Game on November 8, 2016 at 21:11, 3 players
1. 519 pts musdrive
2. 207 pts SQUAW1
3. 138 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


5E 40 68 


6F 28 96 


8G 65 161 


3F 30 191 


M7 36 227 


2J 42 269 


O1 38 307 


N2 25 332 


1H 46 378 


M1 33 411 


4A 23 434 


C2 70 504 


B9 72 576 


A4 36 612 


12H 32 644 


O11 46 690 


H12 57 747 


13D 43 790 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 5 7:22 -271 519 1.7769 musdrive 5 7:22 -271 519
SQUAW1 1 6:37 -583 207 2.7714 SQUAW1 1 6:37 -583 207
scrab21 0 4:06 -652 138 Group: intermediate
1.6287 scrab21 0 4:06 -652 138
On 1st draw, HILLED H4 28 --- HILL to form into a hill (a rounded elevation) [v]
Other moves: HIDER H4 26, HILLER H4 26, HIRED H4 26, HILLED H7 24, HILLED H3 22
HILLED H4 28 musdrive
On 2nd draw, GABIONS 5E 40 --- GABION a basket of earth or stones used for fortification [n]
Other moves: GANOFS 3C 39, FANGOS 3C 33, OBANGS 3C 33, BOGANS 3C 31, GOBANS 3C 31
FABS 3E 23 musdrive
On 3rd draw, MOLE 6F 28 --- MOLE the quantity of a compound that has a weight equal to the compound's molecular weight [n]
Other tops: MILE 6F 28, MILO 6F 28
Other moves: MEL 6F 25, MIL 6F 25, MOL 6F 25, TOUK 4C 25, T*MTOM 6D 24
MILE 6F 28 musdrive
On 4th draw, XERANSI(S) 8G 65 --- XERANSIS a drying up [n]
Other tops: RE(L)AXINS 8G 65, XERA(F)INS 8G 65
Other moves: XERAN(S)IS 8G 64, X(E)NIAS 4A 48, X(E)NIA 4A 41, AXI(O)NS J1 39, AXI(O)NS 3C 37
AXI(O)NS J1 39 musdrive
On 5th draw, SOCKO 3F 30 --- SOCKO strikingly impressive [adj]
Other tops: STOCK 3E 30, TOCKS 3F 30, TOOK 7J 30
Other moves: SOCK 3F 29, TOCK 3F 29, COOKS 3D 27, TOCKS 3D 27, COOFS 3D 25
TOCKS 3D 27 musdrive
On 6th draw, WIDGETS M7 36 --- WIDGET a gadget [n]
Other moves: DEGUST 2J 31, DOWNSTAGE J2 31, GUSTED 2J 31, GUTSED 2J 31, GUDES 2J 29
WEDS 2J 29 musdrive
On 7th draw, PAREV 2J 42 --- PAREV made without meat or milk [adj]
Other tops: PARVE 2J 42, PAVER 2J 42
Other moves: PARTER 2J 38, PRATER 2J 38, PARER 2J 36, PATER 2J 36, PEART 2J 36
PAVER 2J 42 musdrive
On 8th draw, NEEP O1 38 --- NEEP a turnip [n]
Other tops: LEAP O1 38, LEEP O1 38, NEAP O1 38
Other moves: PENAL O1 35, PLANE 1H 34, PEAL O1 32, PEAN O1 32, PEEL O1 32
NEEP O1 38 musdrive
On 9th draw, VROUW N2 25 --- VROUW a Dutch woman [n]
Other tops: WAIR 4J 25, WAIR L11 25, WAUR 4J 25, WAUR L11 25
Other moves: RAW 4D 24, WAI 4J 23, WAI L11 23, WAR 4J 23, RAW 4J 20
WAIR L11 25 musdrive
On 10th draw, (C)HAFE 1H 46 --- CHAFE to warm by rubbing [v]
Other moves: HAAF 1H 40, (S)HEAF 1G 40, H(A)AF 1H 37, (K)HAF 1H 37, (N)EAFE 1H 37
(S)HEAF 1G 40 musdrive
On 11th draw, DEET M1 33 --- DEET an insect repellent [n]
Other moves: DEE M1 26, DEI M1 26, AIDED 9F 25, TEATED 2B 25, TIDED 9F 25
TEATED 2B 25 musdrive
On 12th draw, RITUAL 4A 23 --- RITUAL a system of rites [n]
Other moves: RITUAL 2B 22, URIAL L10 21, TRIAL 4B 19, URIAL 4B 19, LITAI 2B 18
RITUAL 2B 22 musdrive
On 13th draw, TITANITE C2 70 --- TITANITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: INITIATE B2 70
Other moves: TITANITE 12G 68, INITIATE B4 62, TITANITE C4 60, IDEA 9G 22, INERTIA A1 21
On 14th draw, OUTRANG B9 72 --- OUTRING to ring louder than [v]
Other moves: OUTRANGE 11F 68, OUTRANG B7 66, ARGONAUT J8 65, GRANTOR A3 24, OUTRANG A1 24
On 15th draw, REJON A4 36 --- REJON a bullfighting lance [n]
Other moves: ENJOY K7 30, JEELY 11K 30, JOLTY 12J 30, JONTY 12J 30, JOEY 11K 28
On 16th draw, VIBRATE 12H 32 --- VIBRATE to move back and forward rapidly [v]
Other moves: BRAVURE 12A 30, BRAVER 12A 28, AVIDER 9E 27, ABIDER 9E 26, BRAVE 12A 26
BRAVER 12A 28 musdrive
VIDE 9F 23 scrab21
On 17th draw, IDIOM O11 46 --- IDIOM a mode of expression peculiar to a language [n]
Other moves: DEMO O12 43, DIME O12 43, DOME O12 43, DEIL O12 37, DELI O12 37
DIME O12 43 SQUAW1, scrab21
DOME O12 43 musdrive
On 18th draw, VIZY H12 57 --- VIZY to look at closely [v]
Other moves: ZA N14 48, CRAZY 12A 44, FRAZIL 12A 44, FRIZ 12A 40, CRAZY K11 38
ZA N14 48 musdrive, scrab21, SQUAW1
On 19th draw, QUALIFY 13D 43 --- QUALIFY to be eligible after having the necessary requirements [v]
Other moves: ALFAQUI 13B 40, AGLY 15A 36, UGLY 15A 36, FEU A13 34, QUAG 10J 34
QUAG 10J 34 musdrive
FAZE 14F 24 scrab21
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