Game on December 26, 2016 at 06:37, 2 players
1. 125 pts fatcat
2. 123 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


I9 62 90 


14E 62 152 


12H 80 232 


O8 185 417 


15A 53 470 


15G 35 505 


11H 27 532 


B10 34 566 


7D 65 631 


A8 41 672 


6J 64 736 


E4 86 822 


13B 39 861 


D1 26 887 


1D 42 929 


5K 30 959 


2A 24 983 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 1 4:54 -858 125 1.6547 fatcat 1 4:54 -858 125
verelst 0 7:56 -860 123 Group: not rated
1.4574 verelst 0 7:56 -860 123
On 1st draw, HOORDS H4 28 --- HOORD a hoard [n]
Other moves: HOODS H4 26, HOORD H4 26, HOORDS H8 24, HORIS H4 24, HOORD H8 22
On 2nd draw, TERRANE I9 62 --- TERRANE a rock formation [n]
Other moves: TERRANES 9A 60, EARTHEN 4D 20, HEARTEN 4H 20, NARRE I3 19, NEATER I6 19
On 3rd draw, ORIENTER 14E 62 --- ORIENTER one who helps another to adjust to surroundings [n]
Other tops: REORIENT 14C 62
Other moves: RETIRER 11E 28, RETIREE 15C 24, RETIREE 15D 24, RETIREE 15H 24, TOEIER G5 22
On 4th draw, BRAIDEST 12H 80 --- BRAID broad [adj]
Other moves: TRIBADES 12H 76, BARDIEST 12G 74, BARDIEST 11G 72, BRAIDEST 11H 72, DIABETES K8 72
On 5th draw, JAUNTI(N)G O8 185 --- JAUNT to go on a pleasure trip [v]
Other tops: JAU(N)TING O8 185
Other moves: JAUNSI(N)G N8 84, JAU(N)SING N8 84, A(B)JURING 7D 67, A(D)JURING 7D 67, A(D)JUSTING 9D 67
On 6th draw, FETCH 15A 53 --- FETCH to go after and bring back [v]
Other tops: CHAFE 15A 53
Other moves: HEFTE 15E 51, EATCHE 15A 49, BEEF H12 44, TACHE 15A 44, TEACH 15A 44
On 7th draw, STEAM 15G 35 --- STEAM to expose to steam (water in the form of vapor) [v]
Other moves: MEAL 15H 34, MEAT 15H 34, AMULETS M8 33, ABLET H11 31, LEAM 15H 30
On 8th draw, AREDE 11H 27 --- AREDE to declare [v]
Other moves: LEARED 11F 26, REDIA 11I 25, EARED 11G 24, LADEN 11K 24, ARED 11H 22
On 9th draw, WURLIE B10 34 --- WURLIE an Aborigine hut [n]
Other moves: GUSLE N10 33, GUSLI N10 33, GLUIER G5 24, WEIGH 4D 24, WE 14B 22
On 10th draw, ENDBRAIN 7D 65 --- ENDBRAIN a part of the brain [n]
Other moves: BLINNED 13A 38, LINNED 13B 32, LINDEN 13B 29, INANE A8 28, DAB 13E 26
On 11th draw, AZO A8 41 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other tops: ZOA A8 41
Other moves: FRIZ 12A 40, HAFIZ 4H 40, FOUSSA N9 37, DIAZOS F7 36, FAZES D4 36
On 12th draw, QI 6J 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: XIS N10 53, XI 6J 52, CIMEX D4 48, EXONIC D7 46, NOX 13E 44
EX D7 17 verelst
On 13th draw, SOUN(D)MAN E4 86 --- SOUNDMAN a person who controls the quality of sound being recorded [n]
Other moves: HOUS(E)MAN 4H 76, SO(L)ANUM B2 74, (H)OUSEMAN D3 74, AMOUN(T)S B2 72, MONAU(L)S B2 72
MAINS K4 14 verelst
On 14th draw, LAPFUL 13B 39 --- LAPFUL as much as the lap can hold [n]
Other moves: FAP 13E 30, FLAP 5K 30, FLIP 5K 30, PILAF 5K 30, FAP 5K 28
FLIP 5K 30 fatcat, verelst
On 15th draw, CLOOT D1 26 --- CLOOT a cloven hoof [n]
Other moves: COLOBI G3 25, TOISECH 4B 24, CITE D1 22, CITO D1 22, COLE D1 22
COOLS 4A 20 fatcat
TOOLS 4A 12 verelst
On 16th draw, CONKY 1D 42 --- CONKY full of a tree fungus [adj]
Other tops: KNOLLY 2A 42, WONKY 5K 42
Other moves: KELLY 2B 40, KYES N9 40, YELLOW 2A 40, YESK N10 40, EWK C2 39
KEY 5K 34 fatcat
LOCK 1B 10 verelst
On 17th draw, WIPE 5K 30 --- WIPE to rub lightly in order to clean or dry [v]
Other moves: PLEW 5K 28, WE F10 28, PEW 5K 26, WEIL 5K 26, WIEL 5K 26
WIPE 5K 30 fatcat
PEW 5K 26 verelst
On 18th draw, GILLIE 2A 24 --- GILLIE a type of shoe [n]
Other moves: KEVEL G1 23, EGIS N9 20, LEVEE N2 20, VEG C9 20, KLIEG G1 19
LIVE N2 14 verelst
VEG N4 11 fatcat
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