Game on October 24, 2016 at 06:16, 1 player
1. 164 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 100 100 


I3 34 134 


2A 74 208 


6G 29 237 


5K 26 263 


N4 67 330 


E2 72 402 


11G 78 480 


D7 71 551 


O8 38 589 


A2 48 637 


H11 39 676 


15A 86 762 


B10 34 796 


O1 49 845 


I8 33 878 


12K 43 921 


D4 48 969 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 0 11:10 -805 164 1.4571 verelst 0 11:10 -805 164
On 1st draw, SEQU(O)IA H2 100 --- SEQUOIA a large evergreen tree [n]
Other tops: QUAS(H)IE H4 100
Other moves: QUAS(H)IE H2 82, QUAS(H)IE H3 82, QUAS(H)IE H6 82, QUAS(H)IE H7 82, SAIQUE(S) H2 82
On 2nd draw, FIRN I3 34 --- FIRN snow on high glaciers while still granular [n]
Other moves: FIN I3 32, FIR I3 32, FAWNIER 3C 30, FAWN I7 29, FAW I7 28
On 3rd draw, DRONGOES 2A 74 --- DRONGO a tropical bird [n]
Other moves: DRONGOS 2B 26, NOODGES 2B 26, NOODGE G5 22, ORGONES 2B 20, OROGENS 2B 20
On 4th draw, D(O)NJON 6G 29 --- DONJON the main tower of a castle [n]
Other tops: DOJO G6 29
Other moves: JE(O)N 6F 26, JOURNO 5F 26, DOJO C1 24, DOON 3C 23, DOJO J5 22
On 5th draw, YONI 5K 26 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other tops: EYE 3B 26, YEAN 5K 26
Other moves: ANNOY L4 24, YAE 5K 24, YEA 5K 24, YEN 5K 24, YIN 5K 24
On 6th draw, LINKAGES N4 67 --- LINKAGE the act of linking [n]
Other moves: LANKS O1 50, LEAKS O1 50, KANGS O1 44, KNAGS O1 44, GLAIKS N2 42
On 7th draw, GLABRATE E2 72 --- GLABRATE glabrous [adj]
Other moves: ARBALEST 11H 70, RATABLES 11G 70, RATABLE I8 63, RATEABLE 10G 62, TEARABLE 10G 62
On 8th draw, PHOLADES 11G 78 --- PHOLAS a type of mollusc [n]
Other moves: AHEAP 8K 42, HOD O8 42, HOPED O11 41, AHEAD 8K 39, H**L*HAOLE D4 39
On 9th draw, LUTITE(S) D7 71 --- LUTITE any rock derived from clay or mud. Also PELITE [n]
Other tops: TITULE(D) D7 71, TITULE(S) D7 71
Other moves: T(H)ULITE 12A 68, T(H)ULITE D9 66, (C)UITTLE 12A 66, (B)LUETIT D9 65, TITULE(D) D9 64
On 10th draw, WOE O8 38 --- WOE tremendous grief [n]
Other tops: WIS O8 38, WOS O8 38
Other moves: HIVES H11 36, HOVES H11 36, HOWES H11 36, OW O7 36, VOEMAS 8J 36
IDES A1 18 verelst
On 11th draw, DIVIDER A2 48 --- DIVIDER one that divides [n]
Other moves: HIVED H11 39, HAVER H11 36, HIVER H11 36, IRADE 12H 33, DEVA O1 30
VEER M10 20 verelst
On 12th draw, HEMIC H11 39 --- HEMIC pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: FILM 4L 38, FICO O1 33, FOCI O1 33, HOMIE H11 33, PELF 3C 33
HOPE H11 10 verelst
On 13th draw, ERGASTIC 15A 86 --- ERGASTIC constituting the nonliving by-products of protoplasmic activity [adj]
Other tops: AGRESTIC 15A 86, CIGARETS 15H 86
Other moves: MAGISTER 13H 74, MIGRATES 13H 74, SEAGIRT B7 66, AGRISE O1 37, AEGIS O1 32
SALT 4L 18 verelst
On 14th draw, POWTER B10 34 --- POWTER a domestic pigeon [n] --- POWTER to poke [v]
Other moves: COPTER B10 32, WELT 4L 30, WOCK 7K 28, CEPE M8 27, OWE 7J 27
CLOP J10 14 verelst
On 15th draw, FUCOSE O1 49 --- FUCOSE a type of sugar [n]
Other moves: BUFOS O1 44, BUFO O1 33, CONFUSED L4 30, FECES M8 30, SELF 4L 30
COLE 4L 26 verelst
On 16th draw, BRIONY I8 33 --- BRIONY a climbing plant [n]
Other moves: MY M8 30, BONNY L4 28, BUNDY L8 28, BLIMY J10 26, BONY I10 26
DUMB L11 18 verelst
On 17th draw, MAX 12K 43 --- MAX the greatest possible amount [n] --- MAX to reach a maximum, MAXED, MAXES, MAXING [v]
Other moves: TAX 12K 37, HALM 3C 34, VEXT M10 34, AX 12L 33, AX E11 31
HOAX C1 28 verelst
On 18th draw, ZA D4 48 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: VEXT M10 34, ZEE 10M 31, ZEX M10 31, ZA A11 29, HALO 4L 28
VAT 4D 12 verelst
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