Game on January 11, 2017 at 21:41, 9 players
1. 852 pts OrangeCup
2. 478 pts musdrive
3. 445 pts iwhist
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H6 82 82 


11H 72 154 


O8 39 193 


L7 78 271 


N2 83 354 


K2 68 422 


6A 68 490 


O1 29 519 


A4 36 555 


N10 35 590 


L1 29 619 


12C 37 656 


F8 65 721 


15A 51 772 


E2 36 808 


14A 33 841 


B8 37 878 


13B 34 912 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 10 18:14 -60 852 1.8574 OrangeCup 10 18:14 -60 852
musdrive 3 12:47 -434 478 Group: advanced
iwhist 1 10:44 -467 445 1.7981 musdrive 3 12:47 -434 478
SQUAW1 1 4:05 -721 191 2.7892 SQUAW1 1 4:05 -721 191
scrab21 0 3:17 -793 119 3.7900 PIThompson 0 4:09 -813 99
PIThompson 0 4:09 -813 99 4.7685 Mycophot 1 3:46 -839 73
Mycophot 1 3:46 -839 73 5.7828 sicilianc5 0 1:21 -882 30
sicilianc5 0 1:21 -882 30 6.7850 queen66 0 1:45 -882 30
queen66 0 1:45 -882 30 Group: intermediate
1.6736 iwhist 1 10:44 -467 445
2.6295 scrab21 0 3:17 -793 119
On 1st draw, SPORTIF H6 82 --- SPORTIF sporty [adj]
Other tops: FORPITS H4 82
Other moves: PROFITS H4 80, SPORTIF H3 80, FORPITS H2 76, FORPITS H3 76, FORPITS H6 76
FORPITS H4 82 OrangeCup
FORPITS H4 32 PIThompson
PROFITS H4 30 iwhist, sicilianc5, queen66
FIRST H4 24 scrab21
On 2nd draw, INTERVAL 11H 72 --- INTERVAL a space of time between periods or events [n]
Other moves: VENTRALS 6A 65, RELIANT 11E 28, RETINAL 11E 28, FAVEL 12H 22, FAVER 12H 22
INTERVAL 11H 72 OrangeCup
FAVER 12H 22 musdrive
FLARE 12H 16 iwhist
VAT 10F 14 scrab21
On 3rd draw, HAULM O8 39 --- HAULM a plant stem [n]
Other moves: HAOMA N10 36, MOGHUL O6 36, MUGHAL O6 36, MOULAGE O8 33, MAHOE N10 32
HAULM O8 39 OrangeCup, Mycophot
LOUGH O11 30 scrab21, musdrive
HA 10N 28 iwhist
On 4th draw, IMPOROU(S) L7 78 --- IMPOROUS extremely dense [adj]
Other moves: IMPO(R)OUS 6A 69, IMPOROU(S) 9D 63, OPSO(N)IUM 6F 63, MAU(R)I N10 38, OPIUM(S) 13J 28
IMPOROU(S) L7 78 OrangeCup
MAU(L) N10 25 iwhist, scrab21
PO(D)IUM G3 24 musdrive
On 5th draw, TARBOYS N2 83 --- TARBOY a person who attends cuts on sheep [n]
Other moves: TARBOYS M1 79, TARBOYS K1 76, YAARS N10 49, YAOURTS 13I 39, BUSTY 13K 34
TARBOYS N2 83 OrangeCup
BO(S)SY 14J 30 musdrive
YA N10 26 iwhist, scrab21
On 6th draw, R(E)NNASE K2 68 --- RENNASE an enzyme [n]
Other moves: RENNAS(E) K2 67, ENSNAR(E)R 4G 66, RENNA(S)(E)S 14G 66, R(E)NNA(S)ES 14G 66, (B)RANNERS 4H 66
(B)RANNERS 4H 66 OrangeCup
NANE O1 22 iwhist
On 7th draw, SLACKERS 6A 68 --- SLACKER a shirker [n]
