Game on October 25, 2016 at 18:09, 2 players
1. 624 pts musdrive
2. 245 pts shanice
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 46 46
2. 5G 24 70
3. K3 60 130
4. 8K 33 163
5. 11G 40 203
6. L1 22 225
7. M1 34 259
8. 12D 44 303
9. N7 74 377
10. 1I 33 410
11. 1G 39 449
12. 13H 36 485
13. 11C 30 515
14. D7 61 576
15. C5 43 619
16. B4 44 663
17. 15A 39 702
18. B10 36 738
19. A7 39 777
20. I5 28 805
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7624 musdrive 6 14:28 -181 624 1.7624 musdrive 6 14:28 -181 624
2.6901 shanice 5 10:44 -560 245 Group: intermediate
1.6901 shanice 5 10:44 -560 245
On 1st draw, Q(U)EST H4 46 --- QUEST to make a search [v]
Other moves: Q(U)EST H8 28, Q(U)EST H5 26, Q(U)EST H6 26, Q(U)EST H7 26, Q(A)TS H5 24
Q(U)EST H4 46 musdrive, shanice
On 2nd draw, B(U)MPED 5G 24 --- BUMP to knock against [v]
Other moves: PROEM I5 23, B(U)MPER 5G 22, BOEP G6 21, BREEM 6F 21, POEM G6 21
B(U)MPED 5G 24 musdrive, shanice
On 3rd draw, PRENASAL K3 60 --- PRENASAL a nasal bone [n]
Other moves: PAALS 4K 26, PALAS 4K 26, PARAS 4K 26, PRANAS 9C 26, ALAP 4L 24
PARAS 4K 26 musdrive
RASP 9F 24 shanice
On 4th draw, SCROD 8K 33 --- SCROD a young cod [n]
Other tops: ESCORT 8J 33
Other moves: SCORE 8K 30, COPED 3I 26, COPTER 3I 26, COPER 3I 24, COED L2 22
SCROD 8K 33 musdrive, shanice
On 5th draw, WAFT(S) 11G 40 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: FAW(S) 11H 38, FAUT(S) 11G 34, TAWT(S) 11G 34, TUFA(S) 11G 34, TUFT(S) 11G 34
WAFT(S) 11G 40 musdrive, shanice
On 6th draw, ALOED L1 22 --- ALOED pertaining to aloe [adj]
Other moves: ANIME I2 21, AINEE 12D 20, ALIEN 12D 20, LIMA I3 20, LIME I3 20
LIMA I3 20 musdrive
LONE 12F 18 shanice
On 7th draw, LOOF M1 34 --- LOOF the palm of the hand [n]
Other tops: LOAF M1 34
Other moves: ALF M2 30, OAF M2 30, OOF M2 30, ALOOF H11 27, FANE 10F 27
LOAF M1 34 musdrive
LOOF M1 34 shanice
On 8th draw, THROW 12D 44 --- THROW to propel through the air with a movement of the arm [v]
Other moves: NARWHAL 1G 39, AWARN H11 36, AWATO H11 36, AWN N1 33, HAW I7 28
THROW 12D 44 musdrive
REFT 4K 7 shanice
On 9th draw, MOLINETS N7 74 --- MOLINET an 18th century whipping stick [n]
Other moves: LIMEN 13C 34, LIMES 13C 34, TIMES 13C 34, LAWMEN H10 33, LAWEST H10 27
LIMES 13C 34 musdrive
NEST 13G 19 shanice
On 10th draw, RIVALED 1I 33 --- RIVAL to strive to equal or surpass [v]
Other tops: VERBAL 1H 33
Other moves: VIALED 1J 30, VERDIT 13I 28, BEDRAL 1H 27, BIDE M10 27, BRIDAL 1H 27
VIALED 1J 30 musdrive
On 11th draw, UNRIVALED 1G 39 --- RIVAL to strive to equal or surpass [adj]
Other moves: AWAKE H11 36, KANAE 13G 36, EKE 13F 35, KANA 13G 35, KANE 13G 35
EKE 13F 35 musdrive
On 12th draw, AVIDEST 13H 36 --- AVID eager [adj]
Other moves: RESIDUA M8 34, AWAVE H11 33, DAIS O12 30, DEVAS 11A 30, DIVAS 11A 30
DAVIES 9C 27 musdrive
On 13th draw, BAC 11C 30 --- BAC baccalaureate, a university degree [n]
Other moves: AWATO H11 24, BATCH E8 24, BOET 12L 24, BOTCH E8 24, COHAB E10 24
BATCH E8 24 musdrive
On 14th draw, ITERATION D7 61 --- ITERATION [n]
Other tops: IRONIEST 7B 61
Other moves: AWAIT H11 24, AWARE H11 24, AWARN H11 24, AWATO H11 24, NOTER 10B 24
RIME I3 20 musdrive
On 15th draw, NIXER C5 43 --- NIXER (Australian slang) a spare-time job [n]
Other moves: EXIT C6 42, KEX C5 39, REINK C3 39, TEX O10 39, EX N1 38
KEX C5 39 musdrive
On 16th draw, ZEK B4 44 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other tops: ZANY B10 44
Other moves: REZ 10D 40, KYE C13 39, ZA B10 39, YAK B4 38, ZANY D2 37
YAK B4 38 musdrive
On 17th draw, GYNNEY 15A 39 --- GYNNEY guinea hen [n]
Other moves: GYNNY 15A 36, AGONY 14B 34, GOOEY 14B 34, GOONY 14B 34, GEYAN B8 32
AGONY 14B 34 musdrive
On 18th draw, GAIETY B10 36 --- GAIETY festive activity [n]
Other moves: AWAIT H11 24, GETA B8 22, TEAL 10H 22, TEIL 10H 22, RAIT 10D 20
RAIT 10D 20 musdrive
On 19th draw, JUGA A7 39 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: GJU A8 36, HAJ I7 36, RAJ 10D 34, JEHU L12 30, JOE 6F 30
RAJ 10D 34 musdrive
On 20th draw, MAHOE I5 28 --- MAHOE a small, bushy white-barked tree of New Zealand [n]
Other moves: HAE 12L 24, HIE 12L 24, HOE 12L 24, HUE 12L 24, HIM I3 23
RAH 10D 22 musdrive
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