Game on October 24, 2016 at 18:25, 7 players
1. 690 pts OrangeCup
2. 533 pts musdrive
3. 437 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 20 20
2. 4D 24 44
3. 8H 74 118
4. N2 82 200
5. 10C 68 268
6. D7 80 348
7. 8A 36 384
8. 15A 61 445
9. 3C 29 474
10. 2B 34 508
11. 13C 40 548
12. 14F 37 585
13. K5 28 613
14. 1F 38 651
15. A1 41 692
16. 13I 39 731
17. L1 36 767
18. J5 28 795
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8522 OrangeCup 7 14:37 -105 690 1.8522 OrangeCup 7 14:37 -105 690
2.7646 musdrive 5 12:35 -262 533 Group: advanced
3.7918 SQUAW1 4 15:12 -358 437 1.7646 musdrive 5 12:35 -262 533
4.6911 shanice 1 9:46 -613 182 2.7918 SQUAW1 4 15:12 -358 437
5.7693 PIThompson 2 2:59 -684 111 3.7693 PIThompson 2 2:59 -684 111
6.7760 queen66 0 1:26 -762 33 4.7760 queen66 0 1:26 -762 33
7.7727 sicilianc5 0 1:38 -765 30 5.7727 sicilianc5 0 1:38 -765 30
Group: intermediate
1.6911 shanice 1 9:46 -613 182
On 1st draw, DARGLE H4 20 --- DARGLE a dell [n]
Other tops: ARGLED H7 20, GARRED H4 20, GARRED H7 20, GLARED H4 20, GLARED H7 20, GRADER H4 20, REGARD H7 20
Other moves: ARGLED H3 18, ARGLED H4 18, ARGLED H8 18, DARGLE H3 18, DARGLE H7 18
GRADER H4 20 musdrive, shanice
GLARED H7 20 OrangeCup
GARRED H7 20 PIThompson
On 2nd draw, REMEDY 4D 24 --- REMEDY to relieve or cure [v]
Other tops: DREAMY 4H 24, MARRY 6F 24, MERRY 6F 24
Other moves: AYRE G8 22, EMERY G8 22, EYER G8 22, EYRA G8 22, EYRE G8 22
MARRY 6F 24 OrangeCup, musdrive
AYE G8 21 shanice
On 3rd draw, LA(C)UNATE 8H 74 --- LACUNA an empty space or missing part [adj] --- LACUNATE pertaining to lacuna [adj]
Other tops: NATU(R)AE 3A 74
Other moves: NATU(R)AE 3I 70, (M)ANTEAU 3I 66, MANTEAU(S) F4 63, MANTEAU(X) F4 63, AER(O)NAUT 6F 61
NATU(R)AE 3I 70 OrangeCup
NATU(R)E 3I 18 musdrive
NUT 3C 10 shanice
On 4th draw, VIADUCTS N2 82 --- VIADUCT a type of bridge [n]
Other moves: VIADUCT N2 30, VACUIST N2 28, DIVAS 10D 26, ACIDS 3I 24, ASDIC 3I 24
DIVAS 10D 26 musdrive
VISA 10F 24 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, IRONIST 10C 68 --- IRONIST one who used irony [n]
Other moves: ROISTING 7A 61, ROSITING 7A 61, (C)ROSTINI J8 61, NOTA 5E 18, ROSIN 10F 18
IRONIST 10C 68 OrangeCup
NOTA 5E 18 musdrive
On 6th draw, (S)HIRRING D7 80 --- SHIRRING a puckered arrangement of cloth [n]
Other tops: R(E)HIRING D6 80, (C)HIRRING D7 80, (W)HIRRING D7 80
Other moves: AIR(T)HING M8 77, (C)HIRRING D6 74, (S)HIRRING D6 74, (W)HIRRING D6 74, HIRE(L)ING E1 72
(S)HIRRING D7 80 OrangeCup
