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Game on October 23, 2016 at 18:01, 7 players
1. 669 pts musdrive
2. 555 pts shanice
3. 550 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaelsuw   H4    24    24   wales
 2. ?eeiiov   I3    23    47   vegie
 3. efnorst   5C    94   141   frontages
 4. cdehovz   G7    49   190   zed
 5. cgilmno   F7    29   219   moil
 6. adlnost   J7    78   297   sandlot
 7. aaefgru  13F    78   375   frautage
 8. ehilott  H11    36   411   thali
 9. aeimnor   C3    28   439   infame
10. cdioprx   8A    63   502   prex
11. ?aadiot   B8    74   576   radiator
12. acderuv  15A    45   621   craved
13. aeiknou   8J    45   666   aikona
14. egiorsu  N10    35   701   guiser
15. boprtuu  15L    33   734   burp
16. cejnoor   7M    39   773   joe
17. eioqrwy   4A    39   812   winey
18. behnqtu   N2    40   852   benthon
19. ginqruy  12A    49   901   yanqui
20. cgoorrt   A1    27   928   crow

Remaining tiles: gort

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7651 Filemusdrive    8 12:50  -259  669     1.8548 OrangeCup   1  4:15  -811  117 
  2.6901 Fileshanice     8 21:36  -373  555            Group: advanced
  3.7925 FileSQUAW1      6 13:49  -378  550     1.7651 musdrive    8 12:50  -259  669 
  4.7625 FilePIThompson  1  4:20  -789  139     2.7925 SQUAW1      6 13:49  -378  550 
  5.8548 FileOrangeCup   1  4:15  -811  117     3.7625 PIThompson  1  4:20  -789  139 
  6.7297 FileMycophot    0  1:41  -881   47     4.7297 Mycophot    0  1:41  -881   47 
  7.7915 Filequeen66     0  1:59  -881   47     5.7915 queen66     0  1:59  -881   47 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6901 shanice     8 21:36  -373  555 

On 1st draw, WALES H4 24 --- WALE to mark with welts [v]
Other tops: WAULS H4 24, WEALS H4 24
Other moves: ALEWS H4 18, ALEWS H8 18, SWALE H4 18, SWALE H8 18, SWEAL H4 18
WALES H4 24 musdrive, PIThompson
WEALS H4 24 shanice
WAULS H4 24 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, VE(G)IE I3 23 --- VEGIE a vegetable [n]
Other tops: VO(G)IE I3 23
Other moves: WEEVI(L) 4H 22, (R)EVIEW 4C 22, VI(N)EW 4D 20, WE(A)VE 4H 20, WIVE(D) 4H 20
WIVE(S) 4H 20 shanice
VI(N)EW 4D 20 OrangeCup
W(A)IVE 4H 20 musdrive

On 3rd draw, FRONTA(G)ES 5C 94 --- FRONTAGE the front of a building or lot [n]
Other moves: FROSTLINE 6C 66, FREESTONE 7F 64, FORA(G)ES 5E 36, ESTRA(G)ON 5D 28, FOREWENT 4D 28
FORA(G)ES 5E 36 musdrive
FOREST G7 26 OrangeCup
FORE G7 24 shanice

On 4th draw, ZED G7 49 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: VOZHD G7 47, ZO G7 45, VOZHD 3I 42, COZED G7 40, COZE G7 38
ZED G7 49 musdrive, shanice
VOZHD G7 47 OrangeCup, PIThompson, Mycophot, queen66

On 5th draw, MOIL F7 29 --- MOIL to work hard [v]
Other moves: OGMIC 4K 28, LIMING 6H 27, CROMING D4 26, MEG J4 26, MOI F7 26
CROMING D4 26 musdrive

On 6th draw, SANDLOT J7 78 --- SANDLOT a vacant lot [n]
Other moves: DALTONS E9 73, SANDLOT 11F 73, TROLANDS D4 70, SANDLOTS K5 68, NEDS J4 39
NEDS J4 39 musdrive
DENS J4 35 PIThompson
SOLD J7 25 shanice

