Game on January 7, 2017 at 04:26, 5 players
1. 207 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 148 pts roocatcher
3. 78 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 22 22
2. 10H 96 118
3. O4 100 218
4. K5 36 254
5. L1 80 334
6. 2G 80 414
7. 1D 41 455
8. M8 42 497
9. G6 30 527
10. J4 26 553
11. 3C 46 599
12. 4A 34 633
13. J10 27 660
14. 15F 45 705
15. A4 30 735
16. 14A 41 776
17. I9 30 806
18. 5D 36 842
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6910 GLOBEMAN 1 7:42 -635 207 1.7240 roocatcher 1 7:47 -694 148
2.7240 roocatcher 1 7:47 -694 148 2.7216 sunshine12 0 5:27 -764 78
3.7216 sunshine12 0 5:27 -764 78 Group: intermediate
4. - AMYtheROO 0 0:07 -809 33 1.6910 GLOBEMAN 1 7:42 -635 207
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:08 -823 19 Group: not rated
1. - AMYtheROO 0 0:07 -809 33
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:08 -823 19
On 1st draw, POINTE H4 22 --- POINTE a ballet position [n]
Other tops: OPIATE H3 22, PANTIE H4 22, PATINE H4 22, PINETA H4 22, PONTIE H4 22
Other moves: NETOP H8 20, PAEON H4 20, PAINT H4 20, PANTO H4 20, PATEN H4 20
On 2nd draw, L(I)QUATE 10H 96 --- LIQUATE to purify metal by heating [v]
Other moves: QUET(Z)AL 10B 94, TEQUILA(S) 6D 88, TEQUI(L)LA 6D 88, (R)EQUITAL 6D 88, QUET(Z)AL G6 86
On 3rd draw, ENTAMED O4 100 --- ENTAME to tame [v]
On 4th draw, ABORTUS K5 36 --- ABORTUS an aborted fetus [n]
Other moves: DORBAS N1 32, BARDOS N1 31, DOBRAS N1 30, ABORDS 11C 28, BARDOS 11C 28
STROBED 9C 20 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
On 5th draw, UNAIDED L1 80 --- AID to help [adj] --- UNAIDED without aid [adj]
Other moves: UNIDEAED 9B 68, INDUED N2 32, UNDEAD N2 32, UNDEAD G4 30, DAINE L4 25
On 6th draw, R(E)GNANCY 2G 80 --- REGNANCY the state of being regnant [n]
Other moves: CARNY(I)NG 2F 77, CARNY(I)NG 7B 66, CYAN(I)N 2I 36, CARNY I3 34, (S)CUNGY 1J 33
GAY M1 29 roocatcher
On 7th draw, RESEW 1D 41 --- RESEW to sew again [v] --- SEW to mend or fasten with a needle and thread [v]
Other moves: SLEW 1E 35, LEW 1F 32, REW 1F 32, SEW 1F 32, SEWER 1D 32
RESEW 1D 41 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
On 8th draw, OXTERS M8 42 --- OXTER the armpit [n] --- OXTER to take under the arm [v]
Other moves: CODEX 2A 41, CODEX 9E 41, OX(I)DES I8 41, OX(I)DE I8 39, OX(I)DS I8 39
DESEX 9E 38 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
X(I) I9 33 AMYtheROO
On 9th draw, GOAF G6 30 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: FOG J5 28, FOAM N4 26, MOG J5 26, OAF G7 25, FROM 12L 24
F(I)GO I9 20 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher, sunshine12
F(I)G I9 19 BadBoyBen
On 10th draw, IDOLA J4 26 --- IDOLUM a mental image [n]
Other moves: CLOD M2 25, DOLE J5 25, LODE J5 25, ALOD J4 23, IDOL J4 23
On 11th draw, THINK 3C 46 --- THINK to formulate in the mind [v]
Other moves: TH(I)NK I8 33, KITHE 3C 30, KNIVE 3C 30, TH(I)NE I8 29, NAH 3K 28
On 12th draw, VLEI 4A 34 --- VLEI a swamp [n]
Other moves: EVOE 4A 28, VEE 4B 24, VIE 4B 24, VOE 4B 24, EREV 12L 22
On 13th draw, QUOIF J10 27 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other tops: OUTVIE A1 27
Other moves: FEET 5C 26, FETE 5C 26, CITO M2 24, FEE 5C 24, FET 5C 24
On 14th draw, HOLIST 15F 45 --- HOLIST one who adheres to the theory of holism [n]
Other tops: LITHOS 15E 45, THIOLS 15E 45, TONISH 15F 45
Other moves: HILTS 15F 42, HINTS 15F 42, HOIST 15G 42, HOLTS 15F 42, LITHS 15F 42
On 15th draw, VOEMA A4 30 --- VOEMA (South Africa) vigour [n]
Other tops: ABOVE A1 30, AMOVE A1 30, MAUVE A1 30
Other moves: BIOME 14B 29, IAMB 5B 29, IMBUE 14B 29, MOBIE 14B 29, AMBO 5C 27
On 16th draw, BAJREE 14A 41 --- BAJREE a type of millet [n]
Other moves: BAJREE B8 35, BEWARE 14A 33, RAJ 14E 28, RAJ B8 28, WEB 5C 28
On 17th draw, W(I)NG I9 30 --- WING to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v]
Other moves: PUNJI C11 28, W(I)G I9 27, W(I)N I9 25, GJU C13 22, G(I)P I9 21
On 18th draw, CUZ 5D 36 --- CUZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: CRUZIE E9 34, RIZ B8 34, PRIZE E10 32, PIZE E11 30, ZIRCON 7C 27
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