Game on October 29, 2016 at 06:03, 1 player
1. 119 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


11H 30 60 


7G 30 90 


12J 27 117 


O8 39 156 


8F 69 225 


15K 78 303 


L2 66 369 


5E 98 467 


3F 76 543 


4A 26 569 


2J 59 628 


A4 33 661 


B9 38 699 


10N 31 730 


A12 41 771 


1M 49 820 


B2 26 846 


J10 27 873 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 0 5:23 -754 119 1.4561 verelst 0 5:23 -754 119
On 1st draw, (T)WIXT H8 30 --- TWIXT between [prep]
Other tops: TWIX(T) H4 30
Other moves: TWIX(T) H5 28, TWIX(T) H6 28, TWIX(T) H7 28, TWIX(T) H8 28, (T)WIXT H4 28
On 2nd draw, XYLOI(D) 11H 30 --- XYLOID resembling wood [adj]
Other tops: (B)OXILY 11F 30, (F)OXILY 11F 30
Other moves: ORYX 11E 28, XYLI(C) 11H 28, XYLO(L) 11H 28, XY(L)OL 11H 28, (C)YLIX 11D 28
On 3rd draw, FAP 7G 30 --- FAP drunk or befuddled [adj]
Other moves: FRAPE 7F 29, FRAPS 7F 29, FAIRS 7G 28, FARES 7G 28, FARSE 7G 28
On 4th draw, OUTACT 12J 27 --- OUTACT to surpass in acting [v]
Other moves: TORC 12L 23, TUART 12H 23, CUATRO 6B 21, TURACO 6B 21, CORIA L8 20
On 5th draw, WHITTER O8 39 --- WHITTER a large draft of liquor [n] --- WHITTER to mutter peevishly [v]
Other tops: WECHT O8 39, WHITRET O6 39, WHITRET O9 39, WHITTER O9 39
Other moves: CHITTER O8 36, CHITTER O9 36, TEWHIT O7 36, WITHER O10 36, CITHER O10 33
On 6th draw, MA(T)ERIEL 8F 69 --- MATERIEL the aggregate of equipment and supplies used by an organization [n]
Other moves: MAILER 14J 28, MEALER 14J 28, AM N9 25, EM N9 25, RAM 13K 24
On 7th draw, AVENS 15K 78 --- AVENS a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: VAGS 15L 78, VEGANS 15J 78
Other moves: GANEVS 15J 75, VAES 15L 75, VANS 15L 75, VATS 15L 75, VETS 15L 75
On 8th draw, NEURONES L2 66 --- NEURONE the basic cellular unit of the nervous system [n]
Other moves: NURSE 13I 25, WRENS 9H 21, PEEOY I7 19, PEONY I7 19, NOURSLE M3 18
On 9th draw, ABRIDGER 5E 98 --- ABRIDGER one that abridges [n]
Other moves: ABRIDGE 14E 73, BEARDING 2F 72, BREADING 2F 72, BRIGADE 14E 69, BADGER M1 35
On 10th draw, CONSIDER 3F 76 --- CONSIDER to think about [v]
Other moves: CORNS M1 35, DISCI H1 33, CONDIES 3G 28, CONINS 2J 28, CORSNED 3G 28
On 11th draw, FIENT 4A 26 --- FIENT a fiend [n]
Other tops: FEINT 4A 26, FELON 4A 26, FILET 4A 26, FLINT 4A 26, FLITE 4A 26, FLITE 6B 26, FLOTE 4A 26, FLOTE 6B 26, FOLIE 4A 26, FOLIE 6B 26, INFO 4C 26
Other moves: FILO 4C 23, FINO 4C 23, LINEN 2J 23, TENON 2J 23, EWT 9G 21
On 12th draw, KANES 2J 59 --- KANE a tax paid in produce or livestock [n]
Other moves: FLAKED A4 42, ASKED N2 40, GLISK B2 40, LEAK 2G 40, FAKED A4 39
On 13th draw, FOLIOED A4 33 --- FOLIO to number the pages of [v]
Other moves: POLOI(D)AL M6 32, FOILED A4 30, FOODIE A4 30, FOOLED A4 30, OLPE 3A 29
P**F A1POOF A1 27 verelst
On 14th draw, HAUYNE B9 38 --- HAUYNE a blue mineral [n]
Other moves: HAY 1M 35, HEY 1M 35, HEY 6D 35, HYE 3B 35, ANY 6D 32
HEY C3 18 verelst
On 15th draw, QI 10N 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUEER C1 28, QUEER C2 28, ROULE C11 23, ROUTE C11 23, EWT 9G 21
On 16th draw, MOAT A12 41 --- MOAT to surround with a moat (a water-filled trench) [v]
Other moves: JAMPOT 14F 37, MATIPO B1 32, OPTIMA B1 32, GAJO 6C 30, PAM 13K 30
JET C3 20 verelst
On 17th draw, POZ 1M 49 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: ZERIBA B1 46, ZEREBA C3 40, BRAZE 14G 38, BEZOAR C3 36, MAZER F8 36
OOZE 6L 33 verelst
On 18th draw, ALIBI B2 26 --- ALIBI to make excuses for oneself [v]
Other moves: GEEBAG C2 24, MYGALE 12A 24, GEEBAG C3 22, AWE 9G 21, GENII H1 21
BEG C3 12 verelst
On 19th draw, GLOVED J10 27 --- GLOVE to furnish with gloves (hand coverings) [v]
Other moves: GLOVER J10 25, VERGED 14F 24, EWE 9G 21, LOVED J11 21, WEEDS 9H 21
RAVENS 15J 9 verelst
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