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Game on October 13, 2016 at 20:07, 7 players
1. 86 pts SQUAW1
2. 48 pts sunshine12
3. 26 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeikoss   H4    28    28   kaies
 2. ?ilnort   5E    78   106   relation
 3. denrstu   K4    68   174   tonsured
 4. ceggotu   L2    24   198   econut
 5. bcdeost   8J    40   238   busted
 6. ?efinnw  J10    36   274   wifie
 7. acelmst  15D   103   377   camlets
 8. aabehtv  14E    40   417   bhat
 9. agnnorv  13I    26   443   virago
10. aglnoqu   2J    68   511   quean
11. aefiloy  N10    40   551   flooey
12. aeglnox   6D    52   603   lex
13. adeijoo   1M    41   644   jai
14. eeipruz   4C    51   695   prez
15. adhmnoy   3L    47   742   cyan
16. eegoruw  15M    27   769   wye
17. adginou   C2    33   802   unpaid
18. aeegorv   B7    66   868   overage
19. ghinopr   G7    30   898   hoping
20. diimoor  14A    32   930   id

Remaining tiles: iimoor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7854 FileSQUAW1      1  0:55  -844   86     1.8027 TWEEKS      0  0:35  -908   22 
  2.6722 Filesunshine12  0  2:14  -882   48            Group: advanced
  3.7034 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:30  -904   26     1.7854 SQUAW1      1  0:55  -844   86 
  4.7101 Fileroocatcher  0  1:54  -904   26     2.7034 GLOBEMAN    0  1:30  -904   26 
  5.8027 FileTWEEKS      0  0:35  -908   22     3.7101 roocatcher  0  1:54  -904   26 
  6.7606 FileWEASEL      0  1:02  -908   22     4.7606 WEASEL      0  1:02  -908   22 
  7.6873 Fileshanice     0  1:43  -910   20            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6722 sunshine12  0  2:14  -882   48 
                                             2.6873 shanice     0  1:43  -910   20 

On 1st draw, KAIES H4 28 --- KAIE a wharf [n]
Other tops: KOSES H4 28
Other moves: OAKIES H3 22, OAKIES H4 22, OAKIES H7 22, OAKIES H8 22, ASKOI H4 20

On 2nd draw, R(E)LATION 5E 78 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other tops: IN(F)LATOR 5D 78, NOTARI(A)L 5E 78, (C)ILANTRO 5E 78
Other moves: NO(S)TRILS 8A 74, R(E)TINOLS 8A 74, INTROL(D) I4 73, NO(S)TRIL I3 73, R(E)TINOL I1 71

On 3rd draw, TONSURED K4 68 --- TONSURE to shave the head of [v]
Other tops: ROUNDEST K4 68
Other moves: RETUNDS G7 66, INTRUDES J5 65, S(E)DERUNT F4 64, DENTURES 7G 63, NURDIEST J1 63
UNREST M1 20 shanice

On 4th draw, ECONUT L2 24 --- ECONUT an environmentalist [n]
Other tops: COGUE 4A 24
Other moves: GOUGE 4A 20, COGUE 4B 19, CONE L3 18, TOGUE 4K 18, COTT I3 17

On 5th draw, BUSTED 8J 40 --- BURST to break open suddenly or violently [v] --- BUST to burst [v]
Other moves: OUSTED 8J 34, BODES J10 29, BESOT J10 28, BOETS J10 28, COEDS 2J 28

On 6th draw, WIF(I)E J10 36 --- WIFIE an endearment for wife [n]
Other moves: BEFI(T) J8 35, BEWI(G) J8 35, W(I)FIE J10 35, B(O)WIE J8 34, FINNE(D) J10 34

On 7th draw, CAMLETS 15D 103 --- CAMLET a durable fabric [n]
Other moves: CALMEST 15E 94, CALM(I)EST 13F 80, MET(I)CALS 13G 80, CL(I)MATES 13H 74, CLEMAT(I)S 13D 65

On 8th draw, BHAT 14E 40 --- BHAT a unit of Thai currency [n]
Other moves: BAHT M1 37, THAE 14E 36, AHA 14E 33, HAE 14F 33, HAT 14F 33

On 9th draw, V(I)RAGO 13I 26 --- VIRAGO a noisy, domineering woman [n]
Other moves: AVO I10 24, GOVERN 2I 24, V(I)GOR 13I 24, V(I)RGA 13I 24, GOV I9 22

On 10th draw, QUEAN 2J 68 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUENA 2J 68
Other moves: QUEAN N6 36, QUENA N6 36, (E)QUAL F5 33, QUA 13C 29, QAT I3 28

On 11th draw, FLOOEY N10 40 --- FLOOEY awry [adj]
Other moves: FAY 12L 36, FAY 1M 34, FEY 1M 34, FLOOIE N10 34, FOY 1M 34

On 12th draw, LEX 6D 52 --- LEX law [n]
Other moves: EX 6E 51, ONYX 15L 45, LANX L12 38, AX O11 36, OX O11 36

On 13th draw, JAI 1M 41 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other tops: JOE 1M 41
Other moves: JEDI C3 35, JIAO 13C 35, DOJO 13B 29, DOJO G7 29, AJEE N5 27

On 14th draw, PREZ 4C 51 --- PREZ a president [n]
Other moves: REZ 4D 45, RIZ 4D 45, PEIZE 4A 41, PRIZE 4A 41, PEIZE C6 40

On 15th draw, CYAN 3L 47 --- CYAN a blue colour [n]
Other moves: HOYA 15L 42, MAYO 15L 36, MOYA 15L 36, HA O14 35, HO O14 35

On 16th draw, WYE 15M 27 --- WYE the letter Y [n]
Other moves: W*G G7 24, EE O14 23, RE O14 23, WEER G7 23, WERE G7 23

On 17th draw, UNPAID C2 33 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [adj] --- UNPAID not paid [adj]
Other moves: GOAD 3B 27, OUD 3C 23, IGAD C6 21, DAGOBA E10 20, LANGUID D6 20

On 18th draw, OVERAGE B7 66 --- OVERAGE an amount in excess [n]
Other moves: OUVRAGE 2B 26, EREV I10 22, GOV I9 22, OEUVRE 2A 22, VAG I9 22

On 19th draw, HOPING G7 30 --- HOPE to have a desire or expectation [v]
Other moves: HIP A13 29, HOP A13 29, HING C11 28, HONG C11 28, PHI A13 28
HOG A13 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 20th draw, ID 14A 32 --- ID a part of the psyche [n]
Other tops: DI 14B 32, DO 14B 32, OD 14A 32
Other moves: DOM F8 30, MODI F8 29, OOM F8 28, MIDI C11 27, MODI C11 27
MOD A13 22 TWEEKS, WEASEL, sunshine12

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