Game on January 3, 2017 at 20:59, 4 players
1. 568 pts musdrive
2. 156 pts iwhist
3. 111 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 96 96 


5D 86 182 


4A 38 220 


8A 83 303 


B2 34 337 


I3 27 364 


D8 72 436 


14B 34 470 


13A 50 520 


K5 76 596 


15A 33 629 


12G 74 703 


M7 86 789 


15G 115 904 


14I 35 939 


C2 26 965 


N2 33 998 


O7 48 1046 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
musdrive 4 13:35 -478 568 1.7969 musdrive 4 13:35 -478 568
iwhist 1 4:50 -890 156 2.7828 SQUAW1 1 0:19 -998 48
scrab21 0 4:55 -935 111 Group: intermediate
SQUAW1 1 0:19 -998 48 1.6626 iwhist 1 4:50 -890 156
2.6251 scrab21 0 4:55 -935 111
On 1st draw, LUXATED H2 96 --- LUXATE to put out of joint [v]
Other moves: LUXATED H6 84, LUXATED H3 82, LUXATED H4 82, LUXATED H7 82, LUXATED H8 82
LUXATED H2 46 musdrive
TAXED H8 30 iwhist
On 2nd draw, TANBAR(K)S 5D 86 --- TANBARK a tree bark used as a source of tannin [n]
Other moves: BANT(E)RS G7 73, BARN(E)TS G7 73, BART(O)NS G7 73, LASTB(O)RN 2H 72, TURBAN(D)S 3G 72
BAS(I)N I1 22 iwhist
On 3rd draw, WOKEN 4A 38 --- WAKE to rouse from sleep [v]
Other moves: KNOWE 6B 35, KLEPTO D1 34, WOKE 4A 34, WOKEN G7 33, WELKT D1 32
WOKEN 4A 38 musdrive
WOKEN G7 33 iwhist
On 4th draw, UNAG(R)EED 8A 83 --- AGREE to have the same opinion [adj] --- UNAGREED not agreed [adj]
Other moves: DUNGA(R)EE 8H 80, UNGEA(R)ED 8A 80, (R)ENAGUED 8A 80, RENAGUE(D) I5 69, RENAGUE(S) I5 69
UNWAGE(D) A2 30 musdrive
WEE(I)NG A4 27 iwhist
On 5th draw, SHOJI B2 34 --- SHOJI a paper screen used as a partition or door in a Japanese house [n]
Other moves: JINGO B6 31, JONGS B6 31, SHOW A1 30, MOBS G3 29, GIROS I3 28
MOBS G3 29 musdrive
JA C7 17 iwhist
On 6th draw, MIRO I3 27 --- MIRO a tall New Zealand tree [n]
Other moves: MOB G3 26, OIK C2 26, MEVROU 7G 25, MEVROU G7 25, MIR I3 24
MIRO I3 27 iwhist
MOB G3 26 musdrive
On 7th draw, GOODSIRE D8 72 --- GOODSIRE a grandfather [n]
Other moves: DOEK C1 30, DOOK C1 30, ROOK C1 28, SOOK C1 28, OIK C2 26
DOOK C1 30 musdrive
On 8th draw, LORDY 14B 34 --- LORDY in the manner of a lord [adj]
Other moves: LORRY 14B 32, DIRELY 15A 30, TOYO 6H 29, DOY C13 27, OILERY 15A 27
LORRY 14B 32 musdrive
On 9th draw, NAZI 13A 50 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other moves: CAZ C7 48, ADZE 15F 47, ADZ 15F 44, CEAZED F7 38, CEAZE F7 36
CAZ C7 48 musdrive
ZA A1 35 scrab21
On 10th draw, SNITCHER K5 76 --- SNITCHER one that snitches [n]
Other moves: NOTCHIER 10C 71, SNITCHER 12D 66, CHRISTEN K1 63, CHIK C1 41, ENRICH 15F 38
ECH 15F 29 scrab21
On 11th draw, PELE 15A 33 --- PELE a medieval fortified tower [n]
Other moves: BUMPIER 3G 32, PTERIN 8J 27, BLEE 15B 26, PEBRINE G7 25, PIEZO C10 25
PELE 15A 33 musdrive
TRIPE 8K 24 scrab21
On 12th draw, FILARIAE 12G 74 --- FILARIA a parasitic worm [n]
Other moves: TAFIA 8K 27, ALEF 15F 26, ALFA 15F 26, ALIF 15F 26, ALEF L10 25
EF G2 23 musdrive
ELF 15F 23 scrab21
On 13th draw, FORMIATE M7 86 --- FORMIATE a salt of formic acid [n]
Other moves: FORETIME N5 67, FIORD E10 45, FREMIT N10 38, F(R)EMIT E7 34, MEOW A1 34
FERM 13L 29 musdrive
On 14th draw, QUARTES 15G 115 --- QUARTE a fencing movement [n]
Other tops: QUAREST 15H 115, QUATRES 15G 115
Other moves: QUARTES N2 93, QUATRES N2 93, QUAERE 14J 70, QUEERS 14J 70, QUEEST 14J 70
QUEERS 14J 70 musdrive
On 15th draw, DEEPEN 14I 35 --- DEEPEN to make deep [v]
Other moves: NEAPED 14I 34, PEANED 14I 34, PEENED 14I 34, WAE L8 33, DEAW A1 31
PAWNEE N2 31 musdrive
On 16th draw, OIK C2 26 --- OIK a boor [n]
Other tops: OAK C2 26
Other moves: VAGI C7 21, VAU N6 21, OVA N5 19, UVA N5 19, VAG G1 19
OAK C2 26 musdrive
On 17th draw, URTICA N2 33 --- URTICA a plant of the nettle genus [n]
Other moves: CRAVER J10 32, CRATER J10 29, CAA J10 26, DAVIT 11D 25, TAV G1 24
CRATER J10 29 musdrive
On 18th draw, WAVY O7 48 --- WAVY having waves [adj] --- WAVY the snow goose [n]
Other moves: BOGY O7 38, BOYG O7 38, ABY 6D 37, GABY O7 37, GOBY O7 37
WAVY O7 48 musdrive, SQUAW1
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