Game on November 5, 2016 at 19:11, 5 players
1. 591 pts musdrive
2. 553 pts SQUAW1
3. 475 pts shanice
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 5E 44 74
3. 8A 74 148
4. C3 58 206
5. B2 34 240
6. L1 32 272
7. 1L 36 308
8. 7G 82 390
9. A8 92 482
10. A1 40 522
11. 2K 41 563
12. L7 82 645
13. 10E 73 718
14. H10 45 763
15. 3L 34 797
16. 14J 28 825
17. O8 27 852
18. 11D 39 891
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.7739 musdrive 6 15:15 -300 591 1.8470 OrangeCup 1 5:55 -760 131
2.7748 SQUAW1 2 19:38 -338 553 Group: advanced
3.6911 shanice 3 17:12 -416 475 1.7739 musdrive 6 15:15 -300 591
4.8470 OrangeCup 1 5:55 -760 131 2.7748 SQUAW1 2 19:38 -338 553
5.7725 PIThompson 0 2:59 -816 75 3.7725 PIThompson 0 2:59 -816 75
Group: intermediate
1.6911 shanice 3 17:12 -416 475
On 1st draw, KUDOS H4 30 --- KUDO award; honor [n] --- KUDOS honour [n]
Other moves: KOELS H4 28, LUSKED H7 26, SOUKED H7 26, SULKED H7 26, DOEKS H4 24
KUDOS H4 30 musdrive
DOUKS H4 24 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, VIDUAG(E) 5E 44 --- VIDUAGE widowhood [n]
Other moves: VA(P)ID I3 29, GO(N)AD I3 25, IGAD I4 25, OGIVA(L) G6 25, VIGA(S) I3 25
VIGA I3 24 shanice
KIVA(S) 4H 22 musdrive
On 3rd draw, O(L)EARIAS 8A 74 --- OLEARIA an Australian daisy-tree [n]
Other moves: AERO(B)IA G8 60, O(L)EARIA G8 59, O(L)EARIA I8 59, ARAI(S)E L1 23, ARIO(S)E L1 23
AREA(S) L1 21 shanice
On 4th draw, DEFUZE C3 58 --- DEFUZE to remove the fuse from [v]
Other moves: DZO 7F 47, ZONED 7G 47, ZONULE 7G 47, ZONE 7G 45, FUZED 4K 44
ZONED 7G 47 musdrive, SQUAW1
DZO 7F 47 PIThompson, OrangeCup
FUZED 4K 44 shanice
On 5th draw, TAMIN B2 34 --- TAMIN a fabric [n]
Other moves: MATIN B2 32, AIM B4 28, NIM B4 28, MAIN D1 25, AMIN B3 24
NIM B4 28 musdrive, OrangeCup
AIM B4 28 PIThompson
MAIN D1 25 shanice
On 6th draw, BIRLS L1 32 --- BIRL to rotate a floating log [v]
Other tops: BAILS L1 32, BARNS L1 32, BAS 9A 32, BIS 9A 32, BLINS L1 32, BRANS L1 32, BRINS L1 32
Other moves: KBARS 4H 30, ABRIS L1 28, BRASIL L2 28, LABIS L1 28, NABIS L1 28
BAS 9A 32 SQUAW1, musdrive
BIS 9A 32 shanice
BARNS L1 32 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, BOYF 1L 36 --- BOYF boyfriend [n]
Other moves: CORNIFY 2H 34, ICONIFY 2H 34, CION D1 32, FID 6F 31, FIRRY 3I 30
FID 6F 31 musdrive, SQUAW1
On 8th draw, HOMEOTIC 7G 82 --- HOMEOTIC being a gene producing a shift in development [adj]
Other moves: TRICHOME E7 80, HOMEOTIC A7 66, CHIME 2J 50, CHIMO 2J 50, METHO 1A 50
CHIME 2J 50 SQUAW1, musdrive
HOM D2 34 shanice
On 9th draw, OVERSPIN A8 92 --- OVERSPIN a forward spin imparted to a ball [n]
Other moves: OVERSPIN K7 76, VIPER A1 53, PERVS 1A 50, PERV 1A 47, VIRES A1 45
VIPER A1 53 musdrive
RIPE A1 35 shanice
On 10th draw, OUTED A1 40 --- OUT to be revealed [v]
Other moves: DEET 9C 36, DEE 9C 33, DE 9C 30, TEED 1A 29, IDEE 2L 28
OUTED A1 40 musdrive, SQUAW1
DEET 9C 36 shanice
On 11th draw, NIXE 2K 41 --- NIX a water sprite [n]
Other moves: ANOREXY 3I 36, POXY 13A 32, SAXONY 12A 32, PYX 13A 30, XENIA F2 30
EXON 8J 28 musdrive
EX 10A 25 shanice
On 12th draw, TWANGIER L7 82 --- TWANGY twanging [adj]
Other moves: SWEARING 12A 78, TWANGER L7 30, TWINGE L7 28, TWINER L7 26, AVERRING E4 24
TWANGIER L7 32 musdrive
On 13th draw, SWAPTION 10E 73 --- SWAPTION a swap option [n]
Other moves: AROW 3K 45, WAIST M9 44, WAITS M9 44, ROWS 3L 43, ROWT 3L 43
ROWS 3L 43 shanice
TWIRPS 14I 38 musdrive
On 14th draw, PEYOTL H10 45 --- PEYOTL a cactus [n]
Other moves: LORY 3J 42, RORY 3J 42, TORY 3J 42, TYRO 3J 39, PELORY H10 36
POETRY H10 36 shanice
ROTE 3L 34 musdrive, SQUAW1
On 15th draw, RONE 3L 34 --- RONE (Scots) a drainpipe [n]
Other tops: ROAN 3L 34
Other moves: QAT 14F 32, AERO 3J 30, EOAN B11 20, ANOLE G10 18, TELERAN 14H 18
QAT 14F 32 musdrive, shanice, SQUAW1
On 16th draw, CURARE 14J 28 --- CURARE an arrow poison [n]
Other tops: CURARI 14J 28, CURIAE 14J 28, CURRIE 14J 28
Other moves: CARER 14J 26, CERIA 14J 26, COURIER 13G 26, CURER 14J 26, CURIA 14J 26
CURRIE 14J 28 shanice, musdrive
On 17th draw, REGINAE O8 27 --- REGINA a queen [n]
Other tops: GREENIE O8 27
Other moves: AGREE O11 24, GAINER O10 24, GEE 15M 23, GEN 15M 23, DRAG 6H 22
GREENIE O8 27 musdrive
NIGER O11 21 shanice
On 18th draw, THEBE 11D 39 --- THEBE a monetary unit of Botswana [n]
Other moves: H*B*HEBE 11E 37, QAT 14F 32, HELE 11E 31, HET B10 31, HETE 11E 31
THEBE 11D 39 musdrive, shanice
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