Game on November 24, 2016 at 00:34, 1 player
1. 7 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


6G 63 111 


9B 77 188 


E5 36 224 


4F 94 318 


B9 46 364 


15A 167 531 


D1 29 560 


1C 36 596 


12A 38 634 


I13 35 669 


J10 39 708 


K9 34 742 


N6 60 802 


2H 81 883 


8D 37 920 


O8 44 964 


10D 49 1013 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
1. -
debbieh 0 1:12 -1006 7 1. - debbieh 0 1:12 -1006 7
On 1st draw, ZANTE H4 48 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other tops: ENT(R)EZ H7 48, ZANTE(S) H4 48, ZEAT(I)N H4 48, ZE(L)ANT H4 48, Z(O)NATE H4 48, (S)TANZE H8 48
Other moves: NE(R)TZ H8 46, ZANT(E) H4 46, ZAN(T)E H4 46, ZAN(Z)E H4 46, ZA(N)TE H4 46
On 2nd draw, ANGULOUS 6G 63 --- ANGULOUS having an angle [adj]
Other moves: ZULUS 4H 28, GUSLA 9F 23, AGLUS 9D 22, GAOLS 9D 22, GOALS 9D 22
On 3rd draw, AMA(T)OLS 9B 77 --- AMATOL a powerful explosive [n]
Other moves: MAS(S)OOLA L1 76, MA(S)SOOLA L1 76, SALAMO(N) 9H 75, (B)LASTOMA 7D 74, MASOOLA(H) L2 70
On 4th draw, T(A)BE(T)IC E5 36 --- TABETIC one affected with tabes [n]
Other tops: BIG(A)E 10B 36, B(A)GIE 10B 36, B(O)GIE 10B 36, (A)LGETIC K5 36
Other moves: ZEB(E)C 4H 34, Z(E)BEC 4H 34, ABIET(I)C B9 32, AB(I)ETIC B9 32, BEGI(N) 10B 32
On 5th draw, VIZARDED 4F 94 --- VIZARD a mask [adj] --- VIZARD to mask or disguise [v]
Other moves: IDEAED 8A 40, AVIDER B9 36, VARIED D1 32, DIDIE 10B 31, REDID 10B 31
On 6th draw, AFFORCE B9 46 --- AFFORCE in law, to strengthen with expertise [v]
Other moves: FEH 8A 36, ARCHFOE B9 34, HORI 10B 34, CHE 10A 33, CHE 8A 33
On 7th draw, DEVOURER 15A 167 --- DEVOURER one that devours [n]
Other moves: OEUVRE 15A 39, VERDURE 15A 39, DEEV 15A 36, DERV 15A 36, REDROVE 15A 36
On 8th draw, HERNIA D1 29 --- HERNIA the protrusion of an organ through its surrounding wall [n]
Other moves: HAEN 3I 27, HAIN 3I 27, HAIR 3I 27, HEAR 3I 27, HEIR 3I 27
On 9th draw, WHATSO 1C 36 --- WHATSO whatever kind [adj]
Other tops: WASHIN 1A 36
Other moves: SWAIN C1 35, WONTS 12A 34, WOONS 12A 34, WISHA 1A 33, WISHT 1A 33
On 10th draw, BOXY 12A 38 --- BOXY resembling a box [adj]
Other moves: AX 5K 36, BRAXY 13A 34, RAX 2H 28, RAX 3L 28, YAGI 3L 27
On 11th draw, QIS I13 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: RIANT 13B 33, RIAS 13B 31, RIA 13B 29, QAID M1 28, QATS I12 27
On 12th draw, PYOID J10 39 --- PYOID puslike [adj]
Other moves: APODE 3K 29, AXE C11 29, DOPY 3L 29, PAID J11 29, RIA 13B 29
On 13th draw, POEM K9 34 --- POEM a composition in verse [n]
Other tops: MOUP K9 34
Other moves: GEUM K9 32, NEUM K9 30, NOUP K9 30, EMONG 3K 29, RUE 13B 29
On 14th draw, SAUTOIRE N6 60 --- SAUTOIRE a heraldic design [n]
Other moves: ARIOT 13A 37, RIOTER 13B 37, RIOT 13B 31, RUER 13B 31, AXE C11 29
On 15th draw, HENTING 2H 81 --- HENT to grasp [v]
Other moves: HENTING 2G 70, THEIN O7 47, HENT O8 42, HINT O8 42, THEN O7 42
On 16th draw, JET 8D 37 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JILT L8 34, RIEL 13B 31, JUN 8M 30, JUT 8M 30, JEEL 2B 29
PINT 9K 7 debbieh
On 17th draw, GINNEL O8 44 --- GINNEL a narrow alley [n]
Other moves: RIEL 13B 31, GIEN O8 30, GINN O8 30, KILN L8 28, KIN 10D 28
On 18th draw, KIWI 10D 49 --- KIWI a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: ARIEL 13A 37, WEEK M11 37, KAIE M10 35, LEAK 1L 35, KEEL M11 32
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