Game on November 20, 2016 at 05:51, 2 players
1. 244 pts kellybelly
2. 156 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 64 64 


14A 78 142 


9A 63 205 


A4 42 247 


8H 95 342 


E5 36 378 


K5 94 472 


A12 36 508 


B6 33 541 


C4 34 575 


M7 34 609 


J4 55 664 


O1 86 750 


D1 32 782 


1D 36 818 


6N 31 849 


13C 38 887 


L12 32 919 


N13 37 956 


F4 26 982 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 4 5:57 -738 244 1.7577 kellybelly 4 5:57 -738 244
verelst 1 5:55 -826 156 Group: not rated
1.4561 verelst 1 5:55 -826 156
On 1st draw, AE(R)IALS H8 64 --- AERIAL an antenna [n]
Other tops: AE(R)IALS H3 64, AE(R)IALS H4 64, AE(R)IALS H6 64, AE(R)IALS H7 64, ALE(X)IAS H2 64, ALE(X)IAS H3 64, ALE(X)IAS H4 64, ALE(X)IAS H6 64, ALE(X)IAS H7 64, ALE(X)IAS H8 64, ALIASE(S) H2 64, ALIASE(S) H3 64, ALIASE(S) H4 64, ALIASE(S) H7 64, ALIASE(S) H8 64, ALIA(S)ES H2 64, ALIA(S)ES H3 64, ALIA(S)ES H4 64, ALIA(S)ES H6 64, ALIA(S)ES H7 64, AL(G)ESIA H3 64, AL(G)ESIA H4 64, AL(G)ESIA H6 64, AL(G)ESIA H7 64, AL(G)ESIA H8 64, A(B)ELIAS H2 64, A(B)ELIAS H4 64, A(B)ELIAS H6 64, A(B)ELIAS H7 64, A(B)ELIAS H8 64, A(M)ELIAS H2 64, A(M)ELIAS H4 64, A(M)ELIAS H6 64, A(M)ELIAS H7 64, A(M)ELIAS H8 64, A(V)AILES H2 64, A(V)AILES H4 64, A(V)AILES H6 64, A(V)AILES H7 64, A(V)AILES H8 64, (M)ALAISE H2 64, (M)ALAISE H3 64, (M)ALAISE H6 64, (M)ALAISE H7 64, (M)ALAISE H8 64
Other moves: AE(R)IALS H2 62, AE(R)IALS H5 62, ALE(X)IAS H5 62, ALIASE(S) H5 62, ALIASE(S) H6 62
On 2nd draw, GRANFERS 14A 78 --- GRANFER grandfather [n]
Other tops: FRANGERS 14A 78
Other moves: FRANGER G3 73, FRANGER I3 73, GRANFER G3 73, GRANFER I3 73, FRANGER I2 65
On 3rd draw, RIDIC(U)LE 9A 63 --- RIDICULE to make fun of [v]
Other moves: RIDIC(U)LE F7 62, LI(P)IDIC 11E 36, CIG(S) A12 27, DIRLI(N)G A8 27, C(H)ILIAD C9 24
On 4th draw, FONDER A4 42 --- FOND having an affection for [adj]
Other moves: FEOD 13C 36, FED 10B 34, FOEN 13C 33, FROND A8 33, FEN 10B 32
On 5th draw, ANALCIME 8H 95 --- ANALCIME a white mineral [n]
Other moves: LIMACINE D4 80, ANALCIME 12H 76, ANALCIME 12F 74, CALAMINE 12E 74, CALAMINE 12G 74
On 6th draw, AUTOCAR E5 36 --- AUTOCAR a motor car [n]
Other moves: ERUGO A11 21, ROUGE A11 21, TARGE A11 21, TERGA A11 21, TOEA 13C 21
On 7th draw, OUTLIVES K5 94 --- OUTLIVE to live longer than [v]
Other moves: SOLUTIVE K6 72, OUTLIVE K5 40, VIOLETS K5 40, VEGO A12 36, VIGS A12 36
On 8th draw, HUGE A12 36 --- HUGE very large [adj]
Other moves: LEUGH F2 35, GLEBE B2 33, EUGH F3 32, GIBEL D8 31, UGH F4 31
On 9th draw, YONI B6 33 --- YONI a symbol for the vulva in Hindu religion [n]
Other tops: NOILY J2 33, ONELY J2 33
Other moves: NYE B5 32, OYE B5 32, INLY J3 30, LINEY L11 30, LINY J3 30
On 10th draw, TOSHED C4 34 --- TOSH to trim [v]
Other moves: BETH F3 32, BOSH F3 32, BOSHTA 12C 32, BOTH F3 32, HETHS 12A 32
On 11th draw, WINDIGO M7 34 --- WINDIGO an evil demon in Algonquian mythology [n]
Other moves: DOWING L1 31, DOWP F3 31, POWND I5 31, POWND L1 31, DOPING L1 29
On 12th draw, BOX J4 55 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: D(U)X F8 54, LOX J4 53, SOX J4 53, OX J5 52, LANX D12 38
On 13th draw, BESTRIDE O1 86 --- BESTRIDE to straddle [v]
Other moves: BISTERED O4 64, BESTRIDE O7 62, BISTERED O2 62, BEDSIT 14J 43, BITSER 14J 41
BEST 14K 25 kellybelly
ROBE 13L 6 verelst
On 14th draw, WYTE D1 32 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other tops: WYE 15C 32, YOWE D1 32
Other moves: QI 6N 31, TOEY 13C 30, TOWY N11 30, EYOT L12 29, OWE N1 28
WYE 15C 32 kellybelly
QI 6N 31 verelst
On 15th draw, WIRETAP 1D 36 --- WIRETAP to intercept messages by means of a concealed monitoring device [v]
Other moves: QI 6N 31, PAM N6 30, WIPER 1D 30, WRAPT 1D 30, PAIR 13C 29
QI 6N 31 kellybelly
WRITE 1D 24 verelst
On 16th draw, QI 6N 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ALVINE 2J 28, NIQAB 4F 26, RAVING F1 25, GAM N6 24, QIS 3M 24
QI 6N 31 kellybelly, verelst
On 17th draw, JA 13C 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JAPE 12C 38, JUPE 12C 38
Other moves: JAP 12C 36, JUMP F3 35, JUMP L2 35, JUVE B1 35, REVAMP F1 35
JA 13C 38 kellybelly
JAY 2B 26 verelst
On 18th draw, AKEE L12 32 --- AKEE a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: KAE 15C 31, KEA 15C 31, KAME F4 30, KAMI F4 30, AKE L12 28
AKEE L12 32 kellybelly
KEY 2B 20 verelst
On 19th draw, POZ N13 37 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: DZO 10M 33, MOZ I3 33, POZ I3 33, ZIP L3 33, ZIP F4 32
MOZE 2L 30 kellybelly
PEON 15K 6 verelst
On 20th draw, VIM F4 26 --- VIM energy [n]
Other moves: GLIM F3 25, NIM F4 23, AMI(R) 10E 22, MI F6 22, NAM 10D 22
GLIM F3 25 kellybelly
VAN D12 12 verelst
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