Game on January 25, 2017 at 05:54, 1 player
1. 315 pts verelst
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


8H 86 112 


5D 94 206 


4D 31 237 


L6 70 307 


13F 74 381 


6D 38 419 


H10 30 449 


15B 62 511 


6J 43 554 


O1 44 598 


B8 72 670 


A5 35 705 


C11 29 734 


D8 27 761 


B1 39 800 


N2 41 841 


M3 46 887 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: not rated
verelst 0 13:55 -572 315 1.4565 verelst 0 13:55 -572 315
On 1st draw, VO(I)CE H4 26 --- VOICE to express or utter [v]
Other tops: COV(I)(N)G H4 26, C(R)O(O)VE H8 26, C(R)(O)OVE H8 26, OC(T)(A)VE H8 26, VEC(T)O(R) H4 26, VE(L)C(R)O H4 26, VE(L)OC(E) H4 26, VOCE(S) H4 26, VOC(U)(L)E H4 26, VO(I)CE(D) H4 26, VO(I)CE(R) H4 26, VO(I)CE(S) H4 26, V(E)(L)OCE H4 26, (A)VOCE(T) H3 26, (A)(L)COVE H8 26
Other moves: COEV(A)(L) H4 24, COVE(D) H4 24, COVE(N) H4 24, COVE(N)(S) H4 24, COVE(N)(T) H4 24
COVE H6 18 verelst
On 2nd draw, ETHERION 8H 86 --- ETHERION a previously supposed light gas within air [n]
THINE 8D 9 verelst
On 3rd draw, EPISOMA(L) 5D 94 --- EPISOMAL pertaining to an episome [adj] --- EPISOME a genetically active particle found in bacteria [adj]
Other tops: IP(O)MOEAS 5D 94, ME(R)OPIAS 5E 94
Other moves: EPIM(Y)SIA M6 84, PES(S)IMA 9E 83, PE(S)SIMA 9E 83, VAMPI(R)ES 4H 80, (L)IPEMIAS M3 80
MAPS 9E 21 verelst
On 4th draw, WUD 4D 31 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other moves: DRAW 4A 30, WADT 6J 30, WARD 4A 30, WARD 6J 30, WAD 6J 29
AWED D3 16 verelst
On 5th draw, MURRAINS L6 70 --- MURRAIN a disease of cattle [n]
Other moves: MAINOURS N4 64, RAMS 9H 29, RIMA 9H 29, RIMS 9H 29, SAIM 9H 29
MAINS 9D 18 verelst
On 6th draw, RANGIEST 13F 74 --- RANGY tall and slender [adj]
Other tops: UPTEARING E4 74
Other moves: ANGRIEST 13F 72, GANISTER 13H 70, TANGIER 9B 70, HEARTING J8 66, ARGENTIC 7A 64
WEANER D4 10 verelst
On 7th draw, BOP 6D 38 --- BOP to dance to pop music [v]
Other moves: BOEP 3B 29, BLEEP K10 28, BLIVE 14B 28, BOP 3C 27, OB 6E 27
NIP H13 15 verelst
On 8th draw, AGONIC H10 30 --- AGONIC not forming an angle [adj]
Other moves: ANGICO E8 28, GAMIC 6J 28, CONGA H11 27, GUACO E9 26, INCOG E10 26
CANON H11 24 verelst
On 9th draw, DERELICT 15B 62 --- DERELICT anything forsaken or abandoned [n]
Other moves: DIMER 6J 22, RELIDE 14A 22, RETIED M5 22, LEIRED 4J 21, DEERE K11 20
TILED 11K 12 verelst
On 10th draw, HOMEY 6J 43 --- HOMEY a person from one's own neighborhood [n] --- HOMEY homelike [adj]
Other moves: AHOY 14B 38, BIMAH 6J 37, HIMBO 6J 36, BOHEA 14A 35, OBEY 14B 35
BYE C13 16 verelst
On 11th draw, NOYAUS O1 44 --- NOYAU a flavoured brandy [n]
Other moves: SAYON 14A 31, SOYA 14A 27, NOYES O2 26, AYE 14B 25, AYES O3 25
AYES 7A 17 verelst
On 12th draw, UNNAILED B8 72 --- UNNAIL to remove the nails from [v]
Other moves: INANELY 3I 22, LINEN 14A 22, AINE N1 21, EINA N1 21, ELAN N1 21
ANY 3M 12 verelst
On 13th draw, BARGE A5 35 --- BARGE to move by barge (a long, large boat) [v]
Other moves: FRAG A5 33, FUBAR 8A 33, TURF 8A 33, BERG A5 30, BRAG A5 30
FUG 8A 21 verelst
On 14th draw, AFORE C11 29 --- AFORE before [adv]
Other moves: FA 14J 28, FLOAT B2 28, AFORE E11 26, ALF N1 26, FLOTE E11 26
FLAT 10J 15 verelst
On 15th draw, TEILS D8 27 --- TEIL a lime tree [n]
Other moves: QIS 11K 24, STILET B1 24, TITLES B1 24, TELS D9 23, TILS D9 23
QI 11K 22 verelst
On 16th draw, FOETID B1 39 --- FOETID stinking [adj]
Other moves: FETID B2 37, DOF N2 30, FE 14J 28, OFT N2 26, DEIFY 3K 24
QI 11K 22 verelst
On 17th draw, JA N2 41 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: EWT A1 40, JETWAY 3J 38, TAJ N2 38, JA K10 31, WILJA 11K 30
QI 11K 22 verelst
On 18th draw, WEXE M3 46 --- WEXE to wax [v]
Other moves: EWT A1 40, EX C2 38, EX K10 38, ZEX 3A 38, KETE M3 36
FEZ 1B 25 verelst
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