Game on November 2, 2016 at 18:43, 2 players
1. 601 pts musdrive
2. 96 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. G9 55 119
3. F8 40 159
4. I7 32 191
5. 6I 74 265
6. K5 32 297
7. O1 42 339
8. 8K 63 402
9. 8A 33 435
10. J10 31 466
11. A1 86 552
12. N2 38 590
13. D1 72 662
14. E7 38 700
15. 14I 37 737
16. 15H 37 774
17. D12 38 812
18. 15A 33 845
19. B2 29 874
20. 4L 22 896
21. 1C 30 926
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7694 musdrive 9 11:07 -325 601 1.7694 musdrive 9 11:07 -325 601
2.6223 scrab21 1 4:16 -830 96 Group: intermediate
1.6223 scrab21 1 4:16 -830 96
On 1st draw, EROS(I)ON H7 64 --- EROSION the act of eroding [n]
Other tops: ENROO(T)S H2 64, ENROO(T)S H3 64, ENROO(T)S H4 64, ENROO(T)S H6 64, ENROO(T)S H8 64, EROS(I)ON H2 64, EROS(I)ON H3 64, EROS(I)ON H4 64, EROS(I)ON H6 64, NOOSER(S) H2 64, NOOSER(S) H3 64, NOOSER(S) H4 64, NOOSER(S) H7 64, NOOSER(S) H8 64, NOO(N)ERS H2 64, NOO(N)ERS H3 64, NOO(N)ERS H4 64, NOO(N)ERS H6 64, NOO(N)ERS H7 64, NOO(N)ERS H8 64, NOO(S)ERS H2 64, NOO(S)ERS H3 64, NOO(S)ERS H4 64, NOO(S)ERS H6 64, NOO(S)ERS H7 64, NOO(S)ERS H8 64, ONERO(U)S H2 64, ONERO(U)S H3 64, ONERO(U)S H4 64, ONERO(U)S H6 64, ONERO(U)S H8 64, ONS(H)ORE H2 64, ONS(H)ORE H3 64, ONS(H)ORE H4 64, ONS(H)ORE H6 64, ONS(H)ORE H7 64, ONS(H)ORE H8 64, ORO(G)ENS H2 64, ORO(G)ENS H3 64, ORO(G)ENS H4 64, ORO(G)ENS H6 64, ORO(G)ENS H7 64, ORO(G)ENS H8 64, OR(G)ONES H3 64, OR(G)ONES H4 64, OR(G)ONES H6 64, OR(G)ONES H7 64, OR(G)ONES H8 64, O(P)ERONS H2 64, O(P)ERONS H4 64, O(P)ERONS H6 64, O(P)ERONS H7 64, O(P)ERONS H8 64, SEROON(S) H2 64, SEROON(S) H3 64, SEROON(S) H4 64, SEROON(S) H7 64, SEROON(S) H8 64, SNOO(K)ER H2 64, SNOO(K)ER H3 64, SNOO(K)ER H4 64, SNOO(K)ER H6 64, SNOO(K)ER H7 64, SNOO(P)ER H2 64, SNOO(P)ER H3 64, SNOO(P)ER H4 64, SNOO(P)ER H6 64, SNOO(P)ER H7 64, SNOO(Z)ER H2 64, SNOO(Z)ER H3 64, SNOO(Z)ER H4 64, SNOO(Z)ER H6 64, SNOO(Z)ER H7 64, SOONER(S) H2 64, SOONER(S) H3 64, SOONER(S) H4 64, SOONER(S) H7 64, SOONER(S) H8 64, SORE(H)ON H2 64, SORE(H)ON H3 64, SORE(H)ON H4 64, SORE(H)ON H6 64, SORE(H)ON H7 64, S(W)OONER H2 64, S(W)OONER H4 64, S(W)OONER H6 64, S(W)OONER H7 64, S(W)OONER H8 64, (B)OONERS H2 64, (B)OONERS H3 64, (B)OONERS H6 64, (B)OONERS H7 64, (B)OONERS H8 64, (C)EROONS H2 64, (C)EROONS H3 64, (C)EROONS H6 64, (C)EROONS H7 64, (C)EROONS H8 64, (H)EROONS H2 64, (H)EROONS H3 64, (H)EROONS H6 64, (H)EROONS H7 64, (H)EROONS H8 64, (M)OONERS H2 64, (M)OONERS H3 64, (M)OONERS H6 64, (M)OONERS H7 64, (M)OONERS H8 64, (N)OONERS H2 64, (N)OONERS H3 64, (N)OONERS H6 64, (N)OONERS H7 64, (N)OONERS H8 64, (S)EROONS H2 64, (S)EROONS H3 64, (S)EROONS H6 64, (S)EROONS H7 64, (S)EROONS H8 64, (S)OONERS H2 64, (S)OONERS H3 64, (S)OONERS H6 64, (S)OONERS H7 64, (S)OONERS H8 64
Other moves: ENROO(T)S H5 62, ENROO(T)S H7 62, EROS(I)ON H5 62, EROS(I)ON H8 62, NOOSER(S) H5 62
NOO(N)ERS H4 14 musdrive
On 2nd draw, ZEK(S) G9 55 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: D(A)ZE G7 54, D(O)ZE G7 54, R(A)ZED G7 54, ZEK G9 54, K(U)DZU G9 52
D(O)ZE G7 54 musdrive
On 3rd draw, LAY F8 40 --- LAY to deposit as a wager [v]