On 7th draw, FRAUTAGE 13F 78 --- FRAUTAGE cargo [n]
Other moves: AGRAFE 8J 33, AGRAFFE C1 30, GAUFFER C1 30, GAUFFER C2 30, FRAG E8 29
FRAG E8 29 musdrive
FOES 8E 7 shanice

On 8th draw, THALI H11 36 --- THALI (Hindi) a meal consisting of several small meat or vegetable dishes accompanied by rice, bread, etc., and sometimes by a starter or a sweet [n]
Other moves: HAET H12 33, HAIL H12 33, HALE H12 33, HALO H12 33, HALT H12 33
THALI H11 36 shanice
HALT H12 33 PIThompson, musdrive, SQUAW1

On 9th draw, INFAME C3 28 --- INFAME to defame [v]
Other moves: AIRMAN 8J 27, AIRMEN 8J 27, ANEMIA 8J 27, ANOMIE 14A 27, ANOMIE 8J 27
MONIE 14B 25 musdrive

On 10th draw, PREX 8A 63 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: OXID D7 41, OX D7 38, OXER 8A 36, OXID 14L 36, XI D8 34
PREX 8A 63 musdrive, shanice, SQUAW1

On 11th draw, RADIATO(R) B8 74 --- RADIATOR a heating device [n]
Other moves: ADAPTIO(N) A5 60, OXIDAT(E) D7 32, OXIDA(N)T D7 32, AXOID(S) D7 30, DI 9C 29
DI 9C 29 musdrive, SQUAW1
DO(S)T N11 20 shanice

On 12th draw, C(R)AVED 15A 45 --- CRAVE to desire greatly [v]
Other moves: C(R)AVER 15A 42, C(R)AVE 15A 39, C(R)UVE 15A 39, ARCADE 8J 36, D(R)AVE 15A 36
C(R)AVED 15A 45 musdrive, SQUAW1, shanice

On 13th draw, AIKONA 8J 45 --- AIKONA (Bantu) it is not [interj]
Other moves: HOOKA 12H 38, KINONE 4A 38, KAEING L8 32, ENOKI 4B 30, KANE 4A 30
KINONE 4A 38 shanice, SQUAW1
KANE 4A 30 musdrive

On 14th draw, GUISER N10 35 --- GUISER a person in disguise [n]
Other moves: GORSE N10 33, GRISE N10 33, GUISE N10 33, ROUSE N10 27, NIGERS N8 24
GRISE N10 33 musdrive, shanice

On 15th draw, BURP 15L 33 --- BURP to belch [v]
Other moves: BORT 15L 27, BURR 15L 27, PORT 15L 27, PURR 15L 27, BURRO 15K 24
BURP 15L 33 musdrive, SQUAW1, shanice

On 16th draw, JOE 7M 39 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: JANE 12A 38, JO 7M 36, CAJON 12A 34, REJON N4 28, JEON F2 27
JOE 7M 39 musdrive, shanice

On 17th draw, WINEY 4A 39 --- WINEY having the qualities of wine [adj]
Other moves: OW 9L 32, OY 9L 32, VIEWY 3I 28, WARY 12A 28, YEW E9 27
WINEY 4A 39 musdrive, SQUAW1
YAW 12A 13 shanice

On 18th draw, BENTHON N2 40 --- BENTHON the organisms living in the benthos [n]
Other moves: THEW A1 30, BAHUT 12A 26, BATHE 12A 26, BETH E9 26, HABU 12A 26
BETH E9 26 musdrive
HANT 12A 22 shanice

On 19th draw, YANQUI 12A 49 --- YANQUI a United States citizen [n]
Other moves: QI O1 37, QUEY 3L 32, YAGI 12A 24, YANG 12A 24, YARN 6B 24
QI O1 37 shanice, SQUAW1
YIN O1 24 musdrive

On 20th draw, CROW A1 27 --- CROW to boast [v]
Other moves: GROW A1 24, ROTO O1 24, TORO O1 24, COR O1 21, COT O1 21
CROW A1 27 musdrive, SQUAW1, shanice

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