 74 --- ABOITEAU a tide-gate [n]
Other tops: ABOITEAU 2B 74
Other moves: OUBIT 12K 30, *B*ABO 3C 28, ABOUT 4J 25, BEAT 6B 25, TOKED I9 25
TAB 3B 23 OrangeCup
BUTE I2 20 Sirocco
On 15th draw, OUTVOICED O1 107 --- OUTVOICE to surpass in loudness of voice [v]
Other moves: OUTVOICE O1 51, DOCO 3B 32, TOCO 3B 30, DOC 3B 25, COD 3B 24
DOC 3B 25 OrangeCup
OTIC 15G 21 Sirocco
On 16th draw, HAJ 15G 45 --- HAJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: HAJ 3B 44, JAY 3B 40, HYEN 15G 36, JAY G7 36, AYAH 3A 34
HAJ 15G 45 Sirocco
HAJ 3B 44 OrangeCup
On 17th draw, ARB 3C 28 --- ARB a type of stock trader [n]
Other moves: BRAN 3A 23, NAB 3B 23, AB 3C 21, BAN 3B 21, BAR 3B 21
ARB 3C 28 OrangeCup
BAR 3B 21 Sirocco
On 18th draw, FIENT 3K 29 --- FIENT a fiend [n]
Other moves: ENVY D12 28, FEY G7 28, NEF 3K 26, FET 3M 24, FIT 3M 24
FEY G7 28 Sirocco
NEF 3K 26 OrangeCup
On 19th draw, QI B10 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 6N 31, QUINIE C10 30, REQUIN C10 30, ENVY D12 28, QUEYS 8D 27
QI B10 33 OrangeCup, Sirocco
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