Game on November 13, 2016 at 13:24, 1 player
1. 588 pts Sirocco
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 80 80 


6D 68 148 


5J 29 177 


4A 84 261 


M2 74 335 


8C 63 398 


L7 41 439 


2J 56 495 


A1 33 528 


2A 26 554 


O1 52 606 


12E 62 668 


11B 57 725 


1E 31 756 


8L 24 780 


7B 51 831 


12A 25 856 


A7 25 881 


13A 30 911 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Sirocco 5 20:31 -323 588 1.7232 Sirocco 5 20:31 -323 588
On 1st draw, YEALING H4 80 --- YEALING a person of the same age [n]
Other moves: ALEYING H6 76, YEALING H6 76, ALEYING H2 74, ALEYING H3 74, ALEYING H4 74
LAYING H7 24 Sirocco
On 2nd draw, FURCATED 6D 68 --- FURCATE to divide into branches [v]
Other moves: FRUCTED 5C 26, DECURY 4C 24, DEFECT 5E 24, DEFECT 5G 24, TURFED G1 24
FRUCTED 5C 26 Sirocco
On 3rd draw, WICE 5J 29 --- WICE canny [adj]
Other moves: WAITE 5J 27, WAIT 5J 25, WATE 5J 25, WETA 5J 25, WITE 5J 25
WAIT 5J 25 Sirocco
On 4th draw, HU(M)ILITY 4A 84 --- HUMILITY the quality of being humble [n]
Other moves: (F)IFTH D4 28, HU(M)IC L1 26, H(Y)LIC L1 26, LITHIF(Y) D1 26, (P)ITHFUL D2 26
LITH(S) 11D 25 Sirocco
On 5th draw, ABSENTEE M2 74 --- ABSENTEE one that is not present [n]
Other moves: BETAINES 8D 63, SHEBEAN A3 36, BATHES A1 33, HEBENS A4 33, THEBES A3 33
BATHES A1 33 Sirocco
On 6th draw, ABRASION 8C 63 --- ABRASION a graze on the skin [n]
Other moves: BARONS L8 31, ABEAR 8K 30, BASHO A1 30, BARNS L8 29, BARON L8 29
BARONS L8 31 Sirocco
On 7th draw, SWOUND L7 41 --- SWOUND to faint [v]
Other moves: WOULDS L8 39, WOUNDS L8 39, SWOUND N9 38, WOLDS L8 37, WOULD L8 37
WOUNDS L8 39 Sirocco
On 8th draw, JE(H)AD 2J 56 --- JEHAD a Muslim holy war [n]
Other moves: H(A)DJEE A4 48, J(A) 7C 40, J(O) 7C 40, Q(U)EUED B1 38, EQU(I)D B2 36
EQU(I)D B2 36 Sirocco
On 9th draw, AYAHS A1 33 --- AYAH a native maid or nurse in India [n]
Other tops: HOYAS A4 33
Other moves: AYAH A1 30, WEYS 8L 30, SAYON 11H 28, SOYA 7A 28, YA 7C 26
SOYA 13L 25 Sirocco
On 10th draw, YAGGER 2A 26 --- YAGGER a pedlar [n]
Other moves: GENU B1 25, GEARE K10 22, WEAN 8L 21, WEAR 8L 21, WEEN 8L 21
YAGGER 2A 26 Sirocco
On 11th draw, PITH O1 52 --- PITH to sever the central nervous system of [v]
Other moves: HIPT O1 43, HINT O1 37, HIP O1 37, PINOT O1 37, PINTO O1 37
HOPE 1E 34 Sirocco
On 12th draw, MOUTERED 12E 62 --- MOUTER to take a fee for grinding grain [v]
Other moves: METER 1E 27, METRE 1E 27, METRO 1E 27, MUTER 1E 27, WEEM 8L 27
MUTER 1E 27 Sirocco
On 13th draw, PREMIX 11B 57 --- PREMIX to mix before use [v]
Other moves: MIXER 13G 55, MIREX 13E 53, REMIX 11C 51, MIX 13G 49, PIX 13G 49
MIXER 13G 55 Sirocco
On 14th draw, FOLIA 1E 31 --- FOLIUM a thin layer [n]
Other tops: FOLIE 1E 31
Other moves: FAIL 1E 28, FEAL 1E 28, FOAL 1E 28, FOIL 1E 28, FA 7C 26
FOAL 1E 28 Sirocco
On 15th draw, WEND 8L 24 --- WEND to proceed along [v]
Other tops: WEED 8L 24, WEID 8L 24
Other moves: NOONED 11I 22, OPINED B10 22, OPIOID B10 22, DONNE 11I 21, WEEN 8L 21
WEND 8L 24 Sirocco
On 16th draw, AZO 7B 51 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: ZA 7C 50, ZO 7C 50, TOZE H12 39, NERTZ J10 36, RAZE J12 33
AZO 7B 51 Sirocco
On 17th draw, QI 12A 25 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: NIEVE K10 22, VOE 3I 21, ENVOI 11K 20, P**V*POOVE B11 20, EEVN K11 18
QI 12A 25 Sirocco
On 18th draw, LOOT A7 25 --- LOOT to plunder [v]
Other tops: LENO A7 25, LENT A7 25, LIEN A7 25, LINE A7 25, LINO A7 25, LINT A7 25, LION A7 25, LITE A7 25, LOIN A7 25, LONE A7 25, LOON A7 25, LOTE A7 25, LOTI A7 25, LOTO A7 25
Other moves: INTO 13A 24, LEI A7 22, LET A7 22, LIE A7 22, LIN A7 22
INTO 13A 24 Sirocco
On 19th draw, INK 13A 30 --- INK to mark with ink (a colored fluid used for writing) [v]
Other tops: IRK 13A 30
Other moves: REPINE B9 26, KERVE J10 24, TEEK H12 24, TIKE H12 24, TINK H12 24
INK 13A 30 Sirocco
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