Game on November 7, 2016 at 19:19, 6 players
1. 502 pts musdrive
2. 303 pts shanice
3. 121 pts SQUAW1
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 22 22
2. 8A 92 114
3. F5 69 183
4. D5 74 257
5. 10H 73 330
6. L3 72 402
7. M1 36 438
8. 1H 167 605
9. 8J 48 653
10. A1 89 742
11. C7 35 777
12. K8 36 813
13. B2 32 845
14. C12 25 870
15. 15A 33 903
16. I3 28 931
17. 3A 24 955
18. 5H 26 981
19. 12F 22 1003
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7754 musdrive 7 9:21 -501 502 1.7754 musdrive 7 9:21 -501 502
2.6921 shanice 2 14:13 -700 303 2.7717 SQUAW1 3 4:23 -882 121
3.7717 SQUAW1 3 4:23 -882 121 3.7819 PIThompson 1 0:15 -967 36
4.7819 PIThompson 1 0:15 -967 36 4.7796 queen66 1 0:53 -967 36
5.7796 queen66 1 0:53 -967 36 5.7700 sicilianc5 1 1:30 -967 36
6.7700 sicilianc5 1 1:30 -967 36 Group: intermediate
1.6921 shanice 2 14:13 -700 303
On 1st draw, BOONER H4 22 --- BOONER a young working class person from Canberra [n]
Other moves: BONER H4 20, BONNE H4 20, BORNE H4 20, BORON H4 20, BOONER H3 18
BOONER H4 22 musdrive, shanice
On 2nd draw, DIOPTASE 8A 92 --- DIOPTASE a mineral [n]
Other moves: SATINPOD 7D 65, PARODIST 9F 64, PAROTIDS 9F 64, PINTADOS 7F 64, SPADO G5 25
ADOPTS 10C 24 musdrive
PADI I3 19 shanice
On 3rd draw, RELAXINS F5 69 --- RELAXIN a female hormone [n]
Other moves: XI 9C 38, LEXIS 10D 37, NIXES 10D 37, SIXER 10H 37, SEX 10H 35
XI 9C 38 musdrive, shanice
On 4th draw, ALOPECIA D5 74 --- ALOPECIA baldness [n]
Other moves: TALEA E8 27, TELIA E8 27, TELOI E8 27, COALISE 12A 24, TALA E8 23
TALEA E8 27 musdrive
TALE E8 23 shanice
On 5th draw, SALUTED 10H 73 --- SALUTE to greet with a sign of welcome or respect [v]
Other moves: ASSAULTED 12D 72, OUTLEADS 5H 68, OUTLEADS 6H 65, AUREOLAS 5D 32, DEUS I5 26
DAES 13A 23 shanice
On 6th draw, SEAF(R)ONT L3 72 --- SEAFRONT an area along the edge of the sea [n]
Other moves: FA(R)INOSE B5 64, FA(R)NESOL J3 62, FEA(T)OUS K5 36, FA(I)NES I3 35, FA(Y)NES I3 35
FON(D)AS I3 35 musdrive
OF C8 18 shanice
On 7th draw, GROTTY M1 36 --- GROTTY wretched [adj]
Other tops: GRITTY M1 36
Other moves: ORGY M3 33, GORY K2 30, GROTTY 8J 30, TORY K2 28, GOORY 8K 27
GROTTY M1 36 PIThompson, queen66
GRITTY M1 36 musdrive, sicilianc5
YO K5 25 shanice
On 8th draw, RENIGGED 1H 167 --- RENIG to fail to carry out a promise [v]
RIGGED 1J 33 musdrive
REEDING 1G 30 shanice
On 9th draw, AZO(N)IC 8J 48 --- AZONIC not restricted to any particular zone [adj]
Other tops: AZO(T)IC 8J 48
Other moves: ZOA C7 47, AZO(N) C6 46, (L)AZO C5 46, AZO 7B 45, AZO C6 45
ZOA C7 47 musdrive, shanice
On 10th draw, REMINDED A1 89 --- REMIND to cause to remember [v]
Other moves: ERMINED 2C 67, REMINDED A3 63, DEMON C5 27, IMINE K1 26, DIM 11I 25
REMINDED A1 39 musdrive
MOD C7 23 shanice
On 11th draw, HOW C7 35 --- HOW a method of doing something [n]
Other tops: WOF C7 35
Other moves: HAP 11I 31, HOP 11I 31, HOP C7 31, HOWF C12 31, HOWF C2 31
HOW C7 35 shanice, musdrive
On 12th draw, ZOUK K8 36 --- ZOUK a dance music of the French West Indies [n]
Other moves: POKIE E2 31, M*KV*TMIKVOT 3A 30, KEPI C11 28, KEPT C11 28, TOPEK C1 28
KEPT C11 28 musdrive
On 13th draw, HATE B2 32 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other moves: HAT B2 28, HET B2 28, GHAT C11 24, HA B2 24, HE B2 24
HATE B2 32 musdrive
On 14th draw, FAVE C12 25 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: BAFT C11 24, BARF C11 24, AFTER C11 23, BARF I3 23, FRAB C12 23
FAVE C12 25 musdrive
On 15th draw, AYELP 15A 33 --- AYELP in a state of yelping [adv]
Other moves: YA C3 29, AY 2I 28, NY 2I 28, NY E11 26, NAY E11 25
YA C3 29 musdrive
On 16th draw, JIB I3 28 --- JIB to refuse to proceed further [v]
Other moves: JIN I3 24, MAUVIN 3A 22, JUBA A12 21, MAVIN 3A 20, VIS G6 17
JIB I3 28 musdrive, SQUAW1
On 17th draw, MAWING 3A 24 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: MAGNUM 3A 22, MAUVIN 3A 22, NIM J4 21, WIMP E12 21, MAVIN 3A 20
MAWING 3A 24 SQUAW1, musdrive
On 18th draw, OBVIATOR 5H 26 --- OBVIATOR one that obviates [n]
Other moves: TOMIA J4 23, ERUVIM M10 22, OVUM 14E 21, T*MTOM J4 21, MO K4 19
On 19th draw, SUQ 12F 22 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: MEU 2D 18, TEC 10B 17, JETSOM 3I 15, JIBE I3 15, OE 6H 15
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