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Game on October 18, 2016 at 17:55, 3 players
1. 751 pts musdrive
2. 244 pts Inkey
3. 55 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcdeil   H8    78    78   decibel
 2. gilnnsu  15F   116   194   unsling
 3. acimnnt  11D    98   292   mannitic
 4. addefrs  12A    39   331   faded
 5. aaehmos  13A    41   372   ahem
 6. aadeitw   G3    72   444   awaited
 7. aeelnps   5E    90   534   seaplane
 8. aeinrrs  13G    70   604   rearisen
 9. elootvw   A8    39   643   woolfat
10. aeefirt   B6    38   681   treif
11. ?iprsvy   3B    88   769   vespiary
12. aeghiko   4L    42   811   hoik
13. aegoryz  12L    63   874   oyez
14. agjoqrr   O1    45   919   jark
15. abeiort   O8    48   967   bortz
16. egootuv  14C    29   996   vego
17. aeoqtuu   N6    46  1042   quote
18. aegiuux   2C    59  1101   eaux

Remaining tiles: giou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7623 Filemusdrive    2 10:14  -350  751     1.7623 musdrive    2 10:14  -350  751 
  2.7787 FileInkey       2  6:01  -857  244     2.7787 Inkey       2  6:01  -857  244 
  3.6898 Fileshanice     0  0:38 -1046   55            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6898 shanice     0  0:38 -1046   55 

On 1st draw, D(E)CIBEL H8 78 --- DECIBEL a unit of sound intensity [n]
Other tops: CLI(M)BED H4 78, CLI(M)BED H8 78, DECIB(E)L H2 78, DECIB(E)L H8 78, D(E)CIBEL H2 78, D(O)CIBLE H2 78, D(O)CIBLE H8 78
Other moves: CLI(M)BED H6 76, DECIB(E)L H4 76, D(E)CIBEL H4 76, D(O)CIBLE H4 76, CLI(M)BED H2 74
B(O)DICE H4 26 musdrive

On 2nd draw, UNSLING 15F 116 --- UNSLING to remove from a slung position [v]
Other moves: NULLINGS 14E 63, NULLINGS 14F 63, LUNGIS 15C 60, SLING 15H 60, SLUING 15H 60
UNSLING 15F 66 musdrive

On 3rd draw, MANNITIC 11D 98 --- MANNITE an alcohol [adj] --- MANNITIC pertaining to mannite [adj]
Other moves: MANNITIC 11B 74, NEMATIC 13G 30, EMICANT 13H 28, TINMAN 14A 24, CAM 14D 23
LAM 14H 23 musdrive

On 4th draw, FADED 12A 39 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: FARED 12A 37, FADER 12A 36, FADES 12A 36, DEADS 14J 34, FARES 12A 34
FADES 12A 36 musdrive

On 5th draw, AHEM 13A 41 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HAMS 13B 40, HEMS 13B 40, HOMS 13B 40, FEHM A12 36, AMOLES 14E 34
FEHM A12 36 musdrive

On 6th draw, AWAITED G3 72 --- AWAIT to wait for [v]
Other tops: AWAITED I3 72
Other moves: TAWED 14A 51, AWED 14B 43, DAW 14A 40, AWE 14B 39, TAW 14A 37
WAI 14A 37 musdrive

On 7th draw, SEAPLANE 5E 90 --- SEAPLANE an airplane designed to take off from or land on the water [n]
Other moves: ALPEENS M9 79, SEAPLANE 3B 72, SPELAEAN 3C 72, SEAPLANE 5B 70, SPELAEAN 3A 70
PANEL 14A 46 musdrive

On 8th draw, REARISEN 13G 70 --- REARISE to arise again [v]
Other tops: SIERRAN M5 70, SNARIER M5 70
Other moves: INSNARER K2 58, RAISE 14A 40, RINES 14A 40, RINSE 14A 40, SANER 14A 40
RINES 14A 40 musdrive

On 9th draw, WOOLFAT A8 39 --- WOOLFAT lanolin [n]
Other moves: WOLVE 6J 38, VOW H1 32, WELT 6J 32, WOLVE 4A 32, WOVE 4L 32
WOLVE 6J 38 musdrive

On 10th draw, TREIF B6 38 --- TREIF not kosher [adj]
Other moves: REEF B7 35, REIF B7 35, TERF B7 35, ERF B8 34, FAINER N10 34
FAINER N10 34 musdrive

On 11th draw, V(E)SPIARY 3B 88 --- VESPIARY a nest of wasps [n]
Other moves: SPIV 15A 81, SPRY 15A 81, SP(A)Y 15A 78, SP(I)V 15A 78, SP(R)Y 15A 78
SPIV 15A 81 musdrive

On 12th draw, HOIK 4L 42 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other tops: HAIK 4L 42
Other moves: KAING N10 40, KIANG N10 40, KOHA 4J 40, KOINE N10 38, HOAGIE 6J 37
HOKE 4L 34 musdrive

On 13th draw, OYEZ 12L 63 --- OYEZ a cry used to introduce the opening of a court of law [n]
Other tops: KARZY O4 63
Other moves: AGRYZE 2I 51, ZERK O1 51, OYEZ 6K 47, ZA 3M 46, ZO 3M 46
ZO 3M 46 musdrive, Inkey

On 14th draw, JARK O1 45 --- JARK a pass [n]
Other moves: JA 3M 38, JO 3M 38, RAJ 6L 32, QI F2 31, QI J10 31
JARK O1 45 musdrive, Inkey

On 15th draw, BORTZ O8 48 --- BORTZ diamond fragments [n]
Other moves: TABER 14A 40, TABOR 14A 40, BARITE 6J 34, BORATE 6J 34, ABORE 6I 33
TABER 14A 40 musdrive
ABORE 6I 33 Inkey

On 16th draw, VEGO 14C 29 --- VEGO a vegetarian [n]
Other moves: VETO 14C 28, GET 6J 23, GOT 6J 23, GUT 6J 23, VEG 14C 22
VEST D1 22 musdrive
GAVE J4 16 Inkey

On 17th draw, QUOTE N6 46 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: QUATE N6 46, QUOTA N6 46
Other moves: QUAT N6 39, QUA N6 36, AQUAE J5 34, AQUA J5 33, QI F2 31
QUOTE N6 46 musdrive
QUOTA N6 46 Inkey

On 18th draw, EAUX 2C 59 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: IXIA 6E 58, AXE 6I 55, AX 6I 52, XU 6J 52, EX F5 50
IXIA 6E 58 Inkey
AXE 6I 55 musdrive, shanice

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