Game on January 4, 2017 at 04:35, 2 players
1. 395 pts verelst
2. 108 pts dannyboy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


6F 21 49 


K5 28 77 


G5 41 118 


10H 65 183 


M8 78 261 


15G 75 336 


O8 69 405 


5C 25 430 


14A 90 520 


A12 33 553 


N13 35 588 


C2 36 624 


4A 30 654 


A4 33 687 


B6 28 715 


L2 27 742 


2K 26 768 


1M 27 795 


2A 72 867 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
verelst 1 15:56 -472 395 1.7127 dannyboy 0 1:32 -759 108
dannyboy 0 1:32 -759 108 Group: not rated
1.4584 verelst 1 15:56 -472 395
On 1st draw, VACUA H4 28 --- VACUUM a space entirely devoid of matter [n]
Other moves: CAVAS H4 26, CAVAS H8 22, VACUA H8 22, CAUSA H4 20, CAVAS H5 20
VACS H7 18 verelst
On 2nd draw, FICOES 6F 21 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other moves: FICES 6F 20, FICOS 6F 20, PESOS I7 20, PISES I7 20, PISOS I7 20
PICS 6F 14 verelst
On 3rd draw, ASSAULT K5 28 --- ASSAULT to attack ASSAULTED [v]
Other moves: SATAI 5G 20, VALUTAS 4H 20, LITAS 5E 19, AITUS 5H 18, AVAILS 4G 18
TALUS K2 10 verelst
On 4th draw, MIX G5 41 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: MIX L3 33, MUX L3 33, AGISM 8K 30, SIX L3 29, MIHA 5E 28
SIX 12K 28 verelst
On 5th draw, VALLONIA 10H 65 --- VALLONIA a tanning material [n]
Other moves: NOVALIA I8 64, LAVATION 11G 61, AVAIL 8K 36, AVIAN 8K 36, AVION 8K 36
AVAIL 8K 36 verelst
On 6th draw, GENOTYP(E) M8 78 --- GENOTYPE the genetic constitution of an organism [n]
Other moves: G(E)NOTYPE M8 76, VOY(A)GE H10 48, G(R)APY O8 42, PAYO(U)T 8J 42, PEATY O8 42
PEATY O8 42 verelst
On 7th draw, OUTSIZ(E) 15G 75 --- OUTSIZE an exceptionally large size [n]
Other tops: STANZO O8 75
Other moves: Z(E)IN 15L 66, Z(E)ST 15L 66, ZOIST L1 50, SOZIN(E) 15H 45, ZONA O7 39
Z(E)IN 15L 66 dannyboy
STAIN O8 18 verelst
On 8th draw, TRA(N)Q O8 69 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: Q(U)AIR L1 48, Q(U)ART L1 48, Q(U)IRT L1 48, QI(N)TAR O6 42, Q(U)AIR O8 42
Q(U)ART O8 42 dannyboy
QI L4 24 verelst
On 9th draw, REREMAI 5C 25 --- REREMAI (New Zealand) a basking shark [n]
Other moves: ERRING 14B 21, REMAN 5E 21, ENEMA 5D 19, GENIE L1 18, GENRE L1 18
GIRN L2 12 verelst
On 10th draw, BECLOAK 14A 90 --- BECLOAK to place a cloak on [v]
Other moves: ROCKABLE C5 70, BOK 4D 38, EARLOCK C3 38, BAROCK C3 34, BECKE D1 32
CAKE D2 20 verelst
On 11th draw, MABE A12 33 --- MABE a cultured pearl [n]
Other moves: IAMBI A11 30, AM 15A 28, EM 15A 28, MEARE 4A 28, REAME 4A 28
MIRE C3 12 verelst
On 12th draw, OOS N13 35 --- OO wool [n]
Other moves: YOD 4D 33, ID N14 31, OD N14 31, IS N14 28, OS N14 28
DOORS C2 12 verelst
On 13th draw, TWIRPY C2 36 --- TWIRPY like a twirp [adj]
Other tops: TWERPY D3 36
Other moves: WINTERY D1 34, TWIRLY D10 32, WITNEY D1 32, PREWYN D3 30, TRIPLY D10 30
YEW D4 18 verelst
On 14th draw, HEID 4A 30 --- HEID a head [n]
Other moves: GUIDE 4A 26, HIDE 4B 24, MUDHEN 12A 24, DUNCH C11 22, GUID 4A 22
DUNCE C11 16 verelst
On 15th draw, HEFTE A4 33 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v]
Other tops: FOEHN A1 33
Other moves: EOTHEN A1 27, OFTEN B6 26, EATHE A1 24, HOTEN A4 24, ENFACE C10 22
FATTEN 2A 22 verelst
On 16th draw, AREDE B6 28 --- AREDE to declare [v]
Other moves: ARENE B6 27, ARERE B6 27, ARD B6 25, ARED B6 25, ARE B6 23
ENTER 2A 10 verelst
On 17th draw, JIRD L2 27 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: DJIN L2 26, JUNIOR E10 26, JUD L3 25, JUDO E11 24, JIN L3 22
JUT 2A 20 verelst
On 18th draw, DJINN 2K 26 --- DJINN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: GOD M1 25, DJIN 2K 24, DOTING 2A 24, JONG 2L 24, LOD M1 23
JOG 2L 22 verelst
On 19th draw, BIO 1M 27 --- BIO short form of biography [n]
Other tops: BOI 1M 27, INBORN O1 27
Other moves: INORB O1 24, BIRO 1H 21, BRIO 1H 21, LOBI 1H 21, BRILLO D10 18
BIO 1M 27 verelst
On 20th draw, RETUNING 2A 72 --- RETUNE to tune again [v]
Other moves: REIGN 3J 30, GREIN 3I 29, ENRING D7 23, ERNING D7 23, REIN 3J 21
GUILE D11 14 verelst
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