Other moves: AY F9 39, EROS(I)ONAL H7 24, ILEA I6 24, EEL I7 23, LEA I7 23
LAY F8 40 musdrive
On 4th draw, MEN I7 32 --- MON man [n]
Other moves: DEN I7 28, REMIND E10 25, DENIM E10 24, DIMER E10 24, REN I7 24
MEN I7 32 musdrive
On 5th draw, APRONED 6I 74 --- APRON to provide with an apron (a garment worn to protect one's clothing) [v]
Other tops: OPERAND 6I 74
Other moves: APRONED J2 73, PADRONE E2 72, PANDORE E2 72, PADRONE J1 69, PANDORE J1 69
RAPED J4 23 musdrive
On 6th draw, OREADES K5 32 --- OREAD a mountain nymph in Greek mythology [n]
Other moves: APODS J5 31, DADOES O4 30, PEDS J6 30, PODS J6 30, PEES J6 28
DADAS O4 27 musdrive
On 7th draw, CALCED O1 42 --- CALCED wearing shoes [adj]
Other moves: GLACE E9 38, AGLET E8 36, CADGE O4 36, GEDACT O4 36, TALCED O1 36
ACCENT M2 22 musdrive
On 8th draw, AXOID 8K 63 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: BOODY L4 44, GOX E9 44, BOXY L5 42, GOBY E9 42, GOODY L4 42
AXOID 8K 63 musdrive
On 9th draw, STIPEL 8A 33 --- STIPEL a small appendage of a leaf [n]
Other moves: DIPS 9K 28, DIPT 9K 28, DUPS 9K 28, PIETS J10 27, PISTE J10 27
SPIV E10 25 musdrive
On 10th draw, FUND J10 31 --- FUND to provide money for [v]
Other tops: FEND J10 31, FEUD J10 31
Other moves: FED J10 30, FELT J10 30, FENT J10 30, FUD J10 30, FUEL J10 30
On 11th draw, HETAIRAS A1 86 --- HETAIRA a Greek courtesan [n]
HEART E10 26 musdrive
On 12th draw, JA N2 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: REGAL E7 34, EGAL E8 32, JALOP J2 32, VEGA E7 30, VEGO E7 30
JA N2 38 musdrive
On 13th draw, OUTSTRIP D1 72 --- OUTSTRIP to go faster or farther than [v]
Other moves: TOURIST 14C 66, TUTORISE E1 66, ROSTI 14F 27, STROUT 14J 27, SUITOR 14J 27
On 14th draw, NEGATE E7 38 --- NEGATE to nullify [v]
Other moves: INGATE 14J 29, TEAING L10 27, NGATI E1 25, OUTGAIN 1D 24, AGENTIAL 3H 22
OUTGAIN 1D 24 musdrive
On 15th draw, BYRL 14I 37 --- BYRL to carouse [v]
Other moves: YOB 14J 36, BY 14I 35, OY 14I 33, YO 14J 33, TRILBY 5D 32
YOB D12 26 musdrive
On 16th draw, QI 15H 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WORM D12 34, MOW B2 31, OMIT B1 29, MOWN M3 28, ROWT B2 27
QI 15H 37 musdrive
On 17th draw, WEMB D12 38 --- WEMB a womb [n]
Other moves: BREW D12 34, BUM D10 34, BERM D10 32, MEW B2 31, BERG D10 30
WEMB D12 38 musdrive
WE D12 20 scrab21
On 18th draw, VIABLE 15A 33 --- VIABLE capable of living [adj]
Other tops: VERBAL 15A 33, VORLAGE 1C 33
Other moves: LOVAGE 1C 30, OGIVAL 1D 30, VIRILE C7 30, VOGIER 1C 30, VOLAGE 1C 30
VERBAL 15A 33 musdrive
OLIVER 1D 27 scrab21
On 19th draw, FOG B2 29 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other moves: FON B2 26, OF C12 26, OF B1 25, FIGO C7 24, GOLF L12 24
FOG B2 29 musdrive, scrab21
On 20th draw, OTIC 4L 22 --- OTIC pertaining to the ear [adj]
Other tops: TORC 4L 22
Other moves: DINO 9K 20, DINT 9K 20, DIRT 9K 20, INERT 13B 18, INRO 15L 18
DINT 9K 20 musdrive, scrab21
On 21th draw, ROWING 1C 30 --- ROWING the sport of racing in light, long, and narrow rowboats [n]
Other moves: OWING 1D 27, BYRLING 14I 26, TOWTING 3A 26, WIG C7 23, WING C7 23
ROWING 1C 30 musdrive
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