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Game on November 21, 2016 at 14:29, 1 player
1. 45 pts shanice

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deglos   H2    70    70   dogsled
 2. aeeikst   6H    66   136   leakiest
 3. deginry   M2    82   218   redyeing
 4. ?dehntu   O1   149   367   unhatted
 5. efloopw   G7    30   397   fowl
 6. aeiorsv   N9    89   486   ovaries
 7. adeijtt  15L    57   543   jest
 8. cegirtw   K3    30   573   wicket
 9. efinorr  H10    23   596   ironer
10. aahimnt  14D    67   663   anthemia
11. aclopru  15A    35   698   copra
12. abeegru   5A    72   770   auberges
13. bimnosv   A4    42   812   bavins
14. aadeinx  M11    45   857   dex
15. lmootyz   D1    48   905   zlote
16. aailnpu   1A    48   953   plaza
17. afimnou  13G    30   983   unman
18. fiooquy   L9    43  1026   yoof

Remaining tiles: iiqu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6953 Fileshanice     0  1:57  -981   45     1.6953 shanice     0  1:57  -981   45 

On 1st draw, (D)OGSLED H2 70 --- DOGSLED a sled drawn by dogs [n] --- DOGSLED to move on a sled drawn by dogs [v]
Other tops: DOGLE(G)S H2 70, DOGLE(G)S H4 70, DOGSLE(D) H2 70, DOGSLE(D) H4 70, DO(G)LEGS H4 70, DO(G)LEGS H7 70, DO(N)GLES H4 70, GLOS(S)ED H4 70, GLOS(S)ED H6 70, GLO(S)SED H4 70, GLO(S)SED H6 70, GODLES(S) H2 70, GODLES(S) H4 70, GODLE(S)S H2 70, GODLE(S)S H4 70, GOLDES(T) H4 70, GOLDE(N)S H4 70, LODGE(R)S H2 70, SLOG(G)ED H6 70, SLO(G)GED H6 70, SLO(G)GED H8 70, S(P)LODGE H7 70, S(P)LODGE H8 70, (D)OGSLED H6 70, (P)LODGES H8 70
Other moves: DOGLE(G)S H3 68, DOGLE(G)S H6 68, DOGLE(G)S H8 68, DOGSLE(D) H3 68, DOGSLE(D) H7 68

On 2nd draw, LEAKIEST 6H 66 --- LEAKY inclined to leak [adj]
Other moves: KAIE G3 31, KAE G3 28, KAI G3 28, SIKA G1 28, TIKA G1 28

On 3rd draw, REDYEING M2 82 --- REDYE to dye again [v]
Other moves: YERDING G7 81, DERAYING J3 67, REDYEING M5 66, READYING J4 65, SYNERGID N6 65

On 4th draw, UNH(A)TTED O1 149 --- UNHAT to remove one's hat [v]
Other moves: UNH(A)TTED O2 95, H(A)UNTED G7 78, (E)NTHUSED 5C 77, ENTHUS(E)D 5C 76, THUNDE(R)S 5A 72
UNH(A)TTED O2 45 shanice

On 5th draw, FOWL G7 30 --- FOWL to hunt birds [v]
Other moves: FEW G7 29, LOWE L1 29, WOF G7 29, GOWFED 4H 28, FOP G7 27

On 6th draw, OVARIES N9 89 --- OVARY a female reproduction gland [n]
Other moves: OVARIES 11A 81, VIRAGOES 4D 74, SAVORIES 5A 72, VARIOLES 10B 71, VALORISE 10E 65

On 7th draw, JEST 15L 57 --- JEST to joke [v]
Other moves: JADE L1 51, JEDI L1 51, JADE M11 43, JAI G3 40, JEAT M11 39

On 8th draw, WICKET K3 30 --- WICKET a small door or gate [n]
Other tops: WICKER K3 30
Other moves: EWER I6 29, WRECK K2 28, WRICK K2 28, EWE I6 27, WICK K3 26

On 9th draw, IRONER H10 23 --- IRONER a machine for pressing clothes [n]
Other moves: FOREIGN 4C 22, FLORIER 10F 20, FORERAN 11I 20, FRINGE 4D 20, FROING 4C 20

On 10th draw, ANTHEMIA 14D 67 --- ANTHEMIA decorative floral patterns used in Greek art [n] --- ANTHEMION a decorative floral pattern used in Greek art [n]
Other moves: MANIHOT 3C 34, HAM M11 31, FEHME 7G 30, THAIRM 12J 28, HEM I5 27

On 11th draw, COPRA 15A 35 --- COPRA dried coconut meat [n]
Other moves: CLARO 15A 29, PULAO 15A 29, CRAPOLA D8 28, CARPOOL 3C 26, CAPORAL D9 24

On 12th draw, AUBERGES 5A 72 --- AUBERGE an inn [n]
Other moves: BEARE M11 26, GREEBO B10 26, BAG M11 24, BEG M11 24, BUG M11 24

On 13th draw, BAVINS A4 42 --- BAVIN a bundle of brushwood [n]
Other tops: MAVINS A4 42
Other moves: BAVIN A4 39, MAVIN A4 39, MAVIS A4 39, SIMBA A1 36, NOVUMS B2 34

On 14th draw, DEX M11 45 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: AX M12 38, EX M12 38, DEX I1 37, XI I3 37, NIX I1 36

On 15th draw, ZLOTE D1 48 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: MOZ G1 46, ZOOTOMY 12D 42, OOZY B8 40, ZOL J2 39, ZOO J2 39

On 16th draw, PLAZA 1A 48 --- PLAZA a public square [n]
Other moves: PIBAL C3 30, PUB C3 24, LABIA C3 22, NABLA C3 22, NUBIA C3 22

On 17th draw, UNMAN 13G 30 --- UNMAN to deprive of courage [v]
Other moves: OF L11 26, FERM 12L 24, MIB C3 24, FOAM 13A 23, NOMA 13C 22

On 18th draw, YOOF L9 43 --- YOOF a youth [n]
Other moves: QUOIF 3B 34, OOF L10 28, QUINA E11 28, QUINA K10 28, OF L11 26

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