Game on October 17, 2016 at 13:10, 6 players
1. 730 pts OrangeCup
2. 523 pts shanice
3. 342 pts mordeckhi
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 24 24
2. 6D 71 95
3. 5E 41 136
4. 8H 80 216
5. 4C 26 242
6. B2 29 271
7. 5K 40 311
8. N7 68 379
9. O1 48 427
10. 2A 68 495
11. 1H 36 531
12. L7 68 599
13. K11 43 642
14. 3A 22 664
15. 14J 26 690
16. 15F 47 737
17. E10 51 788
18. A6 42 830
19. B8 90 920
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8636 OrangeCup 7 14:27 -190 730 1.8636 OrangeCup 7 14:27 -190 730
2.6891 shanice 4 17:36 -397 523 Group: advanced
3.4258 mordeckhi 0 22:47 -578 342 1.7583 PIThompson 2 4:20 -800 120
4.7583 PIThompson 2 4:20 -800 120 2.7574 queen66 2 3:25 -824 96
5.7574 queen66 2 3:25 -824 96 3.7529 sicilianc5 2 4:25 -824 96
6.7529 sicilianc5 2 4:25 -824 96 Group: intermediate
1.6891 shanice 4 17:36 -397 523
Group: not rated
1.4258 mordeckhi 0 22:47 -578 342
On 1st draw, PELMA H4 24 --- PELMA the sole of the foot [n]
Other tops: MAPLE H4 24
Other moves: AMPLE H4 20, AMPLE H8 20, MAPLE H8 20, PALEA H4 20, PELMA H8 20
MAPLE H4 24 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
MOPE H7 16 mordeckhi
On 2nd draw, RHEOLOGY 6D 71 --- RHEOLOGY the study of matter in the fluid state [n]
Other moves: HOY I5 31, YEH G5 31, HEY G7 30, HOOEY I5 30, HYE G7 30
YEH G5 31 shanice
HEY G7 30 OrangeCup
HOMY 7F 17 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, SAMEY 5E 41 --- SAMEY monotonous [adj]
Other moves: ANOMY 7E 34, MARVY D4 34, MAYOS 5K 34, MOYAS 5K 34, MYNAS 5K 34
MAYOS 5K 34 OrangeCup
MANY 5K 32 shanice
MARONS D4 18 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, ARRANGES 8H 80 --- ARRANGE to put in definite or proper order [v]
Other moves: GARNERS 9B 70, RANGERS 9B 70, GRANGERS J6 64, GARNERS I8 63, RANGERS I8 62
ARRANGES 8H 80 OrangeCup
ANGRY K2 18 mordeckhi
GAN 4D 17 shanice
On 5th draw, VOID 4C 26 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other tops: DIV 4D 26, OVIST 5K 26, VOTINGS M3 26
Other moves: DOVING M3 24, NOVITY K1 24, STOVING M2 24, VID 4D 24, DIVOTS 9C 23
DOVING M3 24 OrangeCup, PIThompson
VIN 4D 21 shanice
INVEST N5 13 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, ALAND B2 29 --- ALAND a large hunting dog [n]
Other moves: ALANT B2 23, ADULT 5K 22, ALAND 5K 22, AMU 7G 21, DATAL B1 21
DATAL B1 21 OrangeCup
ANAL 5K 18 shanice
ANAL L7 4 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, KNOW 5K 40 --- KNOW to have a true understanding of [v]
Other tops: KOBAN 5K 40
Other moves: KAW 5K 38, KNOB 5K 38, KOW 5K 38, BOINK 5K 36, KAB 5K 36
KNOW 5K 40 shanice
BANK 5K 34 OrangeCup
WANKY K2 30 mordeckhi
OKA A1 29 PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
On 8th draw, VER(T)UOU(S) N7 68 --- VERTUOUS possessing virtue [adj]
Other tops: VER(M)OU(L)U N7 68
Other moves: (L)OUV(E)R O1 44, (C)RUV(E) O1 41, (C)URV(E) O1 41, (D)ROV(E) O1 41, (E)RUV(S) O1 41
V(I)RU(S) O1 32 shanice
OV(E)R A6 21 OrangeCup
VOW N3 9 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, TITHE O1 48 --- TITHE to pay a tenth part used as a small tax [v]
Other moves: FITTE O1 39, TITHE O11 38, HIVE C2 31, HOVE C2 31, FOEHN L1 30
TITHE O1 48 shanice
HOVE C2 31 OrangeCup
HOOF 12L 28 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, BALANCES 2A 68 --- BALANCE to have equal weight or power [v]
Other moves: SELAH 4K 37, SCALENI 2I 30, CLAVE C1 28, SAB 4K 28, ANCLES A6 27
BALANCES 2A 68 OrangeCup
SAB 4K 28 shanice
RACES I8 8 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, IONIC 1H 36 --- IONIC a style of type [n]
Other moves: OUNCE 1H 30, OUNCE 1G 29, CLOVE C1 26, IONIC A5 26, NICE 1G 26
OUNCE 1H 30 OrangeCup
NICE 1G 26 shanice
ICON 1H 24 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, INTRADAS L7 68 --- INTRADA a musical prelude [n]
Other moves: ARISTA O10 30, SAD 4K 25, LAD 3B 24, AARTIS A5 23, ALA 3A 22
SAD 4K 25 OrangeCup
ADITS A6 21 mordeckhi
SAD M1 16 shanice
On 13th draw, JET K11 43 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: GJUS 14I 28, JEST(S) 14J 27, JESU(S) 14J 27, JUST(S) 14J 27, BAJU 11K 26
JET K11 43 OrangeCup, shanice, PIThompson, queen66, sicilianc5
JUST(S) 14J 27 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, OLE 3A 22 --- OLE a shout of approval [n]
Other tops: OLIVE C1 22, UNITIES 14F 22
Other moves: EMU 7G 21, INTI O12 21, INTO O12 21, ONIE O12 21, UNIT O12 21
INTO O12 21 shanice
OBE A1 17 OrangeCup
ROUT D6 5 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, FEST(S) 14J 26 --- FEST a gathering of people for an activity [n]
Other moves: FES 14J 25, GIF O13 25, GIFT J12 24, GIF J12 23, AFT A6 21
GIFT J12 24 OrangeCup
AFT A6 21 mordeckhi, shanice
On 16th draw, QUINE 15F 47 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUENA 15F 47, QUINA 15F 47
Other moves: QI N2 46, QUA 15H 41, EQUANT 3J 30, QUAINT 3J 30, QUEINT 3J 30
QUINE 15F 47 OrangeCup, shanice
QUA 15H 41 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, UPGAZE E10 51 --- UPGAZE to gaze up [v]
Other moves: ADZE A6 45, GAUZE E11 45, ZA 1D 44, ADZ A6 42, PUDGE E11 33
ADZE A6 45 OrangeCup
ZA 1D 44 shanice
RAZED I8 16 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, OXIDE A6 42 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: OXID A6 39, EX N1 38, XI N2 38, OXER A6 36, EXO A6 33
OXIDE A6 42 OrangeCup
EX N1 38 shanice
AXED 13E 13 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, FILBERT B8 90 --- FILBERT the edible nut of a European shrub [n]
Other moves: FIBER B10 49, FIBRE B10 49, FILTER B10 47, FILER B10 45, FILET B10 45
FILBERT B8 90 OrangeCup
GRIFT 12E 13 mordeckhi
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