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Game on October 19, 2016 at 18:24, 2 players
1. 150 pts SQUAW1
2. 129 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acegnnr   H4    22    22   canner
 2. eijlotv   5D    32    54   jovial
 3. aderrsu   D3    84   138   adjurers
 4. adefhor   8A    36   174   hereof
 5. ?efrswz   C1    55   229   fuze
 6. aaelstu   1C    33   262   flautas
 7. aehiknp   2I    35   297   hankie
 8. delopst   M1    74   371   pistoled
 9. agimnoy   8K    39   410   midgy
10. ?adeptt   B7    74   484   bepatted
11. aabeimq   6J    38   522   qibla
12. diimost   L8    78   600   idiotism
13. acegloo  15G    30   630   coelom
14. eeinnwy  A13    35   665   wey
15. aginnov  13A    32   697   weaving
16. beiortu   K8    31   728   mobie
17. aeegrtw  15G    39   767   coelomate
18. ginorwx   1M    38   805   pox
19. egnnruw  14H    25   830   grews

Remaining tiles: innruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7886 FileSQUAW1      3  4:53  -680  150     1.7886 SQUAW1      3  4:53  -680  150 
  2.6891 Fileshanice     0  3:11  -701  129            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6891 shanice     0  3:11  -701  129 

On 1st draw, CANNER H4 22 --- CANNER one that cans food [n]
Other tops: CAGER H4 22
Other moves: CANER H4 20, CRANE H4 20, CRENA H4 20, GRACE H4 20, CAGER H8 18

On 2nd draw, JOVIAL 5D 32 --- JOVIAL good-humoured [adj]
Other moves: JAVEL 5G 30, JIN 6F 26, JOE G5 25, JILTER 9C 22, JOLTER 9C 22

On 3rd draw, ADJURERS D3 84 --- ADJURER one who commands solemnly [n]
Other moves: ADJURER D3 32, ADJURES D3 32, ADJURE D3 30, DARERS 3C 25, DARRES 3C 25

On 4th draw, HEREOF 8A 36 --- HEREOF concerning this [adv]
Other moves: HOARED C8 32, ADHERE 8A 30, HEDERA 8A 30, FAH C1 28, FEH C1 28

On 5th draw, F(U)ZE C1 55 --- FUZE to equip with a detonating device [v]
Other tops: F(A)ZE C1 55
Other moves: WAREZ 3C 54, FEZ C1 52, WAR(E)Z 3C 52, WA(R)EZ 3C 52, F(E)Z C1 50
REZ C1 46 shanice

On 6th draw, FLAUTAS 1C 33 --- FLAUTA a tortilla rolled around a filling and fried [n]
Other tops: FLUATES 1C 33
Other moves: FAULTS 1C 30, FESTAL 1C 30, FLATUS 1C 30, FLAUTA 1C 30, FLUATE 1C 30
FAULTS 1C 30 shanice

On 7th draw, HANKIE 2I 35 --- HANKIE a square piece of material for wiping the nose [n]
Other moves: PHON E3 32, AHI 2E 31, HAE 2F 31, HAN 2F 31, HANKIE E10 31

On 8th draw, PISTOLED M1 74 --- PISTOL to shoot with a small firearm [v]
Other moves: DROPLETS 9G 65, ESTOP O1 38, POSED 3F 29, PST O1 29, KLEPTOS L2 28

On 9th draw, MIDGY 8K 39 --- MIDGY full of midges [adj]
Other moves: MAYING L7 34, G*Y*M 10F 33, MAYING 10F 32, IGNOMY L8 30, KAIM L2 30
P*M 1M 23 shanice

On 10th draw, (B)EPATTED B7 74 --- BEPAT to pat often [v]
Other moves: (S)PATTED 10H 73, PATTE(N)ED B4 70, PATTE(R)ED B4 70, ADEPTE(S)T B6 64, PATE(N)TED B5 64

On 11th draw, QIBLA 6J 38 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: BEAM C10 33, MARABI C6 32, NIQAB K2 32, AMIA A12 31, AMIE A12 31

On 12th draw, IDIOTISM L8 78 --- IDIOTISM the state of being an idiot [n]
Other moves: MIDMOST K5 48, IMID A12 34, MOODS 5K 31, SMIT A12 31, DOOMS 5K 30
MISTY O4 30 shanice

On 13th draw, COELOM 15G 30 --- COELOM a body cavity in some animals [n]
Other moves: CELOM 15H 27, CLOAM 15H 27, MOOLA K8 25, CALIGO 13I 24, GLEAM 15H 24

On 14th draw, WEY A13 35 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other tops: EYEN A12 35, YEW A13 35
Other moves: NEWSIE 14I 33, ENEW A12 32, PYE 1M 29, WEY 10F 29, YEW 10H 29

On 15th draw, WEAVING 13A 32 --- WEAVE to form by interlacing threads [v] --- WEAVING the act of making cloth [n]
Other moves: GAIN C10 30, VINING 13I 28, PAV 1M 26, VIGIA 13I 26, WEANING 13A 26

On 16th draw, MOBIE K8 31 --- MOBIE a mobile phone [n]
Other moves: BUTEO K11 28, OUREBI C6 28, BOOT 5K 26, OBIT K10 26, BITO M11 24

On 17th draw, COELOMATE 15G 39 --- COELOMATE [n]
Other moves: PAW 1M 26, PEW 1M 26, GREWS 14H 25, TREWS 14H 23, WEETS 14H 23

On 18th draw, POX 1M 38 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: FIX F8 29, FOX F8 29, GOX N8 27, POW 1M 26, SIX 10D 26

On 19th draw, GREWS 14H 25 --- GREW to shudder [v]
Other moves: WRENS 14H 23, GURNET N10 22, WRUNG F10 21, KUE L2 20, NEWS 14I 20

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