(S)HIRRING D7 30 PIThompson
R(E)HIRING D6 30 musdrive
(C)HIRRING D7 30 sicilianc5
HIRING D8 28 shanice
On 7th draw, HIGHT 8A 36 --- HIGHT to command [v]
Other moves: HIGH 8A 33, HOGH 8A 33, THIG M3 31, HILA 5E 30, HULA 5E 30
HOGH 8A 33 queen66, OrangeCup
HULA 5E 30 musdrive
GOTH 8A 24 shanice
On 8th draw, ZEPS 15A 61 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZEES 15A 55, SPAZ 4L 50, MEZES F4 49, MOZES F4 49, ZOS F6 45
ZEPS 15A 61 musdrive, OrangeCup, PIThompson, SQUAW1
ZEES 15A 55 shanice
On 9th draw, TOMAN 3C 29 --- TOMAN a coin of Iran [n]
Other tops: NORMA 3C 29, ROMAN 3C 29
Other moves: MANOR 3C 27, MARON 3C 27, MORAT 3C 27, MORON 3C 27, MOTOR 3C 27
MONA 5E 26 musdrive, SQUAW1
MORA 5E 26 OrangeCup
MOG 14B 24 shanice
On 10th draw, EIDER 2B 34 --- EIDER a large sea duck [n]
Other tops: DEEP 5C 34
Other moves: EPEE 2E 33, PEERED 2F 33, PERDIE 2F 33, PEERIE 2F 32, PREED 5A 31
PEERED 2F 33 SQUAW1, OrangeCup
RIPED 5A 31 musdrive
On 11th draw, UNTAX 13C 40 --- UNTAX to remit a tax on [v]
Other moves: AXE 9F 37, TAX 1F 36, TEX 1F 36, TUX 1F 36, EUTAXY 11I 34
AXE 9F 37 OrangeCup
TUX 1F 36 musdrive
On 12th draw, WILE 14F 37 --- WILE to entice [v]
Other tops: WIEL 14F 37
Other moves: LEW 1A 26, LOW 1A 26, OWL 1A 26, OWE O3 24, OWSE 9L 24
WILE 14F 37 SQUAW1, OrangeCup, musdrive
On 13th draw, RAOULIA K5 28 --- RAOULIA a large, white plant [n]
Other moves: ALOIN 15H 26, INRO 1A 26, ALAN 15H 20, ALAR 15H 20, ANAL 15H 20
ARIL 15H 20 OrangeCup
ARIA 15H 20 musdrive
On 14th draw, PUEBLO 1F 38 --- PUEBLO a communal dwelling of certain Indian tribes [n]
Other moves: PUEBLO 13I 33, PLEB 1F 32, PUBE 1F 32, PELON 1F 29, PLEON 1F 29
PUBE 1F 32 musdrive, OrangeCup
On 15th draw, ADOBO A1 41 --- ADOBO a Philippine dish of fish or meat [n]
Other moves: ADOBO 15H 36, BOODY 13I 35, BOODY L11 34, ORBY 11C 33, BOODY J11 32
BOODY 13I 35 musdrive, OrangeCup
On 16th draw, FOYNE 13I 39 --- FOYNE to thrust with a spear or sword [v]
Other moves: FY(C)E J6 37, FYCE L10 34, COVEY L2 33, FRY 11C 33, ENVOY L11 32
COVEY L2 33 musdrive
OF J5 28 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
On 17th draw, SJOE L1 36 --- SJOE wow (S Africa) [interj]
Other moves: SONE 15G 34, ORFES 11C 32, SON 15G 31, FES 5C 29, FREON 11C 29
SONE 15G 34 OrangeCup
JONES L2 28 musdrive
On 18th draw, EF J5 28 --- EF the letter F [n]
Other moves: TEF 9G 24, WEN O4 24, WET O4 24, FEW 14M 23, EFT 12L 21
EF J5 28 OrangeCup, musdrive
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