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Game on October 28, 2016 at 18:01, 3 players
1. 556 pts musdrive
2. 252 pts SQUAW1
3. 51 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deghnty   H8    34    34   hedgy
 2. achnruz  12B    42    76   uncrazy
 3. ?abeeio  B10    26   102   baubee
 4. ?bioptv   A7    36   138   pivot
 5. aeinrtw   E5    94   232   interwar
 6. emoostw   B1    90   322   twosome
 7. dijknor  15A    66   388   jerkin
 8. abceitu   6D    70   458   incubate
 9. defirsu   3A    76   534   foudries
10. ?alotty   1B    83   617   totality
11. aegllps  15A    60   677   jerkings
12. aaeilos   L4    25   702   aisle
13. aelmnoo   I6    26   728   alamo
14. adfginr   M8    81   809   farding
15. ehlnoru   J8    40   849   noh
16. adelqrx  L11    43   892   axe
17. eilnorv   2I    27   919   enviro
18. deilopq  14J    42   961   podge

Remaining tiles: eilqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7710 Filemusdrive    4 12:01  -405  556     1.7710 musdrive    4 12:01  -405  556 
  2.7866 FileSQUAW1      3  7:40  -709  252     2.7866 SQUAW1      3  7:40  -709  252 
  3.6905 Fileshanice     0  2:51  -910   51            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6905 shanice     0  2:51  -910   51 

On 1st draw, HEDGY H8 34 --- HEDGY abounding in hedges [adj]
Other tops: HEDGY H4 34
Other moves: HYNDE H4 32, GENTY H8 26, HEDGY H5 26, HEDGY H6 26, HEDGY H7 26
HEDGY H8 34 musdrive

On 2nd draw, UNCRAZY 12B 42 --- CRAZY insane [adj] --- UNCRAZY not crazy [adj]
Other moves: CRAZY 12D 38, AZURY 12D 34, CZAR G6 34, CZAR I6 34, NUCHA G6 34
UNCRAZY 12B 42 musdrive
RAUNCHY 12B 30 shanice

On 3rd draw, BAU(B)EE B10 26 --- BAUBEE a Scottish coin [n]
Other tops: BOU(G)IE B10 26
Other moves: AE(R)OBE G5 25, A(D)OBE G6 24, BOU(G)E B10 24, BOU(L)E B10 24, BOU(S)E B10 24
OBA G8 23 musdrive
BA 13F 21 shanice

On 4th draw, PIVOT A7 36 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v]
Other tops: BEVO(M)IT 15A 36, BE(S)PIT 15A 36, BE(S)POT 15A 36, PE(R)V 15A 36
Other moves: P(I)VOT A7 33, VE(E)P 15A 33, VE(R)B 15A 33, PIVO(T) A7 32, PIV(O)T A7 32
VE(E)P 15A 33 musdrive

On 5th draw, INTERWAR E5 94 --- INTERWAR happening between wars [adj]
Other moves: TINWARE B1 78, TINWARE G4 76, TINWARE I4 76, INTERWAR E8 72, ANTIWEAR F6 71
AW A14 32 musdrive

On 6th draw, TWOSOME B1 90 --- TWOSOME a group of two [n]
Other moves: TWOSOME G4 81, TWOSOME I4 81, TWOSOME I3 75, TWOSOME G2 74, TWOSOME I2 74
WEEMS 15A 39 musdrive

On 7th draw, JERKIN 15A 66 --- JERKIN a sleeveless jacket [n]
Other moves: JERK 15A 60, JERID 15A 42, REJOIN 15A 42, JEDI 15A 39, NERK 15A 39
JERK 15A 60 musdrive

On 8th draw, INCUBATE 6D 70 --- INCUBATE to warm eggs for hatching [v]
Other moves: TABETIC 1B 42, ACUTE C6 30, BICE C5 29, CUBE C7 29, CUBE G7 29

On 9th draw, FOUDRIES 3A 76 --- FOUDRIE jurisdiction of a foud [n]
Other moves: DEFIERS K5 44, DEFUSER K5 44, REFUSED K5 44, SERIFED K5 44, FURIES L1 39
ZEDS G12 33 musdrive

On 10th draw, TOTAL(I)TY 1B 83 --- TOTALITY the quality or state of being complete [n]
Other moves: TOTAL(L)Y 4G 75, TOTA(L)LY 4G 75, TAL(A)YOT 4H 73, TOTAL(L)Y 4H 73, TOTA(L)LY 4H 73
ZOL(S) G12 30 musdrive

On 11th draw, JERKINGS 15A 60 --- JERKING a search for contraband [n]
Other moves: PELAGES K5 40, PAGLES L1 37, PLAGES L1 37, ZAPS G12 34, ZEPS G12 34
ZEPS G12 34 musdrive

On 12th draw, AISLE L4 25 --- AISLE a passageway between sections of seats [n]
Other moves: ALIAS L2 23, ALOES L2 23, ALIAS 5H 22, ALISON C7 22, ESLOIN C7 22
OLEA 5H 20 musdrive

On 13th draw, ALAMO I6 26 --- ALAMO a softwood tree [n]
Other tops: CAMEO F6 26, MEANE K5 26, MENIAL 5I 26, ULEMA G6 26
Other moves: AMINE 5J 24, AMINO 5J 24, MEAN K5 24, MOELLON 7I 24, EMO G8 23
MEANE K5 26 musdrive

On 14th draw, FARDING M8 81 --- FARD to paint with cosmetics [v] --- FARDING a farthing [n]
Other moves: FARDING K8 79, DEARING K5 46, FADING J10 36, FARING J10 35, FRIAND J10 35
FADING J10 36 musdrive

On 15th draw, NOH J8 40 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other moves: HUNGER 14J 36, EH J9 33, HERON J10 33, HONER J10 33, OH J9 33
HONER J10 33 musdrive

On 16th draw, AXE L11 43 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AXE K4 40, AX L11 39, EX L11 39, AXLED 2I 34, AXED 2I 33
AXE L11 43 SQUAW1, musdrive

On 17th draw, ENVIRO 2I 27 --- ENVIRO an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment [n]
Other tops: OLIVER 2I 27
Other moves: NEVI C7 23, RIVE C7 23, RIVO C7 23, ROVE C7 23, RONNE C9 22

On 18th draw, PODGE 14J 42 --- PODGE a fat and flabby thing [n]
Other moves: DOPE 1L 38, POLE 1L 38, PLODGE 14I 36, DEIL 1L 30, DELI 1L 30
DOPE 1L 38 musdrive

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