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Game on October 15, 2016 at 18:16, 7 players
1. 809 pts OrangeCup
2. 606 pts musdrive
3. 497 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ehlmos   H4    80    80   holesom
 2. aefilnr   5G    70   150   forelain
 3. eglrsty   6L    32   182   stye
 4. adersty   O6    89   271   estrayed
 5. eilnrtw   4J    33   304   newt
 6. abghopr  N10    43   347   abhor
 7. ?eiiiot   7H    26   373   egoities
 8. cdfimot  12J    28   401   fitche
 9. adellnr   8A    83   484   landlers
10. cemnoop  11B    88   572   compone
11. egijnru  F10    31   603   joiner
12. addeiko  15A    48   651   daiker
13. giooruv  M12    24   675   crog
14. abegnow   3C    42   717   begnaw
15. adeiotz   4A    54   771   zoea
16. adiitux   A1    42   813   ditz
17. iopuuvx  11J    41   854   ox
18. agisuuv  13B    24   878   saving
19. aipquuv   B6    33   911   quai

Remaining tiles: apuuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8590 FileOrangeCup  13 17:35  -102  809     1.8590 OrangeCup  13 17:35  -102  809 
  2.7605 Filemusdrive    5 12:10  -305  606            Group: advanced
  3.7867 FileSQUAW1      7 14:05  -414  497     1.7605 musdrive    5 12:10  -305  606 
  4.6873 Fileshanice     2 15:15  -496  415     2.7867 SQUAW1      7 14:05  -414  497 
  5.7561 FilePIThompson  3  4:26  -744  167     3.7561 PIThompson  3  4:26  -744  167 
  6.7859 Filesicilianc5  1  4:51  -816   95     4.7859 sicilianc5  1  4:51  -816   95 
  7.7710 Filequeen66     1  1:36  -878   33     5.7710 queen66     1  1:36  -878   33 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6873 shanice     2 15:15  -496  415 

On 1st draw, H(O)LESOM H4 80 --- HOLESOM wholesome [adj]
Other tops: HOLES(O)M H4 80, (P)HLOEMS H3 80
Other moves: HOLES(O)M H6 78, H(O)LESOM H6 78, (P)HLOEMS H7 78, HOLES(O)M H2 74, HOLES(O)M H3 74
HOLES(O)M H4 80 OrangeCup
HOLES(O)M H4 30 PIThompson
HOLMS H4 28 musdrive

On 2nd draw, F(O)RELAIN 5G 70 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: FORELAIN 9G 67, INFLAMER 10C 67, RIFLEMAN 10C 67, FLANERIE 7A 63, FLANERIE 7D 63
F(O)RELAIN 5G 70 OrangeCup
AFIRE I6 33 musdrive

On 3rd draw, STYE 6L 32 --- STYE an inflamed swelling of the eyelid [n]
Other tops: GRIESLY M3 32, GRISELY M3 32, GRISTLY M3 32
Other moves: STY 6L 31, GREATLY L2 30, GYRES 11E 30, GYTES 11E 30, STYE I7 30
STYE 6L 32 musdrive, OrangeCup

On 4th draw, ESTRAYED O6 89 --- ESTRAY to stray [v]
Other moves: STRAYED 11C 84, STRAYED I7 77, ESTRAYED J5 72, ESTRAYED 7B 69, HAYERS 4H 42
ESTRAYED 7B 69 OrangeCup
FAYED G5 36 musdrive

On 5th draw, NEWT 4J 33 --- NEWT a small salamander [n]
Other moves: TWINER 11D 30, WELT 4J 30, WENT 4J 30, WERT 4J 30, WILE G7 30
NEWT 4J 33 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, sicilianc5, queen66
WINTER 11D 30 musdrive

On 6th draw, ABHOR N10 43 --- ABHOR to loathe [v]
Other moves: HAP N10 38, HARO N10 38, HOB N10 38, HOP N10 38, HORA N10 38
HOP N10 38 OrangeCup, musdrive
HAP N10 38 shanice

