Game on December 1, 2016 at 04:42, 3 players
1. 472 pts kellybelly
2. 129 pts verelst
3. 109 pts fatcat
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 80 80 


4D 34 114 


5C 83 197 


10C 63 260 


6H 70 330 


O4 42 372 


E8 66 438 


15C 51 489 


14B 30 519 


8A 36 555 


A12 42 597 


14H 81 678 


6D 38 716 


O12 50 766 


L2 80 846 


3I 38 884 


12A 22 906 


M8 75 981 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
kellybelly 1 15:54 -509 472 1.7617 kellybelly 1 15:54 -509 472
verelst 0 7:07 -852 129 Group: intermediate
fatcat 0 4:39 -872 109 1.6559 fatcat 0 4:39 -872 109
Group: not rated
1.4569 verelst 0 7:07 -852 129
On 1st draw, HOTDOG(S) H4 80 --- HOTDOG to perform in a showy manner [v]
Other moves: HOTDOG(S) H7 76, HOTDOG(S) H2 74, HOTDOG(S) H3 74, HOTDOG(S) H8 74, HOTDOG(S) H5 72
On 2nd draw, PUJAH 4D 34 --- PUJAH a Hindu worship practice [n]
Other moves: PUJA G3 32, JAP G3 29, JAP I3 29, PUJA(S) 10D 29, JALOP 5E 28
JAP I3 29 kellybelly
On 3rd draw, NE(M)ATODE 5C 83 --- NEMATODE a kind of worm [n]
Other moves: UNDE(R)ATE E4 82, UNDE(R)EAT E4 82, UNE(L)ATED E4 82, UNTEA(M)ED E4 82, UN(H)EATED E4 82
(S)NEAD I4 34 kellybelly
On 4th draw, CAROU(S)EL 10C 63 --- CAROUSEL an amusement park ride [n]
Other moves: CURET 6D 33, CUR 6D 28, CAROL 3A 21, CLEAR 3A 21, CORAL 3A 21
RET 6F 20 kellybelly
On 5th draw, TAENIOID 6H 70 --- TAENIOID like a tapeworm [adj]
Other moves: OCEANID C9 22, TENIOID 6H 21, ACNODE C9 20, DECANI C8 20, DIANOIA D8 20
TIDE 6H 19 kellybelly
On 6th draw, INDEX O4 42 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other moves: MIDDEN O4 39, MIDDLE O4 39, DEX 11D 38, MILDED O1 36, MINDED O1 36
MINDED O1 36 kellybelly
On 7th draw, AURELIAN E8 66 --- AURELIAN one who studies moths and butterflies [n]
Other moves: LACUNAE C8 20, ACULEI C9 18, AECIAL C8 18, AINGA 9E 18, ANCILE C8 18
EINA N5 17 kellybelly
On 8th draw, OMNIFY 15C 51 --- OMNIFY to make universal [v]
Other moves: MY 6E 40, MONEYS 15C 36, SIMONY 15A 36, FY F13 34, MYSELF 12A 34
FY F13 34 kellybelly
On 9th draw, FLOAT 14B 30 --- FLOAT to rest or remain on the surface of a liquid [v]
Other tops: FOUAT 14B 30
Other moves: ALOFT 14E 27, FLOTA 8A 27, FOLIA 8A 27, ALIF 14E 26, TUI 6D 24
FLIT 4J 20 kellybelly
On 10th draw, RHYTA 8A 36 --- RHYTON an ancient Greek drinking horn [n]
Other moves: HIJAB F2 31, BLINY 12D 28, BRINY L4 28, BRITH L4 28, RHYTON M2 26
BRITH L4 28 kellybelly
On 11th draw, VIAS A12 42 --- VIA a way [n]
Other tops: VIAL A12 42
Other moves: SNAILS K5 40, SILVAS A10 39, VISTAL A10 39, VISTAS A10 39, VISAS A11 36
SNAILS K5 40 kellybelly
AS A14 15 verelst
On 12th draw, BRINGER 14H 81 --- BRINGER one that brings [n]
Other moves: REBORING M3 76, BIRRING L2 24, BLINGER 12D 24, BREIING L2 24, BRINGER L4 24
BRINGER L4 24 kellybelly
BRING L4 20 verelst
On 13th draw, DUB 6D 38 --- DUB to confer knighthood no [v]
Other moves: OILED 15K 31, DUI 6D 26, BODDLE 7F 25, BUDDLE 7F 25, OBE 7B 25
DEB 15M 23 kellybelly
LED 15M 16 verelst
On 14th draw, WASM O12 50 --- WASM an outmoded policy [n]
Other moves: WASE O12 44, MASE O12 38, MESA O12 38, MANSE O11 35, MENSA O11 35
WASE O12 44 kellybelly
MEW 15M 30 verelst
WAS O12 21 fatcat
On 15th draw, PERKIEST L2 80 --- PERKY jaunty [adj]
Other moves: RESPOKE M2 36, EEK 7A 33, KEESTER M9 32, RESTOKE M2 32, KREESE M9 30
ERKS N8 27 kellybelly
KEEPER M10 24 fatcat
On 16th draw, COZES 3I 38 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: CLOZES 12D 36, ZEPS 2J 35, CLOZE 12D 34, CROZES M10 34, SEZ K10 34
COZES 3I 38 kellybelly
COPES 2J 30 fatcat
W*GS L12WOGS L12 18 verelst
On 17th draw, VOWEL 12A 22 --- VOWEL a type of speech sound [n] --- VOWEL to use as a speech sound [v]
Other tops: VOWEL M11 22, WOLVE 12C 22, WOLVE M10 22
Other moves: AWE D10 21, LEVO 3A 21, VETO 3A 21, OLIVET 12D 20, TOWEL 11I 20
VIEW M12 20 verelst, kellybelly
VIEW 12L 20 fatcat
On 18th draw, TANGLIER M8 75 --- TANGLY tangled [adj]
Other moves: GARI 4J 23, GART 4J 23, TAGLINE M8 23, AGENT 11C 22, GATER 11B 22
LIAR 13J 19 kellybelly
PAIN 2L 14 fatcat
GRIN K11 10 verelst
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