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Game on November 9, 2016 at 20:53, 2 players
1. 521 pts shanice
2. 312 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. noqrstu   H8    24    24   suq
 2. ?aceiim   8A    86   110   meticais
 3. adehmop   E5    60   170   poached
 4. aeelors   5E    70   240   parolees
 5. bchinox   6H    61   301   hox
 6. abeityy   4J    39   340   ybet
 7. befnorr   B6    77   417   freeborn
 8. dennory   F2    34   451   denay
 9. deiopsu  13A    74   525   unpoised
10. ?aaiort  12G    70   595   airboat
11. egiiltz  11K    40   635   glitz
12. efinrsw   O8    57   692   winzes
13. dfnottu   3L    26   718   fund
14. eeinrrt   2B    68   786   trendier
15. aagnotv   1H    35   821   taonga
16. eiilmou   O1    30   851   moduli
17. aaeijvw   1A    55   906   view
18. aacgjkl   3A    45   951   jak

Remaining tiles: acgltv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6913 Fileshanice     3 24:11  -430  521     1.7722 SQUAW1      3  7:36  -639  312 
  2.7722 FileSQUAW1      3  7:36  -639  312            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6913 shanice     3 24:11  -430  521 

On 1st draw, SUQ H8 24 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: SUQ H6 24, SUQ H7 24
Other moves: NUTSO H4 12, NUTSO H8 12, RONTS H4 12, RONTS H8 12, ROUST H4 12
SUQ H6 24 shanice

On 2nd draw, ME(T)ICAIS 8A 86 --- METICAL a monetary unit of Mozambique [n]
Other moves: AECI(D)IUM 9B 66, ASEI(S)MIC 8G 64, CIME(L)IA G2 64, ISC(H)EMIA 8G 64, A(S)EISMIC 8D 62
MICE I9 29 shanice

On 3rd draw, POACHED E5 60 --- POACH to trespass for the purpose of taking game or fish [v]
Other moves: CHAMPED E8 34, CHOMPED E8 34, CHAMP E8 28, CHOMP E8 28, CAMPED E8 26
CHOP E8 22 shanice

On 4th draw, PAROLEES 5E 70 --- PAROLEE one who is paroled [n]
Other moves: OLEAS(T)ER C3 68, SEALER 11H 25, SOLERA 11H 25, AREOLAE F3 24, SAREE 11H 23
SEALER 11H 25 shanice

On 5th draw, HOX 6H 61 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: BOX 6H 59, HOAX F3 55, NIX 6H 55, NOX 6H 55, COAX F3 54
HOX 6H 61 shanice

On 6th draw, YBET 4J 39 --- BEAT to strike repeatedly [v]
Other moves: BEATY 4K 36, TYE 4J 31, YAE 4J 31, YEA 4J 31, YAY F4 30
YEA 4J 31 shanice

On 7th draw, FREEBORN B6 77 --- FREEBORN born free [adj]
Other moves: FREEBORN B5 67, FORREN F10 35, FORB F10 33, FOB F10 32, FERN F10 31
FORB F10 33 shanice

On 8th draw, DENAY F2 34 --- DENAY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other tops: DERAY F2 34
Other moves: DONNY F10 31, RENAY F2 31, YONDER D10 30, DEY C11 29, DRAY F3 29
DAY F4 28 shanice

On 9th draw, UNPOISED 13A 74 --- POISE to hold in a state of equilibrium [adj] --- UNPOISED not poised [adj]
Other moves: DOUPS A11 35, PSEUDO A1 35, UPSIDE A1 35, POISE A11 33, PSEUDO 11G 31
SOUPED 11H 31 shanice

On 10th draw, AIR(B)OAT 12G 70 --- AIRBOAT a boat used in swampy areas [n]
Other moves: AIR(B)OAT 14H 69, ATRO(P)IA 14H 69, A(V)IATOR 14H 69, AIR(B)OAT 12H 68, ATRO(P)IA 12H 68
TOUR(S) A11 20 shanice

On 11th draw, GLITZ 11K 40 --- GLITZ gaudy showiness [n] --- GLITZ to make flashy in appearance [v]
Other moves: ZI(B)ET J10 35, GLITZ M9 34, L*Z 10D 32, (B)IZE J12 32, L*Z 3L 31

On 12th draw, WINZES O8 57 --- WINZE a steeply inclined mine shaft [n]
Other tops: FRIZES O8 57
Other moves: FRIZE O8 54, WINZE O8 54, FRIZ O8 48, SWIZ O8 48, ZEINS O11 45
FRIZES O8 57 shanice

On 13th draw, FUND 3L 26 --- FUND to provide money for [v]
Other moves: FUD 3L 24, TUFTED 3B 24, DOF G1 23, FUD 9G 22, FUN 3L 22
FUD 3L 24 shanice

On 14th draw, TRENDIER 2B 68 --- TRENDY very fashionable [adj]
Other moves: ENTIRE A1 26, NERITE A1 26, RETINE A1 26, RETIRE A1 26, TRIENE A1 26
RIDENT O1 24 shanice

On 15th draw, TAONGA 1H 35 --- TAONGA (Maori) something highly prized [n]
Other moves: AGOUTA A10 34, TAONGA 1G 34, NOVA 1H 29, TANGA 1H 29, TANGO 1H 29
TAD O1 12 shanice

On 16th draw, MODULI O1 30 --- MODULUS a number that produces the same remainder when divided into each of two numbers [n]
Other tops: MODULE O1 30, OIDIUM O1 30
Other moves: LEDUM O1 27, MEDII O1 27, MODEL O1 27, MODII O1 27, AIM F8 26
MODEL O1 27 shanice

On 17th draw, VIEW 1A 55 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: VAWS 13L 32, VIAE 1A 31, JA 10J 29, JA 1A 29, AVA 13K 28
JA 1A 29 shanice

On 18th draw, JAK 3A 45 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: JOCK D12 44, KAAL N6 41, AKA N5 35, JAG 3A 33, KA N6 32
JOCK D12 44 shanice, SQUAW1

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