On 7th draw, E(G)OITIES 7H 26 --- EGOITY the essence of the ego [n]
Other moves: TOI(S)E 15K 25, (C)ITIES 7J 24, (P)ITIES 7J 24, (Y)ITIES 7J 24, TIES 7L 23
TO(S)E 15L 22 shanice
TI(D)E 11E 18 musdrive
T(H)O M12 18 OrangeCup

On 8th draw, FITCHE 12J 28 --- FITCHE in heraldry, coming to a point [adj]
Other tops: COMBY 11K 28, MOC M13 28, MOTIF G9 28, MOTIF I9 28
Other moves: COD M13 26, DOF M13 26, FICHE 12K 26, FICO I9 26, FOCI I9 26
MOC M13 28 OrangeCup
FITCHE 12J 28 shanice
MOD M13 26 musdrive

On 9th draw, LANDLERS 8A 83 --- LANDLER a slow Austrian dance [n]
Other moves: LANDLER 11C 78, LANDLER G9 67, ACNED M11 34, ACRED M11 34, ACNE M11 30
LANDLERS 8A 83 OrangeCup
ACRED M11 34 SQUAW1, shanice
LANDER 11D 26 musdrive

On 10th draw, COMPONE 11B 88 --- COMPONE composed of squares of alternating colours [adj]
Other moves: COMPONE 13D 72, ONCOME 11C 32, POONCE 11C 32, COME 11I 31, COPE 11I 31
COPE 11I 31 musdrive, sicilianc5
POME 11I 31 OrangeCup
MOPE 11I 31 shanice

On 11th draw, JOINER F10 31 --- JOINER a carpenter [n]
Other moves: FUJI J12 30, INJURED D2 30, INJURER 14H 30, JINGLE E4 28, JONG F10 28
FUJI J12 30 SQUAW1, OrangeCup
JUNGLE E4 28 musdrive
JO F10 25 shanice

On 12th draw, DAIKER 15A 48 --- DAIKER to dacker [v]
Other moves: DARKED 15D 42, DIRKED 15D 42, KIDDER 15A 42, KORAI 15D 42, D*RK** 15D 39
DAIKER 15A 48 OrangeCup
DARKED 15D 42 musdrive
ROKED 15F 30 shanice

On 13th draw, CROG M12 24 --- CROG to ride as a passenger on a bicycle [v]
Other tops: ROVING 13B 24
Other moves: CRU M12 20, DROMOI D8 18, OMOV D10 18, OVOID D4 18, VIGOR K11 18
ROVING 13B 24 OrangeCup, musdrive

On 14th draw, BEGNAW 3C 42 --- BEGNAW to gnaw [v]
Other moves: GOBANG 15H 33, BOWNE 3F 31, AEON 9C 28, EMBANK D10 28, EOAN 9C 28
BOWNE 3F 31 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
GOWN 3F 26 musdrive
OBA 11J 25 shanice

On 15th draw, ZOEA 4A 54 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: AZO 14A 51, ZOEAE D1 48, ZA 14B 46, ZO 14B 46, ZOEA D1 46
ZOEA 4A 54 SQUAW1, OrangeCup, PIThompson
AZO 14A 51 musdrive, shanice

On 16th draw, DITZ A1 42 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: XI 11K 38, XI I9 38, XU 11K 38, XU I9 38, XI 12C 35
DITZ A1 42 musdrive, OrangeCup, PIThompson, SQUAW1
XI 11K 38 shanice

On 17th draw, OX 11J 41 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: XI 11K 38, XI I9 38, XU 11K 38, XU I9 38, XI 12C 35
OX 11J 41 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, PIThompson, shanice
XU 11K 38 musdrive

On 18th draw, SAVING 13B 24 --- SAVING the act or an instance of saving [n]
Other moves: GUV 5C 23, VUGGS 15J 23, VAGS E1 22, VALI 6F 22, VIGS E1 22
SAVING 13B 24 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, musdrive
VAGS 15K 20 shanice

On 19th draw, QUAI B6 33 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUA B6 32, QI 12A 26, VALI 6F 22, PA I9 18, PI I9 18
QUAI B6 33 musdrive, SQUAW1, OrangeCup
QUA B6 32 shanice

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