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Game on October 26, 2016 at 18:44, 6 players
1. 891 pts OrangeCup
2. 111 pts PIThompson
3. 107 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aekmorv   H4    32    32   kerma
 2. ?befisu   5E    98   130   rubefies
 3. ddenopu   G8    67   197   pounded
 4. einooru   4H    31   228   koori
 5. efhinty   F9    37   265   hye
 6. aiorrst  13B    68   333   roariest
 7. ceegitu  11E    40   373   genetic
 8. aaelnnr  H11    25   398   easer
 9. ehillmt  12A    38   436   helm
10. aeijntu   4A    41   477   junta
11. ?degilu   C3    72   549   ungilded
12. aacgnrv   A6    45   594   navarch
13. aefgnqs   F4    45   639   suq
14. ilnopty   3J    33   672   polity
15. adegitw   O1    39   711   wayed
16. abefnoo   A1    39   750   benj
17. afinosz  L11    41   791   sozin
18. aefnotw  M12    50   841   wof
19. aginotv   N5    74   915   ovating
20. aeeiltx  O11    63   978   ixtle

Remaining tiles: ae

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8454 FileOrangeCup  13 16:53   -87  891     1.8454 OrangeCup  13 16:53   -87  891 
  2.7683 FilePIThompson  1  4:26  -867  111            Group: advanced
  3.6900 Fileshanice     2  3:53  -871  107     1.7683 PIThompson  1  4:26  -867  111 
  4.7325 Filesicilianc5  1  3:27  -875  103     2.7325 sicilianc5  1  3:27  -875  103 
  5.7758 FileMycophot    1  1:07  -937   41     3.7758 Mycophot    1  1:07  -937   41 
  6.7471 Filequeen66     0  1:23  -947   31     4.7471 queen66     0  1:23  -947   31 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6900 shanice     2  3:53  -871  107 

On 1st draw, KERMA H4 32 --- KERMA a term in physics relating to kinetic energy [n]
Other tops: KORMA H4 32
Other moves: MAKER H4 28, VOEMA H4 28, VOMER H4 28, MOVER H4 26, KERMA H8 24
KORMA H4 32 OrangeCup, PIThompson

On 2nd draw, (R)UBEFIES 5E 98 --- RUBEFY to redden [v]
Other moves: FUBSIE(R) 9E 77, BUS(H)FIRE 6B 76, FIREBUS(H) 6F 76, FIREBU(G)S 6F 76, FUSIB(L)E 9F 75
(R)UBEFIES 5E 98 OrangeCup
(R)UBEFIES 5E 48 PIThompson

On 3rd draw, POUNDED G8 67 --- POUND to strike heavily and repeatedly [v]
Other moves: PORED 6F 44, PORE 6F 31, DOPED 4K 29, DUPED 4K 29, PUDDEN 4A 29
POUNDED G8 67 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, KOORI 4H 31 --- KOORI an Australian aborigine KOORIS, KOORIES [n]
Other tops: KIORE 4H 31
Other moves: OORIE H11 29, IRON H12 24, ONER H12 24, ONIE H12 24, ENOKI 4E 21
KOORI 4H 31 OrangeCup

On 5th draw, HYE F9 37 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: FEH H13 35, FEY H13 35, HEY H13 35, FENDY 12D 32, FEH 6D 31
HYE F9 37 OrangeCup

On 6th draw, ROARIEST 13B 68 --- ROARY noisy [adj]
Other moves: ROTARIES 13A 66, SENORITA 11E 32, RATIOS E9 30, SITAR H11 30, IOTAS E7 28
ROARIEST 13B 68 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, GENETIC 11E 40 --- GENETIC pertaining to genetics [adj]
Other moves: CIERGE B10 30, CETE 12A 26, CUIT 12A 26, CUTE 12A 26, GERT 6F 26
CUTE 12A 26 OrangeCup

On 8th draw, EASER H11 25 --- EASER one who eases [n]
Other tops: EASEL H11 25
Other moves: ALANE D11 23, ANANA D11 23, ANANA D9 21, ANNA 12B 20, ALAE D11 19
ANENT I7 17 OrangeCup

On 9th draw, HELM 12A 38 --- HELM to steer a ship [v]
Other tops: METH 12A 38
Other moves: HER 6F 31, HEIL 12A 30, HELL 12A 30, HELM 3J 30, METH 3J 29
HER 6F 31 OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5

On 10th draw, JUNTA 4A 41 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other moves: JAUNTIER B6 33, INJERA B9 30, JET 14A 29, JEU 14A 29, JANE 6B 28
JUNTA 4A 41 OrangeCup, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 11th draw, UNGILDE(D) C3 72 --- UNGILD to remove the gild from [v]
Other tops: INDULGE(D) C3 72, INDULGE(R) C3 72, INDULGE(S) C3 72, INGUL(F)ED C3 72, IN(D)ULGED C3 72, UNGIL(D)ED C3 72
Other moves: JIG(G)LED A4 45, JI(G)GLED A4 45, JI(N)GLED A4 45, JUG(G)LED A4 45, JU(G)GLED A4 45
JI(N)GLED A4 45 OrangeCup

On 12th draw, NAVARCH A6 45 --- NAVARCH an admiral in ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: GARJAN A1 42, GANJA A1 39, JAGRA A4 39, ANARCH A7 33, GANCH A8 33
RANCH A8 30 OrangeCup

On 13th draw, SUQ F4 45 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QIS J10 32, FAGS 14A 31, FEGS 14A 31, QI J10 31, SNARF 6E 29
SUQ F4 45 shanice
FAGS 14A 31 OrangeCup, sicilianc5
FEGS 14A 31 queen66

On 14th draw, POLITY 3J 33 --- POLITY a form of system of government [n]
Other moves: PONTY 3J 31, NOY 14B 29, PILY 3J 29, PINY 3J 29, PITY 3J 29
PONTY 3J 31 OrangeCup
PONY 3L 23 shanice

On 15th draw, WAYED O1 39 --- WAY to journey [v]
Other moves: GAWD 14A 36, DAWT 14A 33, WADE 14A 31, WADT 14A 31, WAGE 14A 31
WAYED O1 39 OrangeCup, shanice

On 16th draw, BENJ A1 39 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: FONE 14B 36, FOE 14B 32, FON 14B 32, NABE 14A 28, AFT N1 27
BENJ A1 39 OrangeCup

On 17th draw, SOZIN L11 41 --- SOZIN a type of protein [n]
Other moves: AZONS N5 37, AZON N5 36, AZO N5 35, AZONS L7 35, SAZ L11 35
SOZIN L11 41 OrangeCup

On 18th draw, WOF M12 50 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: FANE M12 45, FANO M12 45, FATE M12 45, FONE M12 45, WANE M12 45
WOF M12 50 OrangeCup

On 19th draw, OVATING N5 74 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: VINA N10 33, VINO N10 33, VITA N10 33, GITANO N8 27, AGON 14A 26
OVATING N5 74 OrangeCup

On 20th draw, IXTLE O11 63 --- IXTLE a strong fibre [n]
Other tops: TAXITE 8J 63
Other moves: AXITE 8K 60, AX 10I 52, EX 10I 52, AXLE 14B 45, TAXI M7 44
TAXITE 8J 63 OrangeCup

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