Game on May 8, 2017 at 19:26, 7 players
1. 790 pts OrangeCup
2. 521 pts musdrive
3. 243 pts scrab21
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


9B 64 132 


14C 78 210 


8A 41 251 


11H 68 319 


O6 36 355 


10D 31 386 


L8 38 424 


D6 30 454 


I2 71 525 


5E 36 561 


4A 50 611 


3C 58 669 


2A 34 703 


1D 34 737 


2I 38 775 


11A 34 809 


M1 24 833 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
OrangeCup 11 17:55 -43 790 1.8787 OrangeCup 11 17:55 -43 790
musdrive 5 11:50 -312 521 2.8066 musdrive 5 11:50 -312 521
scrab21 0 14:40 -590 243 Group: advanced
PIThompson 0 0:45 -784 49 1.7712 PIThompson 0 0:45 -784 49
sicilianc5 0 1:07 -784 49 2.7679 sicilianc5 0 1:07 -784 49
Mycophot 0 1:58 -807 26 3.7238 Mycophot 0 1:58 -807 26
queen66 0 0:52 -815 18 4.7230 queen66 0 0:52 -815 18
Group: intermediate
1.6490 scrab21 0 14:40 -590 243
On 1st draw, T(O)RNADE H7 68 --- TORNADE a thunderstorm [n]
Other tops: ANT(I)RED H6 68, DA(U)NTER H4 68, DENTAR(Y) H4 68, DETRA(I)N H4 68, DE(X)TRAN H4 68, DRANTE(D) H4 68, DRA(G)NET H4 68, ENDART(S) H2 68, NAT(U)RED H6 68, TRAN(C)ED H6 68, TRAN(T)ED H6 68, TRA(I)NED H6 68, TRA(Y)NED H6 68, T(Y)RANED H6 68, (B)ARTEND H6 68, (C)ANTRED H6 68, (D)RANTED H6 68, (G)RANTED H6 68, (S)TANDER H8 68, (S)TARNED H6 68, (T)RANTED H6 68, (U)NRATED H6 68, (U)NTREAD H6 68
Other moves: ANT(I)RED H2 66, ANT(I)RED H3 66, ANT(I)RED H4 66, ANT(I)RED H7 66, ANT(I)RED H8 66
DETRA(I)N H4 68 OrangeCup
TRA(I)NED H6 18 queen66
(G)RANTED H6 18 scrab21
On 2nd draw, FAITOURS 9B 64 --- FAITOUR an imposter [n]
Other moves: FEATOUS 13G 30, FASTI 14F 26, SOFTA I11 26, TOFUS G11 26, TOFUS I11 26
FAITOURS 9B 64 OrangeCup
FASTI 14F 26 Mycophot
FIST 14F 23 musdrive
FAST 14F 23 scrab21
On 3rd draw, CONFEST 14C 78 --- CONFEST avowed [adj]
Other moves: SOFTEN 8A 47, COFT 8A 43, CONTES 8A 41, FENTS 8A 39, FONTS 8A 39
CONFEST 14C 78 OrangeCup
CONTES 8A 41 musdrive
FEST 14F 23 scrab21
On 4th draw, YOK 8A 41 --- YOK a boisterous laugh [n] --- YOK to laugh [v]
Other moves: KEY 8A 40, KYE 10A 36, KAY 8D 33, KEY 8D 33, KY 10A 33
YOK 8A 41 musdrive
KEY 8A 40 OrangeCup
YA 10B 31 scrab21
On 5th draw, AEGIRINE 11H 68 --- AEGIRINE a green mineral [n]
Other tops: REIGNITE E3 68
Other moves: RETIEING 7F 63, IGNITER E5 32, EIGNE D8 26, ERNING 10F 19, GREIN D6 19
REIGNITE E3 68 OrangeCup
ENE 10C 14 musdrive
NIGER 10H 12 scrab21
On 6th draw, MUTATED O6 36 --- MUTATE to undergo mutation [v]
Other tops: DEMAST O10 36, SMUTTED O6 36
Other moves: AMUSED O7 33, MASTED O7 33, MATTED O7 33, MEDUSA O10 33, MUSTED O7 33
