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Game on November 5, 2016 at 19:55, 7 players
1. 784 pts OrangeCup
2. 464 pts SQUAW1
3. 229 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agpqruv   H7    28    28   quag
 2. ?abbirx   I9    37    65   xi
 3. ?inotvw   J6    35   100   woven
 4. eeiilps   8J    30   130   visile
 5. acknrtu   L1    80   210   untracks
 6. abegist   2G    76   286   beatings
 7. ?efhimr   H7    63   349   quagmires
 8. adellnr  15A    80   429   landlers
 9. aceeiru   1C    37   466   curiae
10. aaeorty   N7    76   542   aleatory
11. defiotv  12B    80   622   videofit
12. behimnt  13C    43   665   timber
13. adnoopt  M10    31   696   napoo
14. adehint   4G    63   759   antherid
15. deegosw  O12    57   816   weed
16. efhosuz  J12    48   864   sez
17. gnooprs   O4    25   889   sooner
18. hjlopuy   5E    31   920   joy

Remaining tiles: fghlpu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8470 FileOrangeCup   8 13:40  -136  784     1.8470 OrangeCup   8 13:40  -136  784 
  2.7738 FileSQUAW1      3 10:10  -456  464            Group: advanced
  3.6917 Fileshanice     2  4:39  -691  229     1.7738 SQUAW1      3 10:10  -456  464 
  4.7725 FilePIThompson  0  4:10  -807  113     2.7725 PIThompson  0  4:10  -807  113 
  5.7695 Filequeen66     0  2:54  -857   63     3.7695 queen66     0  2:54  -857   63 
  6.7361 FileMycophot    0  1:36  -875   45     4.7361 Mycophot    0  1:36  -875   45 
  7.7563 Filesicilianc5  0  1:57  -890   30     5.7563 sicilianc5  0  1:57  -890   30 
                                                    Group: intermediate
                                             1.6917 shanice     2  4:39  -691  229 

On 1st draw, QUAG H7 28 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other tops: QUAG H5 28, QUAG H6 28, QUAG H8 28
Other moves: QUA H6 24, QUA H7 24, QUA H8 24, GRAV H5 16, GRAV H6 16
QUAG H6 28 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, XI I9 37 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XI(S) I9 37
Other moves: X(I) I9 35, X(U) I9 35, AXI(S) 11E 34, B(O)RAX I9 33, RABBI(S) 11C 32
XI I9 37 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, WOV(E)N J6 35 --- WOVEN a woven fabric [n]
Other moves: VOW(S) 11E 32, INWOV(E) J4 28, NOWT(S) 11D 28, OW G8 28, TOWN(S) 11D 28
VOW(S) 11E 32 OrangeCup, PIThompson, queen66

On 4th draw, VISILE 8J 30 --- VISILE a person who learns by visual image [n]
Other moves: LEEPS 11D 29, PEELS 11D 29, PELES 11D 29, PILES 11D 29, PILIS 11D 29
PLIES 11D 29 OrangeCup
PILES 11D 29 PIThompson

On 5th draw, UNTRACKS L1 80 --- UNTRACK to cause to escape from a slump [v]
Other moves: TANUKI M3 30, TRUNCAL N2 30, KAT 7M 27, KNAUR K10 27, KRAUT K10 27
UNTRACKS L1 80 OrangeCup
UNTRACKS L1 30 sicilianc5

On 6th draw, BEATINGS 2G 76 --- BEATING a defeat [n]
Other moves: QUAGGIEST H7 63, BAGIES 11C 33, GABIES 11C 33, GIBES 11D 31, BAGUETS 1I 30
BEATINGS 2G 76 OrangeCup

On 7th draw, QUAGMIRE(S) H7 63 --- QUAGMIRE an area of marshy ground [n] --- QUAGMIRE to entangle as in boggy ground [v]
Other tops: QUAGMIRE(D) H7 63
Other moves: FEHME H1 48, FEHM H1 45, FEHM(E) H1 45, IHR(A)M 1D 45, FR(A)ME 1E 44
FEHME H1 48 OrangeCup
FEHM H1 45 Mycophot
(O)HM 1G 43 SQUAW1

On 8th draw, LANDLER(S) 15A 80 --- LANDLER a slow Austrian dance [n]
Other moves: LANDLER 3B 75, ENLARD 1D 37, RELAND 1D 37, LADLE 1F 35, DENAR 1D 34
LANDLER(S) 15A 80 OrangeCup

On 9th draw, CURIAE 1C 37 --- CURIA a court of justice [n]
Other moves: CARE 1F 30, CAR 1F 25, CURIAE 3C 25, ECURIE 3C 25, CERIA H1 24
CURIAE 1C 37 OrangeCup

On 10th draw, ALEATORY N7 76 --- ALEATORY musical improvisation [n] --- ALEATORY pertaining to luck [adj]
Other moves: OTARY 3C 36, TEARY 3C 36, YAE 14F 29, AY 14E 28, GOEY M2 27
TEARY 3C 36 OrangeCup

On 11th draw, VIDEOFIT 12B 80 --- VIDEOFIT an identikit picture [n]
Other moves: FEOD O12 52, FOETID 14F 35, DEFI M12 31, DEFT M12 31, DITTO 3I 31
FEOD O12 52 OrangeCup, shanice, PIThompson
FEED 14F 31 queen66

On 12th draw, TIMBER 13C 43 --- TIMBER to furnish with timber (wood used as a building material) [v]
Other moves: NITHER 13C 40, BETH 11C 34, METH 11C 34, INTIME M8 33, HEM 11C 32
HEM 11C 32 OrangeCup
THEM 11E 32 shanice

On 13th draw, NAPOO M10 31 --- NAPOO to kill [v]
Other tops: DATTO 3I 31
Other moves: PAND M12 27, POND M12 27, POOD M12 27, PANT M12 25, PONT M12 25
POOD M12 27 OrangeCup

On 14th draw, ANTHERID 4G 63 --- ANTHERID a male reproductive organ of certain plants [n]
Other moves: HAED O12 57, HAEN O12 54, HAET O12 54, HAND L11 42, EATH L11 39
HAED O12 57 shanice, SQUAW1
HAND L11 42 OrangeCup

On 15th draw, WEED O12 57 --- WEED to remove weeds (undesirable plants) [v]
Other moves: WEES O12 54, GEODES O10 50, DEES O12 38, EWES O11 35, ODES O12 34
WEED O12 57 shanice, SQUAW1, OrangeCup

On 16th draw, SEZ J12 48 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: CHEZ C1 36, FUZES 5C 36, FUZE 5D 34, ZHOS 5D 34, COZES C1 32
CHEZ C1 36 OrangeCup, SQUAW1

On 17th draw, SOONER O4 25 --- SOONER one who settles on government land before it is officially opened for settlement [n]
Other moves: SPORE O4 24, PRATS 11K 23, SNORE O4 22, GNATS 11K 21, GOATS 11K 21
SPORE O4 24 OrangeCup

On 18th draw, JOY 5E 31 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: THO 3L 30, HOLY 5E 27, PHLOEM E8 26, HOLY 5D 25, HOY K13 25
JOY 5E 31 OrangeCup, SQUAW1, shanice

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