Game on November 8, 2016 at 22:43, 2 players
1. 364 pts mordeckhi
2. 164 pts Sirocco
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


10F 74 100 


11I 29 129 


12I 40 169 


O6 105 274 


11D 39 313 


12A 39 352 


13B 33 385 


M4 75 460 


L1 46 506 


6D 71 577 


1L 45 622 


2J 40 662 


B10 38 700 


A5 38 738 


8C 63 801 


I3 26 827 


A14 50 877 


B1 36 913 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
mordeckhi 0 17:28 -549 364 1.7222 Sirocco 1 3:18 -749 164
Sirocco 1 3:18 -749 164 Group: not rated
1.4246 mordeckhi 0 17:28 -549 364
On 1st draw, HERNIA H4 26 --- HERNIA the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n]
Other tops: FAINER H4 26
Other moves: FAINE H4 24, FERIA H4 24, FINER H4 24, FRENA H4 24, FAINER H3 20
HIRE H7 14 mordeckhi
On 2nd draw, AGEMATE 10F 74 --- AGEMATE a person of the same age as another [n]
Other tops: AGAMETE 10B 74, AGAMETE 10D 74, AGEMATE 10B 74
Other moves: AGAMETE G7 72, AGEMATE G7 72, AGAMETE G9 65, AGAMETE I9 65, AGEMATE G9 65
GRAME 6G 14 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, IDEM 11I 29 --- IDEM the same [adj]
Other moves: MINDER 11J 28, REMIND 11J 28, DIMER 11J 27, EMIR 11I 26, INERM 11I 26
TIMER K10 14 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, BOLETE 12I 40 --- BOLETE a fungus [n]
Other moves: BOTEL 12I 38, BOLE 12I 36, BONE 12I 36, LONE 12I 30, LOTE 12I 30
BEEN 11C 14 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, WATCH(E)S O6 105 --- WATCH to observe carefully [v]
Other tops: THWAC(K)S O6 105, WA(U)CHTS O6 105
Other moves: WATCH(E)S 13C 97, WA(U)CHTS 13C 97, THWAC(K)S 13C 95, WATCHE(R)S N7 92, WATCHE(T)S N7 92
SHAW O12 43 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, PYX 11D 39 --- PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] --- PYX to test newly minted coins [v]
Other moves: ONYX 11C 37, PIXY 11C 37, POXY 11C 37, PYXED 5E 36, DIXY 11C 35
PIXY 8G 16 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, VOGIE 12A 39 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: VIAE 12C 37, VIREO 12A 37, VAGI 12A 32, VEGA 12A 32, VEGO 12A 32
HOVER 4H 22 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, BOUN 13B 33 --- BOUN to prepare [v]
Other moves: BUNCO N2 29, BIN 13B 25, BON 13B 25, BUN 13B 25, BUNCH 4D 24
INCH 4E 9 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, DIAPIRS M4 75 --- DIAPIR a bend in a layer of rock [n]
Other moves: PRESIDIA 5F 72, PINDARIS 7F 65, RAPIDS 5J 33, DRAPS 5K 31, DRIPS 5K 31
PARIS 6F 15 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, JU(R)AT L1 46 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other moves: JU(B)A L1 42, JU(G)A L1 42, JU(R)A L1 42, J(O)TA L1 42, JAN(E) L1 40
JAR 6F 26 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, ENVIRONS 6D 71 --- ENVIRON to encircle [v]
Other moves: ENVISION 8C 62, JIVE 1L 42, ENJOIN 1J 39, JEON 1L 33, JINN 1L 33
JOIN 1L 33 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, JUKE 1L 45 --- JUKE to fake out of position [v]
Other tops: JUNK 1L 45
Other moves: JUTE 1L 33, KED 14A 31, KEN 14A 28, KET 14A 28, DUEL 13K 27
KNOB B10 20 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, LOUSY 2J 40 --- LOUSY mean or contemptible [adj]
Other tops: TOUSY 2J 40
Other moves: KAYOS N1 31, YA 2N 30, LAY 14A 29, LOY 14A 29, SAY 14A 29
On 14th draw, FOOBAR B10 38 --- FOOBAR ucked Up Beyond All Repair [adj]
Other moves: FLOATEL D1 28, FLOATER D1 28, FAR 14A 26, FAT 14A 26, FLORA 1F 26
LOAFER D2 18 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, FARCIE A5 38 --- FARCIE in cookery, stuffed [adj]
Other tops: CARAFE A5 38, FACIAE A5 38, FIACRE A5 38
Other moves: CARAFE 1E 35, FACIAE 1E 35, FARCE A6 35, FARCI A6 35, FARCIE 1E 35
FARCE A6 35 Sirocco
On 16th draw, DRAWLIER 8C 63 --- DRAWLY marked by drawling [adj]
Other moves: REDRAW B1 54, DRAWLER 15A 45, DRAWER 15A 42, WARRED B1 40, DRAWL 15A 39
REDRAW B1 54 Sirocco
DRAWER 15A 42 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, QI I3 26 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: IRONED 15A 24, OROIDE 15A 24, QI 3I 23, DRONE 15A 21, IRED 15A 21
QI I3 26 Sirocco
DRONE 15A 21 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, ZO A14 50 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: DZO F13 41, GLOZE D2 30, ZONDA E4 30, DOZE D3 28, TOZIE D2 28
DOZE D3 28 mordeckhi
RIZ 15B 22 Sirocco
On 19th draw, LUNGED B1 36 --- LUNGE to make a forceful forward movement [v]
Other moves: GLUED B2 34, LUGED B2 34, LUNTED B1 34, LUTED B2 32, TUNED B2 32
GLUTEN B1 27 Sirocco
DUG F13 15 mordeckhi
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