Game on December 26, 2016 at 23:18, 6 players
1. 337 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 324 pts verelst
3. 229 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 78 78 


11E 36 114 


L11 37 151 


8A 77 228 


14J 34 262 


O10 51 313 


A5 62 375 


15D 82 457 


N7 36 493 


O5 38 531 


14A 42 573 


13B 37 610 


F7 34 644 


M1 81 725 


4G 30 755 


M12 22 777 


3I 23 800 


1K 51 851 


6J 27 878 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
GLOBEMAN 0 9:43 -541 337 1.7166 GLOBEMAN 0 9:43 -541 337
verelst 0 13:57 -554 324 2.7143 sunshine12 1 7:09 -649 229
sunshine12 1 7:09 -649 229 3.7445 roocatcher 1 6:22 -705 173
roocatcher 1 6:22 -705 173 4.7362 WEASEL 1 3:03 -795 83
WEASEL 1 3:03 -795 83 5.7946 TWEEKS 1 3:04 -795 83
TWEEKS 1 3:04 -795 83 Group: not rated
1.4576 verelst 0 13:57 -554 324
On 1st draw, RETIARY H6 78 --- RETIARY resembling a net [adj]
Other moves: RETIARY H2 72, RETIARY H3 72, RETIARY H4 72, RETIARY H7 72, RETIARY H8 72
TARRY H8 24 verelst
On 2nd draw, SECRETE 11E 36 --- SECRETE to generate and separate out from cells or bodily fluids [v]
Other moves: COSEY 12D 20, CETES G5 19, CETES I5 19, COTES G5 19, COATEES 10F 17
COAST 10F 15 verelst
On 3rd draw, DEMOB L11 37 --- DEMOB to discharge from military service [v]
Other moves: BEMADS L7 35, BEADS L8 33, BESOM 10B 33, MEADS L8 33, DEMOB 10B 32
SEAM L11 22 verelst
On 4th draw, NATTIEST 8A 77 --- NATTY neatly dressed [adj]
Other moves: ANISETTE K4 66, ANTSIEST E5 66, INSTATE G2 66, INSTATES E4 66, NASTIEST E5 66
BEAT 15L 18 verelst
On 5th draw, WOOLIE 14J 34 --- WOOLIE a woollen garment [n]
Other tops: WOOLEN 14J 34
Other moves: LOWE M12 33, ENEW 10C 30, ENOW 10C 30, EWE M13 29, LEW 10D 29
BLOW 15L 27 verelst, GLOBEMAN
On 6th draw, YAK(K)ER O10 51 --- YAKKER one that yaks [n]
Other moves: (S)KYER O11 48, KYE(S) O12 45, RYKE(D) O11 45, RYKE(S) O11 45, (S)YKER O11 45
REKEY O11 39 verelst
On 7th draw, DRANTING A5 62 --- DRANT to drone [v]
Other tops: DRATTING C4 62, DRATTING C5 62
Other moves: DRANTING A2 61, DALI M12 25, GRADIN 12A 24, GRATIN 12A 22, TALI M12 22
GAY 10M 9 verelst
On 8th draw, DUAL(I)SE 15D 82 --- DUALISE to make twofold [v]
Other moves: DE(F)AULTS C2 70, SUL(C)ATED C3 70, SUL(F)ATED C3 70, SU(B)LATED C3 70, U(N)SALTED C3 70
DUE 15H 17 verelst
On 9th draw, HUMF N7 36 --- HUMF to carry something awkward [v]
Other tops: HUMF N8 36
Other moves: HUMP N8 34, NAIF B7 32, PUH 10D 31, IMP 14D 30, IMP N9 30
HA F14 13 verelst
On 10th draw, FLAG O5 38 --- FLAG to mark with a flag (a piece of cloth used as a symbol) [v]
Other tops: FLEG O5 38
Other moves: FEUD 8L 36, FAG O6 35, FEG O6 35, VAG O6 35, VEG O6 35
FUG 8M 21 verelst
On 11th draw, REWAX 14A 42 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: APEX I4 40, PREX I4 40, WEX I5 40, APEX 14B 38, PAX 14F 38
WEX I5 40 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
WARD D12 16 verelst
On 12th draw, HOC 13B 37 --- HOC this [pron]
Other tops: NICHE M5 37
Other moves: ECHO M6 36, OCHE M6 36, CHE M7 35, CHINO 4K 32, COHOE B2 31
NOH 10D 29 sunshine12
OOH 10D 29 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
CHEW C11 24 verelst
On 13th draw, NEEZE F7 34 --- NEEZE to sneeze [v]
Other moves: ZEIN F10 33, ZERO 6F 33, ZORI 6F 33, IONIZES E5 32, REZ 6H 32
RIZ 6H 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, roocatcher, WEASEL, TWEEKS
DOZEN 5A 30 verelst
On 14th draw, BADGERS M1 81 --- BADGER to pester or harass [v]
Other moves: SERDAB M3 33, REGMA 13I 31, BE 12C 30, SERDAB 6F 30, BADGES M2 29
SNEEZED F6 19 verelst
DA B10 16 sunshine12
On 15th draw, OVENING 4G 30 --- OVEN to cook in an oven [v]
Other moves: NE 12C 24, ECO G10 22, NOLE M12 22, EBON 1L 21, NOUN L2 21
OVINE B1 19 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
BIN 1M 15 verelst
On 16th draw, NOLO M12 22 --- NOLO same as nolo contondere, a legal plea which accepts punishment without conceding guilt [n]
Other moves: BOP 1M 21, POO 3I 19, ONO N1 17, OPINION J1 17, NIL M12 16
BOP 1M 21 roocatcher, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
BIN 1M 15 verelst
On 17th draw, PIP 3I 23 --- PIP to break through the shell of an egg [v]
Other tops: APPUI 3C 23, PAP 3I 23, POP 3I 23, PUP 3I 23
Other moves: OCA G10 22, APPUI B1 21, BAP 1M 21, BOP 1M 21, OBIA 1L 21
BOP 1M 21 sunshine12, roocatcher, GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, QIBLA 1K 51 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: OCA G10 22, OBIA 1L 21, OBOL 1L 21, AIOLI 3C 15, BAL 1M 15
QIBLA 1K 51 sunshine12, roocatcher, TWEEKS, WEASEL
On 19th draw, JOUR 6J 27 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other tops: ROJI 6H 27
Other moves: JIN J2 26, JO 13I 23, JOT 2H 22, JIZ 10D 21, PIVOT K3 20
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