Game on January 9, 2017 at 23:55, 5 players
1. 54 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 11 pts roocatcher
3. 11 pts sunshine12
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 74 74
2. 15H 119 193
3. N10 34 227
4. O8 44 271
5. G10 49 320
6. M10 52 372
7. 11E 36 408
8. F9 44 452
9. 9J 28 480
10. L3 30 510
11. K2 23 533
12. N2 76 609
13. O1 32 641
14. G2 63 704
15. I2 65 769
16. 2A 24 793
17. A1 54 847
18. D2 22 869
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6861 GLOBEMAN 1 1:37 -815 54 1.7221 roocatcher 0 0:29 -858 11
2.7221 roocatcher 0 0:29 -858 11 2.7274 sunshine12 0 1:05 -858 11
3.7274 sunshine12 0 1:05 -858 11 Group: intermediate
4. - BadBoyBen 0 1:49 -858 11 1.6861 GLOBEMAN 1 1:37 -815 54
5. - AMYtheROO 0 1:24 -867 2 Group: not rated
1. - BadBoyBen 0 1:49 -858 11
2. - AMYtheROO 0 1:24 -867 2
On 1st draw, (I)NDAMIN H8 74 --- INDAMIN a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: DAMNIN(G) H2 74, INDAM(I)N H8 74, MAN(K)IND H4 74, M(O)NDAIN H4 74
Other moves: DAMNIN(G) H4 72, INDAM(I)N H2 72, MAN(K)IND H6 72, (I)NDAMIN H2 72, DAMNIN(G) H3 70
On 2nd draw, SAVOU(R)Y 15H 119 --- SAVOURY a savory dish served before or after a meal [n] --- SAVOURY pleasant to the taste or smell [adj]
Other moves: UNSAVO(R)Y 14G 80, SAVOY 15H 75, SAVOY(S) 15H 75, SAV(E)Y 15H 72, SAV(O)Y 15H 72
On 3rd draw, POETRY N10 34 --- POETRY a literary work in metrical form [n]
Other tops: PETARY N10 34
Other moves: AUTOPEN 14B 30, EUTROPY N9 28, OUTPRAY N9 28, TEAPOY N10 26, ATOP G10 25
On 4th draw, THEME O8 44 --- THEME to plan something according to a central subject [v]
Other moves: FEHME O6 43, HEFTE O6 37, THEM O8 35, FEHME O9 34, METHO O6 34
On 5th draw, APEX G10 49 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: FAX G11 47, FOX G11 47, PAX G11 45, POX G11 45, AXE G12 41
On 6th draw, OOZE M10 52 --- OOZE to flow or leak out slowly [v]
Other moves: WOOTZ M8 40, ZOON M9 36, ZOOT M9 36, ADOZE 10G 35, TOPAZ 11E 32
On 7th draw, REPAIRS 11E 36 --- REPAIR to restore to good condition [v]
Other tops: REIFS F7 36
Other moves: ORFS F8 35, REFS F8 35, RIFS F8 35, EFS F9 34, IFS F9 34
On 8th draw, WHEW F9 44 --- WHEW a whistling sound [n] --- WHEW to utter a sound of astonishment [v]
Other moves: SHEW F9 41, HEW F10 40, HOWE F8 33, HADS 10F 31, HOWBE F7 31
On 9th draw, TORC 9J 28 --- TORC a metal collar or necklace [n]
Other tops: OTIC 9J 28
Other moves: ORC 9K 27, ROC 9K 27, TIC 9K 27, TOC 9K 27, COOZE M9 19
On 10th draw, FRANKER L3 30 --- FRANKER one that franks [n]
Other moves: NAFFER L4 26, NERKA E5 23, KARTER J6 22, KRATER J6 22, RANKER L4 22
On 11th draw, CIEL K2 23 --- CIEL to ceil [v]
Other moves: AGEE M1 22, CEE M2 22, GLEE M1 22, EALE K3 21, GEAL K2 21
On 12th draw, ADSORBS N2 76 --- ADSORB to gather on the surface in a condensed layer [v]
Other moves: ADSORBS G2 66, ADSORBS I2 66, ADSORBERS 4E 63, SIBS I10 37, SADO M3 31
On 13th draw, BYE O1 32 --- BYE a side issue [n]
Other moves: FY O1 29, AYE O1 26, BY O1 26, FAY J4 26, LYE O1 26
On 14th draw, LOADING G2 63 --- LOADING a burden [n]
Other moves: DIGONAL G2 62, GLADIOLA 5E 20, DINGO E5 19, DOLINA E4 19, DONGA E5 19
On 15th draw, VAUNTIE I2 65 --- VAUNTIE boastful [adj]
Other moves: VAUTE H1 37, VAIN H1 31, VANE H1 31, VANT H1 31, VAUT H1 31
On 16th draw, OUTFALL 2A 24 --- OUTFALL the outlet of a body of water [n]
Other tops: TOILFUL 2A 24
Other moves: FILA F4 23, FILO F4 23, AL J2 21, FA H1 21, FLOTA E5 21
On 17th draw, JOGGED A1 54 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other moves: JADE F4 37, JEDI F4 37, JAG F4 34, JIG F4 34, DOGGIE A1 33
On 18th draw, FILIATE D2 22 --- FILIATE to bring into close association [v]
Other moves: AL J2 21, FETIAL D2 18, FLUATE D2 18, FUTILE D2 18, AITU F4 17
EL 1D 11 roocatcher, sunshine12
ET 1D 11 BadBoyBen
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