Game on November 10, 2016 at 08:26, 2 players
1. 595 pts shanice
2. 503 pts babsbedi
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 52 52
2. 3B 93 145
3. 2F 50 195
4. D2 76 271
5. 7G 59 330
6. 6J 52 382
7. K5 36 418
8. 12G 84 502
9. J10 40 542
10. 1A 59 601
11. C9 37 638
12. 15I 45 683
13. B10 60 743
14. D11 48 791
15. 14J 39 830
16. A8 44 874
17. L1 36 910
18. N1 70 980
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6919 shanice 3 20:14 -385 595 1.6919 shanice 3 20:14 -385 595
2.6670 babsbedi 2 13:53 -477 503 2.6670 babsbedi 2 13:53 -477 503
On 1st draw, QUIRED H4 52 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: QUIRE H4 48, CIRQUE H4 40, CIRQUE H3 36, CIRQUE H7 36, CIRQUE H8 36
QUIRED H4 52 shanice
On 2nd draw, L(O)ONEYS 3B 93 --- LOONEY loony [n]
Other tops: LEN(V)OYS 3B 93, LO(O)NEYS 3B 93
Other moves: ESLOYNE(D) 8H 92, ESLOYNE(S) 8H 92, E(S)LOYNES 8H 92, (V)ENOUSLY 5D 90, ESLOYN(E) 3G 89
S(A)NELY 3H 33 babsbedi
LOYS 3E 28 shanice
On 3rd draw, WAE 2F 50 --- WAE woe [n]
Other moves: JADE 4A 48, JAW 2D 45, J*WJEW 2D 45, WAITED 2A 44, DAWTIE 2A 40
JADE 4A 48 shanice
JAW 2D 45 babsbedi
On 4th draw, PORTABLE D2 76 --- PORTABLE something that can be carried [n]
Other moves: PUBERTAL 5G 74, PARTIBLE 6D 66, P(O)RTABLE C2 65, LABRET 4A 35, BARP 4A 33
BET 4D 26 babsbedi
BARE 4A 25 shanice
On 5th draw, (P)ROUNION 7G 59 --- PROUNION favouring labour unions [adj]
Other moves: QUINON(E) 4H 30, QUINO 4H 28, QUINO(A) 4H 28, QUINO(L) 4H 28, QUINO(S) 4H 28
QUIN(S) 4H 26 babsbedi
NUN(S) 1A 21 shanice
On 6th draw, XI 6J 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 6J 52
Other moves: OXER 8L 50, QUIXOTE 4H 46, EXO E5 37, EXULT 8A 36, IXTLE 8A 36
XI 6J 52 babsbedi, shanice
On 7th draw, MINARET K5 36 --- MINARET a slender tower attached to a mosque [n]
Other tops: DRAM 8L 36
Other moves: ADVERT C8 31, MARTED C9 31, DEAR 8L 30, DRAT 8L 30, MADRE C9 29
DEVA 5K 24 babsbedi
VAT 5K 24 shanice
On 8th draw, OBLASTI 12G 84 --- OBLAST an administrative division of Russia [n]
Other moves: OBLASTI C9 73, OBLASTI G9 65, OBLASTI I9 65, BLAST 1A 38, BLIST 1A 38
BLAST 12H 30 shanice
BASIL J10 27 babsbedi
On 9th draw, FIASCO J10 40 --- FIASCO a wine bottle [n] --- FIASCO a complete failure [n]
Other moves: FICOES C9 39, FUCOSE C9 39, FEIS 1A 38, FEUS 1A 38, FOES 1A 38
FE 13G 22 babsbedi
On 10th draw, ZOIST 1A 59 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other tops: DZOS 1A 59
Other moves: ZITS 1A 56, ZOOIDS 15H 54, ZOOID 15H 51, ZITIS M9 48, DZOS 10A 47
ZOOS 15H 39 babsbedi
ZOOT 15H 39 shanice
On 11th draw, WAGED C9 37 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other tops: WAILED C9 37
Other moves: GLOWED 15H 36, WAIDE C9 35, WALED C9 35, WEALD C9 35, WIELD C9 35
GLOWED 15H 36 babsbedi, shanice
On 12th draw, GOOFIER 15I 45 --- GOOFY silly [adj]
Other moves: GRIEF B6 40, GROOF 15H 39, OOFIER 15J 39, GOOFIER 15H 36, LIEF B7 34
GRIEF B6 40 babsbedi
OF B9 32 shanice
On 13th draw, HADING B10 60 --- HADE to incline [v]
Other moves: ADHAN 8K 45, DONAH B6 40, OHING D11 38, CHIAO 14J 36, DANIO B10 35
HADING B10 60 shanice
NAH B8 33 babsbedi
On 14th draw, AYELP D11 48 --- AYELP in a state of yelping [adv]
Other moves: REPLAY A6 46, REPAY A7 43, YELP D12 42, PLAY A8 40, PRAY A8 40
PRAY A8 40 shanice
JAY A9 26 babsbedi
On 15th draw, CHODE 14J 39 --- CHIDE to scold [v]
Other moves: HOA A13 37, CHADO L1 32, CHODE L1 32, EDH 14L 32, HOC A8 32
CHA A8 30 babsbedi, shanice
On 16th draw, JEAN A8 44 --- JEAN a durable cotton fabric [n]
Other moves: CAMAN A7 38, CAA A13 33, CAMA A7 30, JAM L3 30, JNANA N6 30
JEAN A8 44 babsbedi
JA L4 22 shanice
On 17th draw, KERMA L1 36 --- KERMA a term in physics relating to kinetic energy [n]
Other moves: MAK 8M 33, CRAKE L1 32, CREAM L1 30, CRAME L1 28, RECKAN N2 28
CRAKE L1 32 shanice
On 18th draw, NUTRIENT N1 70 --- NUTRIENT a nourishing substance [n]
Other moves: REKNIT 1J 30, KEIR 1L 24, KENT 1L 24, KERN 1L 24, KIER 1L 24
KITE 1L 24 shanice
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