Other moves: SLACKER(S) 14E 67, REAK J3 39, KE(S)ARS 14J 38, CAKE M1 36, KEAS M3 36
SLACKERS 6A 68 OrangeCup
REAK J3 39 musdrive, iwhist
On 8th draw, AINEE O1 29 --- AINEE elder (feminine form) [adj]
Other moves: ANISOLE A3 24, ENOLASE A1 24, SEALINE A6 24, AINE O1 22, EALE O1 22
LINE O1 22 iwhist
LANE O1 22 OrangeCup
On 9th draw, VISNE A4 36 --- VISNE the chosen location for an event [n]
Other tops: VISON A4 36
Other moves: NEIF J3 33, NIEF J3 33, OOF J4 31, ENVOIS A1 30, FOISON A3 30
VISON A4 36 iwhist
NEIF J3 33 OrangeCup, PIThompson
OOF J4 31 musdrive
On 10th draw, GAOLED N10 35 --- GAOL to put in jail [v]
Other moves: JOKED E4 34, JOKE E4 30, JOLING 4G 30, DIOL M3 28, VOGIE M11 27
JOKED E4 34 OrangeCup, musdrive, PIThompson, Mycophot
JA 6J 25 iwhist
On 11th draw, WETA L1 29 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other moves: WALKED E3 28, WILDCAT D2 28, WAID J3 27, WEID J3 27, DECLAW D4 26
WALKED E3 28 musdrive, OrangeCup
WE M3 25 iwhist
On 12th draw, THURIFY 12C 37 --- THURIFY to perfume with incense [v]
Other moves: HURLY 13K 36, ITCHY D4 34, TICHY D4 34, GURLY 13K 32, UGLY 13L 30
TICHY D4 34 musdrive
ITCHY D4 34 OrangeCup
HI O14 29 iwhist
On 13th draw, GLABRATE F8 65 --- GLABRATE glabrous [adj]
Other moves: ABLEGATE F3 63, GALABEA C3 28, TAKABLE E4 26, BLEAT 13A 25, ABETTAL C8 24
BLEAT 13A 25 iwhist, OrangeCup
BEAT 13B 23 musdrive
On 14th draw, EXCIDE 15A 51 --- EXCIDE to cut off [v]
Other moves: EXCIDE 15F 48, XI O14 45, XENIC 15E 42, DEXIE 15E 39, EXEC 15F 39
EXCIDE 15A 51 OrangeCup
XI O14 45 SQUAW1, musdrive
NIX 7A 37 iwhist
On 15th draw, QUONK E2 36 --- QUONK to make an accidental disturbing noise [v]
Other moves: ZONDA 10B 35, QUOAD C3 34, ZONK E3 34, ZOUK E3 34, DZO(S) 14I 33
QUONK E2 36 OrangeCup
ZONK E3 34 musdrive
WO 14A 33 SQUAW1
ZO(S) 14J 31 iwhist
On 16th draw, WO 14A 33 --- WO woe [n]
Other tops: WE 14A 33
Other moves: DICED D4 30, WICE D4 30, DE 14A 27, DO 14A 27, WEX B13 26
WO 14A 33 musdrive, SQUAW1, OrangeCup
On 17th draw, DOZE B8 37 --- DOZE to sleep lightly [v]
Other moves: DOOZIE 4C 34, DOOZIE 4D 34, DOZE(S) 14H 34, OOZED 4D 34, ZOOID 4D 34
DOZE B8 37 musdrive
ZOOID 4D 34 OrangeCup
ZO(S) 14J 31 SQUAW1
On 18th draw, FIE 13B 34 --- FIE adj doomed, FIER, FIEST [n] --- FIE doomed [adj] --- FIE used to express disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FE O14 29, EF J5 28, GIE 13B 28, IF J5 28, FE 13B 27
FIE 13B 34 OrangeCup, musdrive
FE O14 29 iwhist
FE 13B 27 SQUAW1
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