Game on April 30, 2017 at 08:04, 3 players
1. 581 pts fatcat
2. 564 pts babsbedi
3. 504 pts debbieh
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


4H 28 50 


K3 78 128 


J8 33 161 


6A 70 231 


12J 31 262 


C4 63 325 


8J 42 367 


3I 72 439 


A1 24 463 


O12 55 518 


B8 35 553 


14J 42 595 


F5 71 666 


15H 55 721 


M10 37 758 


2A 34 792 


1E 34 826 


2L 27 853 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 2 12:13 -272 581 1.6632 fatcat 2 12:13 -272 581
babsbedi 3 14:05 -289 564 2.6715 babsbedi 3 14:05 -289 564
3. -
debbieh 1 24:26 -349 504 Group: not rated
1. - debbieh 1 24:26 -349 504
On 1st draw, PUGG(Y) H4 22 --- PUGGY somewhat stubby [adj]
Other moves: G(E)TUP H8 20, G(E)TUP H4 18, (C)UTUP H8 18, PUGG(Y) H5 16, PUGG(Y) H6 16
PUG H7 12 babsbedi
PUG H6 12 debbieh
PUT H7 10 fatcat
On 2nd draw, PANAX 4H 28 --- PANAX a tree [n]
Other moves: SAXAUL 5D 26, TAXUS 5E 24, UNTAX 5H 24, ALANTS 3C 23, SANTAL 3H 23
UNTAX 5H 24 fatcat
AX I8 18 debbieh
XU 5G 9 babsbedi
On 3rd draw, DAWBRIES K3 78 --- DAWBRY a daubing [n]
Other tops: BAWDRIES K3 78
Other moves: BIDERS 3I 45, BIDER 3I 43, BIDES 3I 43, WIDER 5K 37, WIDES 5K 37
BIDERS 3I 45 babsbedi
BEDS 3K 27 fatcat
DEW 3K 26 debbieh
On 4th draw, QAID J8 33 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: TIDAL 3I 28, DAVIT 3K 27, QAT I3 24, VINA J2 23, DIVA L9 21
QAID J8 33 babsbedi
DAVIT 3K 27 debbieh
QAT I3 24 fatcat
On 5th draw, ABORDING 6A 70 --- ABORD to accost [v]
Other moves: BOARDING 6A 66, ABORDING 7A 64, BOARDING 7A 64, QINDAR 8J 51, BIDON 3I 40
DAB 3K 21 fatcat, babsbedi, debbieh
On 6th draw, SWEET 12J 31 --- SWEET pleasing to the taste [adj] --- SWEET something that is sweet [n] --- SWEET to sweeten [v]
Other moves: STEDE 3H 30, ETWEES 3C 29, STEW 12J 29, SWEE 12J 29, WEES 5C 29
SWEET 12J 31 fatcat
DEWS 3K 25 babsbedi
WASTE A5 24 debbieh
On 7th draw, STOTINOV C4 63 --- STOTIN a monetary unit of Slovenia [n]
Other moves: VINOS O8 37, VINTS O8 37, OINTS O8 28, TINTS O8 28, TOITS O8 28
VINOS O8 37 babsbedi
VINTS O8 37 fatcat
IONS O9 15 debbieh
On 8th draw, QI(V)IUT 8J 42 --- QIVIUT wool of the arctic musk-ox [n]
Other moves: EIDO(S) 3I 26, TIDE(D) 3I 26, TIDE(S) 3I 26, (H)IDEOUT 3I 26, (B)IDET 3I 22
DOTE 3K 19 fatcat, debbieh
(S)ITE O12 17 babsbedi
On 9th draw, JADED 3I 72 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JADE 3I 48, JAILED 8A 45, JAILER 8A 42, JADE A5 36, JAIL 8A 36
JADED 3I 72 debbieh, fatcat
JADE A5 36 babsbedi
On 10th draw, AREOLAE A1 24 --- AREOLA a small space in a network of leaf veins [n]
Other tops: AREOLAE A6 24
Other moves: AREOLA A1 21, EALE 13K 21, LAER 2L 21, LARE 2L 21, LEAR 2L 21
REAL 2L 21 fatcat, babsbedi
WORE 5K 17 debbieh
On 11th draw, YLEM O12 55 --- YLEM hypothetical matter from which the elements are derived [n]
Other tops: YELM O12 55
Other moves: YAGI O12 52, YALE O12 49, ILEUM 5E 36, MAY B8 35, MATILY N10 34
YALE O12 49 debbieh, babsbedi
YAM 2L 32 fatcat
On 12th draw, POH B8 35 --- POH used to express disgust [interj]
Other tops: PEH B8 35
Other moves: HELP 2L 34, HELP B1 34, HOLP 2L 34, HOPE 2L 34, EPHOR D2 32
POH B8 35 babsbedi
HELP 2L 34 fatcat, debbieh
On 13th draw, HANKIE 14J 42 --- HANKIE a square piece of material for wiping the nose [n]
Other tops: H*NK**HONKIE 14J 42
Other moves: KOHA 2L 39, HAIK 2L 38, HANK 2L 38, HOIK 2L 38, HOKA 2L 38
HONK 2L 38 fatcat
HOKE 14L 22 babsbedi
HUNK N7 21 debbieh
On 14th draw, VIRAEMIC F5 71 --- VIRAEMIC pertaining to viraemia [adj]
Other moves: CRAME 15H 42, CRIME 15H 42, CAVIER 15F 40, CAVER 15G 37, CAVIE 15G 37
CRAVE 15F 35 fatcat, babsbedi, debbieh
On 15th draw, AZOLE 15H 55 --- AZOLE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: ZAIRE 15H 55
Other moves: LAZIER 15F 52, ZERO D1 50, ZORI D1 50, ZOEAL 15G 49, ZORIL 15G 49
ZERO 2L 48 fatcat
ZAIRE 15F 47 babsbedi
RAZE 15G 44 debbieh
On 16th draw, GLEEKS M10 37 --- GLEEK to gibe [v]
Other moves: GEEKS M11 35, LEEKS M11 33, LOERIES D3 33, GLOIRES D2 32, EIKS M12 31
ELKS M12 31 babsbedi
SOLE 2L 21 fatcat
On 17th draw, RIOTRY 2A 34 --- RIOTRY riot [n]
Other moves: YETI 2L 30, YETT 2L 30, YITE 2L 30, YORE 2L 30, EYOT E8 29
YETI 2L 30 fatcat
YORE 2L 30 babsbedi
VERITY 11C 24 debbieh
On 18th draw, OFTEN 1E 34 --- OFTEN frequently [adv]
Other moves: FOUET 1F 32, FOUNT 1F 32, FUTON 1F 32, FENT 1F 29, FOEN 1F 29
FUTON 1F 32 babsbedi
FOUNT 1F 32 fatcat
FOOT 1F 29 debbieh
On 19th draw, RIFE 2L 27 --- RIFE abundant [adj]
Other tops: REIF 2L 27
Other moves: FORCE A9 25, REF 2L 25, RICE 2L 25, RIF 2L 25, COIF A9 24
RIFE 2L 27 babsbedi
REF 2L 25 fatcat
RIFE A10 17 debbieh
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