SMUTTED O6 36 musdrive
DEMAST O10 36 OrangeCup
On 7th draw, NOY 10D 31 --- NOY to vex [v]
Other tops: NAY 10D 31
Other moves: CYANO N2 30, AY 10E 28, OY 10E 28, PAY 15D 28, PYA 15D 28
NOY 10D 31 musdrive
NAY 10D 31 OrangeCup
CRAP L10 16 scrab21
On 8th draw, HIJRA L8 38 --- HIJRA an exodus [n]
Other tops: RAJAH L11 38
Other moves: HARIJAN L9 36, INCH N3 32, JIHAD 12D 32, NACH N3 32, ACH 15A 31
NACH N3 32 OrangeCup
JIHAD 12D 32 musdrive
On 9th draw, ROSINED D6 30 --- ROSIN to treat with rosin (a brittle resin) [v]
Other tops: SOILED M9 30
Other moves: DOSER 13J 28, LOSED 13J 28, RESOD 13J 28, ROSED 13J 28, ROSINER D6 28
SOILED M9 30 musdrive, OrangeCup
OILS M10 19 scrab21
On 10th draw, MEGALOPS I2 71 --- MEGALOPS a larval stage of most crabs [n]
Other moves: GLEAM N2 40, GLOAM N2 40, GOLEM N2 40, GOMPA N2 30, POEM 15D 29
MEGALOPS I2 71 OrangeCup
AMPLE N2 28 musdrive
On 11th draw, EBRIATE 5E 36 --- EBRIATE intoxicated [adj]
Other moves: REBITE N1 26, BEER 15D 25, BEET 15D 25, BERE 11C 24, BETE 11C 24
BEET 15D 25 musdrive
TRIBE N2 24 OrangeCup
On 12th draw, QUARE 4A 50 --- QUARE queer [adj]
Other moves: QUA H1 42, QUAERE 11A 42, QUEERS 11A 42, MARQUES 2I 40, MASQUER 2I 40
QUARE 4A 50 OrangeCup
QUA H1 42 scrab21
SQUARE N1 40 musdrive
On 13th draw, HE(L)IX 3C 58 --- HELIX something spiral in form [n]
Other moves: HE(L)IX 4K 49, (H)EIGH N2 47, (N)EIGH N2 47, (W)EIGH N2 47, HEX 13L 45
HE(L)IX 4K 49 OrangeCup, PIThompson, sicilianc5
X(U) 15D 34 musdrive
On 14th draw, DOWP 2A 34 --- DOWP the buttocks [n]
Other moves: WIPED 11A 30, GOWD L2 29, PO 2F 29, DREW 11B 28, GREW 11B 28
PO 2F 29 OrangeCup
DREW 11B 28 musdrive
On 15th draw, ARVOS 1D 34 --- ARVO afternoon [n]
Other moves: LAVERS 11A 30, LOVERS 11A 30, RAVENS 11A 30, REALOS 13G 30, SOVRAN N2 30
LOVERS 11A 30 musdrive
SOV 13L 28 OrangeCup
On 16th draw, MEZAIL 2I 38 --- MEZAIL a visor [n]
Other tops: AIZLE N2 38, AZINE N2 38
Other moves: AZINE N8 36, IZAR 6A 33, ZINE N9 33, AIZLE 4K 32, AZINE 4K 32
AZINE N2 38 musdrive
AIZLE N2 38 OrangeCup
NAIL M9 19 scrab21
On 17th draw, VINEW 11A 34 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: VIEW 11B 32, CLEW 11B 30, EWE 11D 30, NIECE 11B 30, WAVE L1 28
VINEW 11A 34 OrangeCup
CLEW 11B 30 musdrive
WAVE L1 28 scrab21
On 18th draw, CIELING M1 24 --- CIELING a ceiling [n]
Other moves: TICE J5 21, CAGE L1 20, CANG L1 20, GENIC 4I 20, GINGLE 4I 20
CAGE L1 20 OrangeCup
GENIC 4I 20 musdrive
LICE M1 12 scrab21
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